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Dread in a drop pod for DOA...

Revan Noir

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So I was thinking about putting a furioso dread with a drop pod on my DOA army list.. but this violates the "units with DOA only rule" that some people harp on with DOA lists.


Does anyone have any experience with this? I'm thinking about running it with a 1500 point army.

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The problem is that I believe the drop pod assault rules will have it come in on first turn while your whole army will be there on 2nd. It will face 1500 points worth of anti tank.

That is the risk. Probably better to use a Stormraven to bring in a dread and another unit than a drop pod.

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If you fully reserve your army of DOA yes you will not have any units until turn 2, of course on turn 2 75% of your units should show up (provided maths are right), this allows you to pull a whole bunch of tricks like going second and denying your enemy multiple shooting phases. Using your squads to assassinate key enemy units before they do ANYTHING. Or my personal favorite, use blitzkrieg like tactics to make the fight uneven, ie your 1500 pts against his 750pts on a flank, then turn around and do it to his other 750 pts.
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On a separate note, pure DOA just sounds like a dick move and while you'll have fun once it goes off, not playing for a turn and a half sounds boring to me.


A dick move you say? To make an opponent sit throught the 0 seconds it takes for my first turn?


What does it say about my opponent if they can't be bothered to wait a whopping 0 seconds?

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I just love drop podding a dread with magna and frag cannon! Sure, he dies the first round most of the time, but the opponent has wasted most of his shooting against it, but if he lives, rock n' roll! It doesn't work as well in a DoA list, but it's still a good way to kill something nice in the first round. And the frag cannon just loves it when he places his tanks in a row. That rending does wonders sometimes!
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A dick move you say? To make an opponent sit throught the 0 seconds it takes for my first turn?


What does it say about my opponent if they can't be bothered to wait a whopping 0 seconds?


Hahah, indeed. In fact I'd take it a step further and say that it's the epitome of sportsmanship. Who else gives the opponent one and a half turns that are dedicated solely to him? :D

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@ Mykra: lol, that's a good point I've never thought of. And I am DoA fan.


As for dread - take two of them, and one 5man RAS in the third pod, thus you'll have two podded dreads arriving on turn 1 and reserved squad to be dropped on objective. Although it would be not pure DoA you may still call it so (DoA -descent of ancients :blink:)

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@ Mykra: lol, that's a good point I've never thought of. And I am DoA fan.


As for dread - take two of them, and one 5man RAS in the third pod, thus you'll have two podded dreads arriving on turn 1 and reserved squad to be dropped on objective. Although it would be not pure DoA you may still call it so (DoA -descent of ancients :))

This is a good idea. You could also put a Sternguard in one of the drop pods, dropping Sternguard seems to work well.

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Or buy an extra pod for something else, like a raven's cargo as a 1st turn blocker, keeping your one dread ion pod in reserve to arrive with other elements.

Also works for Devs. You can deploy the devs normally and use the pod as a blocker as shatter suggests.

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Add a beacon and a death launcher to the drop pod. Now the pod is a real threat allowing your DS guys not to scatter and a turn 2 pie plate. That should help split the fire coming in at the dread. Also, it's not too hard to find a good spot to drop your dread, just around the corner of a building or forest to keep out of LOS of some of the enemy anti-tank, and try to drop in away from meltas...obviously.
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just drop the dread near nough so that it can slag an important tank well enough to stop it shooting, something important like a vindicator or excorcist...take something like that out with a dread will more than help the rest of your forces to survive a turn.
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ive been thinking about a hybrid of DoA and DPs instead of the popular mech/DoA hybrid. Take about 3-5 pods with dreads, maybe a tact squad or HQ unit on foot. each pod should be given a locator beacon so that all the other troops come in perfectly safe and it makes them targets for your opponent so your 2 or so dreads will not be the only targets on turn one.


how well would this kind of list work?


ive seen some people build lists with forgeworld deathstorm pods that just land and shoot up the place turn one and if they die o well.

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This idea may work well. Take 5 pods. 2 with dreads, one with tycho+sternguard, and another two with RAS (to optimize the costs). Keep RAS in reserves. While dreads will harass vehicles (frag and melta should work well), tycho and sternguard will shoot off infantry (and can retaliate if being assaulted). RAS then will deploy right on objectives. The only setback is that you fill all elite slots, so taking rifleman dreads may be a better idea.
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