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the Angels of Darkness


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Posted on B&C a couple times before, but my friend (chapter master benji) beginning to post on here has spured me to begin to do so again :rolleyes: . So here are some of my recent works.

First is a tactical squad minus one marine.




his power sword


plasma gunner


heavy bolter


bolter marine 1


bolter marine 2


bolter marine 3


bolter marine 4


bolter marine 5


bolter marine 6


Converted Space Hulk Deathwing terminators.


SB/PW terminator


SB/PW terminator 2


SB/CF terminator


More pics on the way and comments and criticism welcome. ^_^

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The thing that sticks out most for me is the highlighting on your Tactical Squad...makes them really stand out. That said, all of these are exceptional man. Are the Chapter symbols free-handed?

Keep up the amazing work! :rolleyes:

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Good looking Dark Angels there! I like the Green Armor, it’s a hard edge and that makes it cool. And the dry brushing on the robes seems to have worked out well! Your bone is superb but your metals are lacking all of the sophistication you have on the other colors. Good stuff!



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Thanks for the replies everyone.


@Phosis- I'd like to fight against your army. I'm a fan of your Thousand Sons. I'd be more honored to fight along side you though as I also play Thousand Sons. Thier my second love after the unforgiven. :)


@Kaosraptor- Indeed the chapter symbols are free hand. In fact, everything on every marine is freehand. I try to stay away from transfers on my marines because I can't make them look good. :rolleyes:


@Fatman- The silver does look bland. I will probably go back and do highlights on them. The only excuse for it lacking is laziness.

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I agree they look great. Mind sharing where Bolter Marine 3's helmet is from?

i think it's from the "bunny headed" khorne berzerkers with the ears cut off...


and fine looking Dark Angels indeed dynamicspartan :rolleyes:

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@Kaosraptor- Indeed the chapter symbols are free hand. In fact, everything on every marine is freehand. I try to stay away from transfers on my marines because I can't make them look good. :)

Ah, fair enough! I've started free-handing my own Legion symbols too, transfers are too much hassle. Again, you have a right to be proud man, looks excellent.

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Great looking Dark Angels, the only thing I can think of to say beyond that is, I'd use a smaller brush for the highlights (or thin the paint a little more). Watery paint for highlights can come out real great once you've got some practise in. But other than that, like I said, great looking Angels. The Freehanding on Marine 6 is awesome.
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Great looking Dark Angels, the only thing I can think of to say beyond that is, I'd use a smaller brush for the highlights (or thin the paint a little more). Watery paint for highlights can come out real great once you've got some practise in. But other than that, like I said, great looking Angels. The Freehanding on Marine 6 is awesome.


Yeah i have to agree with Tulkas man. i love the handpainting on the helm. always have loved variant schemes and its cool to see some on a loyalist marine.

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The hand painted iconography I love. I'll be honest and say I'm not a huge fan of radient edges highlighting – but that's taking nothing away from your excellent painting sir ^_^.


Your DW are awesome sauce, and your robes are nice and, err. 'dirty'.


I'd love to see how you tackle larger surface area models (vehicles, Dreads etc) in this same style.


To make them even better you need to give some serious love to their bases B).




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There has been a trend on this site over the last 3 or 4 years that kick ass HOH posts get ignored or barely commented on because of jealousy or people just have nothing to add and won't take the time to compliment. But I have to say I love the creativity in your icon placements, the squads are a 4 or 5 steps above table top quality which is saying a lot with most peoples armies at tournaments or game stores. You should be proud of the work you've done. Its nice and clean and deep in color/highlights/contrasts.


Now lets hope GW will compliment your work with a functional dark angel codex after 4 years of a disastrous one.


Nice Job :)

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Thanks again for all the compliments everyone. I can understand those of you not liking the highlights as they are a tad on the extreme side, but I think that each individual model looks a little extreme, but as a unit they really stand out and look great. I'm working on the last member of the squad. When I finish him I'll start working on a rhino for you Isiah as that's what I have planned next. ;) I also plan on posting my jump chaplain with the next post.


As for the bases, I really want to base them because they honestly need them. I'm thinking of doing urban bases, but I want to do it without overloading the bases with building parts and all that stuff. Kind of like the smooth highway and worn city streets in the basing SM bikes article on GW website but with debris here and there. What do you guys think?

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