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Warp Quake and units in Drop Pods

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From a thread in the OI discussing Warp Quake, a question has come up about the interaction between Warp Quake and units disembarking from Drop Pods.


Q: Does a unit being transported by a vehicle that has

arrived by Deep Stike that turn also count as having

arrived by Deep Strike? (p95)

A: Yes.


The question is, does the unit count as having arrived via deep strike, and is counted as such for the Warp Quake power? Let's say a drop pod arrives from deep strike and does so outside of the area of effect of Warp Quake, but the unit being transported inside, as it deploys from inside the pod, crosses the line into Warp Quake's area of effect.


If the unit suffers a mishap, does it only effect the squad and not the pod? If yes:

-If the unit is destroyed, does the pod also count as destroyed or does it stay on the table?

-If the unit is misplaced, does the pod get redeployed in the same location as the squad or does it stay put and the squad get redeployed without it? How does one explain the squad "teleporting" to a different location from the pod?

-If the squad is Delayed, does the pod go back into reserves with them or does it stay on the table? How does the squad then arrive from Reserves, as it was already declared to be Deep Striking but now doesn't have a means to Deep Strike?


If no:

-How does one justify the pod suffering the effect of the Warp Quake when it has already arrived safely, and it is only the squad that is inside the power's area of effect?

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No, because disembarking isnt deploying.


Only the Drop Pod itself will suffer misshap- though the squad inside will be bound by the result. If it lands 13" away and then they disembark in, they havent done anything to trigger misshap.


For clarity- the squad has already successfully deployed when they disembark from the pod. At the time of deepstrike they are being transported by the drop pod, and so suffer deepstrike misshap with it if it misshaps... just like normal. This is no different than say a deepstriking stormraven.

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I would say no. The squad arrived at the point where the pod arrived. Then it disembarked into the zone. It didn't actually deepstrike into it, even though the FAQ tell us it still is considered to be under DS restrictions (ie, No heavy weapon fire, no assault, etc).
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What happens if the pod lands within the zone. If both the squad and the pod are treated as deep striking would you test for mishap independently for each of them?

The mishap should occur before the squad gets out of the pod. So just 1 mishap roll.

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What happens if the pod lands within the zone. If both the squad and the pod are treated as deep striking would you test for mishap independently for each of them?

The mishap should occur before the squad gets out of the pod. So just 1 mishap roll.


Wouldn't the Aura effect invade the pod because ranges to squads are measured to and from vehicle hulls?

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What happens if the pod lands within the zone. If both the squad and the pod are treated as deep striking would you test for mishap independently for each of them?

The mishap should occur before the squad gets out of the pod. So just 1 mishap roll.


Wouldn't the Aura effect invade the pod because ranges to squads are measured to and from vehicle hulls?

The DP hasnt successfully deep-struck yet, so the squad doesnt yet counts-as deep striking. Even if you wanted to use the aura rules like that it wouldnt work.

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Iam guessing that it will be faq'ed in the future.

I doubt that :huh: Warp Quake is designed to be a defense against Deep Strike, and Drop Pods are solidly in the Deep Strike camp.


@ Bob - Can't affect a squad inside a transport with a psychic power, unless the model using the power is also in a transport.

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Another couple of questions just occurred to me.


How would Warp Quake interact with units being redeployed via The Summoning? Or with Shadow Skies/Blood Skies via a Storm Raven?


IIRC, The Summoning causes the models to arrive "using the Deep Strike rules" and so does deploying from a flat-out moving Storm Raven.

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You're right about the language of The Summoning- it flat says "using the Deep Strike rules". But for Shadow Skies:


"...deploy the squad as if it were Deep Striking onto that point."

That would indicate to me they are not, but are treated as.


So Warp Quake would affect units moving via The Summoning but not Shadow Skies.


And, similarly, affect Gate of Infinity, as it says "using the Deep Strike rules" as well.

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