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Ramming a transport


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I thought of a situation recently and wanted to run it by a crowd:


A Tank Rams a Transport, destroying it. In the case of a Wrecked result, let's say the passengers have to disembark in such a way as to put them in the way of the still moving Rammer. Since a Rammer has to move its full distance (let's say it's super fast) it would continue to move right through the now disembarked unit, causing a Tank Shock. Is this right? Seems to be. This is the chronoligical checklist as I read it:


- Tank chooses to Ram.

- Tank turns, moves directly at target at max speed.

- Tank comes into contact with enemy vehicle.

- Ram hits are resolved; Transport wrecked, passengers immediately disembark/placed in crater.

- Ramming tank: check for vehicle destroyed? Yes it was. After Dangerous Terrain test, keep moving up to full speed.

- Tank comes into contact in now disembarked unit - Tank Shock! resolved.

- Tank keeps moving to end of distance or was halted by passengers.



Say the vehicle explodes. Those poor passengers now need to take wounds, a Pinning Test, possibly a Morale Test, and another Morale Test from the Tank Shock. Yikes! :D Of course, if they pass all that and destroy the Rammer via Death or Glory, that's now a totally awesome series of events.

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A Tank Rams a Transport, destroying it. In the case of a Wrecked result, let's say the passengers have to disembark in such a way as to put them in the way of the still moving Rammer. Since a Rammer has to move its full distance (let's say it's super fast) it would continue to move right through the now disembarked unit, causing a Tank Shock. Is this right? Seems to be. This is the chronoligical checklist as I read it:


This comes up alot when you're running a BW With Deff rolla and do a like 6" ram through 2-3 Rhinos in one go.

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Yes, you tank shock the now-disembarked passengers. IIRC, the rulebook has an example where there are units between the tank and its ultimate destination, and they are tank-shocked en route to the Ram. I would conclude that the reverse is also true.
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I thought it stopped when it hit the first vehicle? Will go and check... Back soon.


Edit - pg 69, col 2 para 4

... if the rammed vehicle is removed because it suffers a 'destroyed-explodes!' damage result, the rammer continues its move, until it reaches its maximum move distance or another enemy (which it will tank shock or ram again!)."


So, yes, in the particular example where the occupants can not deploy anywhere but right in the path of the ramming vehicle, then yes, you would tank shock them. But not if you only wreck the transport - the rulebook specifically says 'explodes' damage result.

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Just for the record...you don't move your full distance, only the one you declared.


This might seem un-important, but if you miscalculate and don't reach your target or the one behing that you intend on doing a double-ram...


I learned this the hard way: a LR tank shocked my terminators out of an an objective and learned that:


1.- you can only d&G with a model in the path of the tank...so place your meltas and chainfists properly


2.- you have to declare how much you move...which my opponent didn't do. FTR, LRBT move 15 cm + 1d6 do to being lumbering behemoth... so if he declares tank shock of 25 cm (15 + a 4 in the 1d6) and rolls a 3... he can't do it.

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Just for the record...you don't move your full distance, only the one you declared.


With Rams you have to go full speed ahead.


My bad... I guess I'm mixing tank shock and ramming.

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Just for the record...you don't move your full distance, only the one you declared.


With Rams you have to go full speed ahead.


My bad... I guess I'm mixing tank shock and ramming.


yup no worries :)

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Also, the BRB does not state you have to declare your Tank Shock or Ram distance in inches (or centimeters). It just says you have to declare a distance. "I'm moving to right here." is a valid declaration.

There is no guessig anymore, beyond attempting to Shock or Ram a unit outside of your maximum movement range.

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Au contraire!


Tank Shock

"To make this kind of attack, first turn the vehicle on the spot in the direction you intend to move it and declare how many inches the vehicles is going to move. The vehicle must move at least at combat speed."



"Ramming...is executed the same way, except that the tank must always move at the highest speed it is capable of." [so declare 12, 18, or 24" or more]


Your idea unfortunately is not valid in the rule set. Leonaides, good catch on the "only when it explodes" bit, silly me.

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Au contraire!


Tank Shock

"To make this kind of attack, first turn the vehicle on the spot in the direction you intend to move it and declare how many inches the vehicles is going to move. The vehicle must move at least at combat speed."



"Ramming...is executed the same way, except that the tank must always move at the highest speed it is capable of." [so declare 12, 18, or 24" or more]


Your idea unfortunately is not valid in the rule set. Leonaides, good catch on the "only when it explodes" bit, silly me.


I see. Colour me corrected. Which are you free to premeasure...shooting or movement?

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Movement in the movement phase and Running only.


I can never remember that one. :RTBBB:

Makes the distance thing less sticky, though with certain vehicles, you'll have to estimate the distance based on non-square measurements.

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