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Commander Dante


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Im really confused why Dante the oldest living space marine and the chapter master of the blood angles is not an eternal warrior?

I wouldn't mind to much if he was maybe t5 or had a 3++.

Does any one else find this a bit silly?

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Im really confused why Dante the oldest living space marine and the chapter master of the blood angles is not an eternal warrior?

I wouldn't mind to much if he was maybe t5 or had a 3++.

Does any one else find this a bit silly?


Here, here! :)




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But on the other hand, he is way over 1000yrs old, so it's really not that weird that his body starts to loose some of its vigor. But he is a tactical genius so maybe he could have an ability to reroll his save somehow if he failed. Like a mastercrafted Iron halo :)


Not everyone can be like the allmighty Draigo who whips daemons better than the Emperor ever could...

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I personally think that it is not needed. Dante is not the hammer that calagar or lysander is. he should be used as a scalpel, and we can see that in his profile with his high initiative, as well as the hit and run special rule.


just my 2 cents.

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I personally think that it is not needed. Dante is not the hammer that calagar or lysander is. he should be used as a scalpel, and we can see that in his profile with his high initiative, as well as the hit and run special rule.


just my 2 cents.


Yeah you're right really, Dante is more guerilla tactics, he uses his mind before his brawn, he's a tactical genius.

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I personally think that it is not needed. Dante is not the hammer that calagar or lysander is. he should be used as a scalpel, and we can see that in his profile with his high initiative, as well as the hit and run special rule.


just my 2 cents.


Yeah you're right really, Dante is more guerilla tactics, he uses his mind before his brawn, he's a tactical genius.


That is the brilliance with Dante. One of the best ways to use him is rather "cheap":


RAS, sarge with power weapon and two meltaguns in the squad.

Priest with J.P and power weapon


Drop in within melta range, then bounce back and forward with those 5 i7 str5 attacks, plus the ones that the priest and sarge brings.

Lots of wounds, and "only" some 300 points for the squad. Honour guard indeed cheaper, but they drop like flies due to being five.

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I agree, Dante does quite well without it. Think of him as being hold enough to outwit his opponent rather than bash threw him. It does even say in the codex that he does think things threw tactically. As for the toughness 5 I would love to see him with toughness 5 however it would also drive his points up potentially making him to expensive to play.
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Deep Strikes without scattering. Confers to any Jump Pack unit he joins.

Hit and Run.

5 attacks as he uses two close combat weapons. That's 6 on the charge. 7 with Chapter Banner. 8 with Sanguinor. 10 with librarian using Might of Heroes and rolling a 3 or a 4.


This is possible, right?

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Deep Strikes without scattering. Confers to any Jump Pack unit he joins.

Hit and Run.

5 attacks as he uses two close combat weapons. That's 6 on the charge. 7 with Chapter Banner. 8 with Sanguinor. 10 with librarian using Might of Heroes and rolling a 3 or a 4.


This is possible, right?


11 attacks is legal, Might of heroes adds d3, so Dante can get to 11. Of course, pulling that off requires 3 HQ choices, so its legal only in Apoc/Planetstrike.

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Eternal warrior is overused. Instant Death rules become meaningless if so many characters can ignore them.


I might agree with you if GW hadn't just released an entire army with ID weaponry.

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Deep Strikes without scattering. Confers to any Jump Pack unit he joins.

Hit and Run.

5 attacks as he uses two close combat weapons. That's 6 on the charge. 7 with Chapter Banner. 8 with Sanguinor. 10 with librarian using Might of Heroes and rolling a 3 or a 4.


This is possible, right?


11 attacks is legal, Might of heroes adds d3, so Dante can get to 11. Of course, pulling that off requires 3 HQ choices, so its legal only in Apoc/Planetstrike.


Oh yeah, that's 3 HQ. doh!


Ahh well, just drop The Sanguinor. He costs too much anyway.

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I understand he is a hit and run unit im not saying hes bad at all im just saying the fluff doesn't make sense that he isnt while so many others are


I think the whole point is that while other characters have augmented their ability to survive, generally with wargear and so on, Dante doesn't need it... as he doesn't win by being the last guy standing, he wins before he sets foot on the battlefield.


If your Dante dies on you, quit the simulator and say 10 Our Emperors for failing Him.

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I guess what I am hearing people say and I agree with, is that not every HQ needs eternal warrior. I don't think Dante needs it. His plethora of other cool abilities make him well worth the points he requires to be played. To recap he can:


allow sanguinary guard as troops

deepstrike and not scatter

drop the stats of one enemy HQ

cause models to lose the ability to hit him well in combat

hit and run

has multiple high(er) initiative attacks

has more wounds than the average HQ

has artificer armor and an invul that is halfway decent (literally, 50/50 chance of passing)


In all, I think he is pretty great all around.

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I understand he is a hit and run unit im not saying hes bad at all im just saying the fluff doesn't make sense that he isnt while so many others are


If you read the fluf it does say he is one of the oldest and wisest Chapter masters out there. It also says he often outwits his opponents threw better tactics and will often confer tactics with the Furioso Dreadnaughts. I think he is addiquately represented in the fluff of the book.


Also lets not forget his curse and his ability to make anything on the table tremble in fear when they look at him.

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The BA get a super hard Codex,and some people are still not happy.Now they want HQ's with Eternal Warrior LOL. ;)


First of all we already have one, the Singuinor has it. Second this is just a discussion about it to which I think most of us agree that he doesn’t need it since he makes up for it with all of his other skills.

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If Dante is given Eternal Warrior, where does it end? Maybe if Dante didn't have any other special rules attached to him already I could see the point, but as it stands he's very impressive. But if you're going to give it to one Chapter Master, might as well start giving it to all of them.
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Im really confused why Dante the oldest living space marine and the chapter master of the blood angles is not an eternal warrior?

I wouldn't mind to much if he was maybe t5 or had a 3++.

Does any one else find this a bit silly?



HEH... A bit late to the party mate. :rolleyes: It was disapointing to see when the codex 1st came out, but most now agree he doesn't need it. Use him correctly, with the right supporting cast, and watch his enemies go bye bye



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