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Re-rolling Vengence Rounds

Marshal Roth

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Yesterday I was watching two guys in a game whilst painting some WHF Empire when a dispute arose. The first player had Sternguard with Lysander attached and opted to use Vengence rounds against his opponents tactical squad.


The guy rolled 3 1's and a couple of other misses and declared that Lysander could allow him to re-roll his failed roles. This both agree'd on, the dispute arose when the opponent claimed that the guy should role for wounds as he rolled 1's, they started arguing and eventually a few members in the store got involved.


I fell in with the guy saying that you could re-roll the 1's without been affected by the gets hot as the bolter drill effectively made the original role seem as though it never existed and in fluff terms the Marine could have simply taken the time to aim. The arguement was eventually settled with a dice roll with decided that he could re-roll the ones with out suffering an armour save.


What I want to know is which one is correct? I've looked but I can't seem to find anything that points to an answer but I could have missed it as I was that tired when I was looking.

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If dice are re-rolled, the second result counts. The initial result does not count. It is as simple as that. A player rolls three dice, rolls three 1s. But he can re-roll, so he picks up the dice again and rolls 3,4,4. The latter is the result that counts. the three 1s are ignored.
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They shouldn't need to be told, they just need to read the rulebook and it could not be more clear.


Page 31: 'Gets Hot! and re-rolls':


If a model has the ability to re-roll its rolls to hit [...] it may re-roll Gets Hot! results of 1 without suffering a wound, unless the result of the re-roll is a 1 as well.
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arrggghh you tell em pingo.. :)


Yeah, I don't take no prisoners, me! :D


But on a more serious note, and not to have a go at anyone or anything, but there are a lot of rules queries that can be quite simply answered by referring to the rulebook rather than having a debate or argument during a game.

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