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Land Raider Tactica


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Plain, regular, vanilla godhammer land raider. Not the optimal choice for anything, probably not going to be seen in any tourney lists, but some of us have them and want to use them for the sake of nostalgia or variety.


I started thinking about this since I stumbled on a good article about using the standard land raider as long range fire support and home field objective camping with a scoring unit inside. It was posted on a different, lesser warhammer forum with a filthy xeno name. :confused: I'm not going to post offsite links but I'm sure you can find it with a bit of googling.


It made sense to me since I've experienced how hard it can be to get rid of a ac/las predator acting as fire support. While getting a cover save will be rare with a land raider, having that sweet all around AV14 makes it a beast. Considering how much most players rely on melta for AT these days it will be a tough nut to crack at 48".



POTMS actually works quite well on the standard land raider. At range you can shoot at two different targets with the TLLC, very nice against an enemy with lots of AV10 since you can't roll less than 1 for pen. 83% chance to roll on the damage chart, I like those odds. Or you could fire the heavy bolter against infantry while you keep on zapping tanks with the sponsons.


The squad inside is there for three reasons. Score objectives, protect the raider from assaults and cover the 6" melta gap, Provide high volumes of short and medium ranged fire. A tactical squad seems best for this. A suitable load-out could be plasma gun and heavy plasma with a fist and combi weapon for the sarge.


Doable? Is there any extra equipment worth taking? Perhaps a techmarine inside to make it even more durable and super annoying to take out?

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If you need a bunker for a scoring unit, the Phobos is not a bad choice. I myself have had great, great success running sternguard units in one of them. Anything that wants to get into melta range gets wrecked by them, and they are nearly unkillable beyond that. The split fire capability of the PotMS is also very handy.
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Basic 5 man assault squad in a LR with MM. Great objective holder and can really dish out the damage.


If the enemy is lacking meltas, they can be a mean objective contester/stealer. Just takes you 6" per turn to get there.

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If you need a bunker for a scoring unit, the Phobos is not a bad choice. I myself have had great, great success running sternguard units in one of them. Anything that wants to get into melta range gets wrecked by them, and they are nearly unkillable beyond that. The split fire capability of the PotMS is also very handy.


What's a Phobos?

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I really like this idea, knife&fork. Even though it willconsume up to 500pts, but it may really work. Tacts with plasmagun, combi-plas, and even Missile launchers is a good 'cargo'.
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Why give the cargo a heavy weapon at all? If you're using the LR as a bunker then you're not going to fire it all game - they'll be inside with no fire points for most of the game, you'll be dismounting at the end, so you'll have moved and even if you have to get out early (due to variable game length or some such) you'll get one or two shots max, when anything worth hitting with it should have already been killed by the 'raider or something else. My options would be:


1. Full size tactical squad with flamer, sarge with power weapon/fist

This offers you the option of camping at a home objective, with the squad able to dismount and deal with most scoring infantry threats against both the LR and your objective.


2. RAS with flamer, plasma gun, sarge with power fist.

Again this option deals with both infantry and heavy infantry threats, and also gives you the option of bombing forward late in the game to claim/contest another objective, or using your full move early on to bunker by something central.

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Why give the cargo a heavy weapon at all? If you're using the LR as a bunker then you're not going to fire it all game - they'll be inside with no fire points for most of the game, you'll be dismounting at the end, so you'll have moved and even if you have to get out early (due to variable game length or some such) you'll get one or two shots max, when anything worth hitting with it should have already been killed by the 'raider or something else. My options would be:


1. Full size tactical squad with flamer, sarge with power weapon/fist

This offers you the option of camping at a home objective, with the squad able to dismount and deal with most scoring infantry threats against both the LR and your objective.


2. RAS with flamer, plasma gun, sarge with power fist.

Again this option deals with both infantry and heavy infantry threats, and also gives you the option of bombing forward late in the game to claim/contest another objective, or using your full move early on to bunker by something central.


Why not take the discounted heavy weapon? All you give up is one bolter shot at 24" and one at 12" It's not like you have to fire it unless you want to.


The cargo is there both for scoring purposes and protection. The squad might spend the entire game inside it, or out side. Whatever the situation calls for. While the assault squad can take two special weapons there is little point unless they are both assault weapons.


If we assume that we go with the tactical the plasma cannon makes most sense because it can deal with all types of infantry. We don't need another anti tank weapon, the radier has you covered.

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I want to have a go at a full land raider list using two godhammers with ten man RAS squads for objectives and one LRC with a terminator deathstar so this is interesting... I used to have a landraider but they got discontinued before I got to use it properly! When did the landraider come back out actually? I was devastated when I took mine to a huge campaign battle only to find out my DC had to footslog it :)
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I used to have a landraider but they got discontinued before I got to use it properly! When did the landraider come back out actually? I was devastated when I took mine to a huge campaign battle only to find out my DC had to footslog it :P


What now? I think someone was pulling your leg. As far as I know the land raider has been legal non stop since October 1987.

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I prefer the godhammer equipped LR over the other variants when it comes to mobile support for BA. I tend to load my LR with a small termie + chaplain squad before sending it on it's way where I'm likely to need it most later on. Of course, given it's limited speed when compared to the rest of the BA rhino-based fleet - IE: fast - it has a tendency to arrive much, much later.


This isn't necessarily a bad thing...sometimes - depends on the opponent and the dice gods - as this allows me several turns to employ my jump troops and VVs to clear the path of anti-armor units and the like. Having a termie squad show up toward the end of the game when most of the hard hitting competition has been removed makes for some really cathartic massacres in my opponent's backyard.


Another good thing about a godhammer is the fact that it can clear it's own path up to 48''. I've had my LR 'Invicta' go toe-to-toe with 3 broadsides for 3 shooting turns - this action was more out of desperation than desire as the rest of my army was in tatters due to failed deepstrikes under the old PDF 'dex rules.


As it was however, final tally: LR 3 / Broadsides 0.


Try doing that with a Crusader / Redeemer.

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I used to have a landraider but they got discontinued before I got to use it properly! When did the landraider come back out actually? I was devastated when I took mine to a huge campaign battle only to find out my DC had to footslog it :devil:


What now? I think someone was pulling your leg. As far as I know the land raider has been legal non stop since October 1987.


It definitely was discontinued for a while as I had got one from a friend and painted it up BA colours then took it to the tyranid invasion (not sure of the date but it was early to mid 90's) and the staff said it had been discontinued and was no longer legal to use it in the shop for historic event battles!

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It definitely was discontinued for a while as I had got one from a friend and painted it up BA colours then took it to the tyranid invasion (not sure of the date but it was early to mid 90's) and the staff said it had been discontinued and was no longer legal to use it in the shop for historic event battles!


That would be the 2rd Edition Ichar IV campaign I think. I think it's pretty harsh that the staff didn't allow you to use your classic Landraider. I was a staffer back then and was one of the few, if not only, people in my part of London to have one (I certainly never saw another one) and I definitely used it in the shop. Perhaps I was breaking the rules, but nobody told me otherwise. Our area manager scratch built one out of WW1 tank kits and it was shown in White Dwarf.


Ahh, back in the day, when I had the best tank in the area............

I've still got it and it's getting a run out on Sunday against the IG.



With regards to this tactical discussion: I'll be putting a Crusader squad in the Landraider, 5 Initiates, 3 Neophytes, all with BP/CCW (like a BA RAS squad) plus a Flamer and Powerfist. This squad is cheap, so I'm not losing much by camping them in the LR and there's no heavy weapon as the LR has no fire points. They'll have a flamer shot, 7 bolt pistol shots, 20 S4 melee attacks and 2 from the fist (assuming I get a volley-charge off of course). My thinking behind it is pretty much like this quote from AGPO:

2. RAS with flamer, plasma gun, sarge with power fist.

Again this option deals with both infantry and heavy infantry threats, and also gives you the option of bombing forward late in the game to claim/contest another objective, or using your full move early on to bunker by something central.

My squad is just cheaper than a full RAS squad with all the toys.

Hopefully it'll work nicely!

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I used to have a landraider but they got discontinued before I got to use it properly! When did the landraider come back out actually? I was devastated when I took mine to a huge campaign battle only to find out my DC had to footslog it <_<


What now? I think someone was pulling your leg. As far as I know the land raider has been legal non stop since October 1987.


It definitely was discontinued for a while as I had got one from a friend and painted it up BA colours then took it to the tyranid invasion (not sure of the date but it was early to mid 90's) and the staff said it had been discontinued and was no longer legal to use it in the shop for historic event battles!


Yeah the old 2nd ed model was out of production for many good years. I started 40k back at the later part of 2nd edition and even then they were already unobtainable, all the way until the release of the current kit, which was about.....11 years ago I reckon? (Man time flies.....)

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never owned a LR, but got the wrecks of 2 from my brother who stopped playing. hope to make 1 "functioning" LR from it and will turn the other into terrain (probably, lascannons twisted, pieces of track missing etc...)


that said, tacticals or an assault squad on foot would be perfect. assault squads are also able to wield 2 plasmagunners making them good at picking out heavy infantry (they lose bolter shots though and gain close combat attacks...making it a perfect defensive squad?)

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never owned a LR, but got the wrecks of 2 from my brother who stopped playing. hope to make 1 "functioning" LR from it and will turn the other into terrain (probably, lascannons twisted, pieces of track missing etc...)


that said, tacticals or an assault squad on foot would be perfect. assault squads are also able to wield 2 plasmagunners making them good at picking out heavy infantry (they lose bolter shots though and gain close combat attacks...making it a perfect defensive squad?)


To get the most out of two plasma guns you have to move within range where you risk a counter assault next turn. To shoot at all beyond that you have to remain stationary. Also you can't shoot them and charge, so any enemy unit that you want to deny the charge will have to be broken in your shooting phase.


For these reasons I think the TAC squad is far better option if you want focus on shooting.

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Yes, I totally agree. With LR behind, tac can take no PF, and reduce their cost. Combiplas on sarge, plasmagun and plasma cannon will grant up to 4 s7 shots and one pie plate, and from 8 to 16 bolter shots. If they face a dread or pred (or whatever AV), Lascannons will help a lot.
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Yes, I totally agree. With LR behind, tac can take no PF, and reduce their cost. Combiplas on sarge, plasmagun and plasma cannon will grant up to 4 s7 shots and one pie plate, and from 8 to 16 bolter shots. If they face a dread or pred (or whatever AV), Lascannons will help a lot.


I'd still keep the PF, the lascannons on the raider is not going to help against a walker or MC if it gets locked in close combat with the squad.

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Yes, you're right. But with droppod the dread has to wait a bit before assaulting. Whatever it is, having a PF is a plus. If points allow, it should be taken.
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never owned a LR, but got the wrecks of 2 from my brother who stopped playing. hope to make 1 "functioning" LR from it and will turn the other into terrain (probably, lascannons twisted, pieces of track missing etc...)


that said, tacticals or an assault squad on foot would be perfect. assault squads are also able to wield 2 plasmagunners making them good at picking out heavy infantry (they lose bolter shots though and gain close combat attacks...making it a perfect defensive squad?)


To get the most out of two plasma guns you have to move within range where you risk a counter assault next turn. To shoot at all beyond that you have to remain stationary. Also you can't shoot them and charge, so any enemy unit that you want to deny the charge will have to be broken in your shooting phase.


For these reasons I think the TAC squad is far better option if you want focus on shooting.

you were talking about having a defensive unit inside the LR. when something draws near disgorge the assault squad and rapid fire the 2 plasmaguns. a tac squad can only have one special and one HEAVY weapon at any given time. you need to disembark the turn BEFORE you want to fire hence its unlikely the tac squad will be as defensive as the assault squad. the assault squad will also have more attacks in close combat and hence can defence themselves better against whatever threat looms near.


and tbh if it cant threaten your raider there is no need to disembark anything, except when they are threatening to contest your objective. and since you can park your raider safely ontop of an objective and keep your opponent away from it...well....lets just say the tacticals arent needed. not to mention that the assault squad is actually cheaper to take then a tactical squad with equal weaponry due to the discount they get from removing their jumppacks :)


so if for example a huge brood of genestealers draws close to your objective simply sit there ignoring them (maybe fiiring the heavy bolter at them whilst laughing evily and blasting MC's with the lascannons) whilst if a walker or MC draws near throw out your cargo and let the double plasma rip. 4 S7 shots can really put the hurt on some units (like terminators, deamon princes etc) and if they survive (likely unless you completly wipe them out) the assault marines will fend for themselves better then tacticals will. a fist is almost mandatory for such a squad. without one they cant do jack **** in close combat, cant protect against walkers/dreadnoughts and cant fend off enemy characters....at all


i like the idea of using sternguards though (mind you theyre not scoring, but ARE a very defensive unit with some lethal ranged firepower :))

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It definitely was discontinued for a while as I had got one from a friend and painted it up BA colours then took it to the tyranid invasion (not sure of the date but it was early to mid 90's) and the staff said it had been discontinued and was no longer legal to use it in the shop for historic event battles!


That would be the 2rd Edition Ichar IV campaign I think. I think it's pretty harsh that the staff didn't allow you to use your classic Landraider. I was a staffer back then and was one of the few, if not only, people in my part of London to have one (I certainly never saw another one) and I definitely used it in the shop. Perhaps I was breaking the rules, but nobody told me otherwise. Our area manager scratch built one out of WW1 tank kits and it was shown in White Dwarf.


Ahh, back in the day, when I had the best tank in the area............

I've still got it and it's getting a run out on Sunday against the IG.



With regards to this tactical discussion: I'll be putting a Crusader squad in the Landraider, 5 Initiates, 3 Neophytes, all with BP/CCW (like a BA RAS squad) plus a Flamer and Powerfist. This squad is cheap, so I'm not losing much by camping them in the LR and there's no heavy weapon as the LR has no fire points. They'll have a flamer shot, 7 bolt pistol shots, 20 S4 melee attacks and 2 from the fist (assuming I get a volley-charge off of course). My thinking behind it is pretty much like this quote from AGPO:

2. RAS with flamer, plasma gun, sarge with power fist.

Again this option deals with both infantry and heavy infantry threats, and also gives you the option of bombing forward late in the game to claim/contest another objective, or using your full move early on to bunker by something central.

My squad is just cheaper than a full RAS squad with all the toys.

Hopefully it'll work nicely!


Yeah I wish I still had it, I think I traded it on when I couldn't use it anymore and also I'd turned to chaos so all I cared about was getting a bloodthirster so I'm pretty sure I sold it to go into my 'greater daemon of khorne fund' lol.

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