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An Astral Claw Log


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Haha yeah, they're pretty horrific ( maybe not ruleswise) but certainly they embodiment of the depths to which the Claws have sunk too. I just wish that we get more info on what they did. I want them to expand on the trial of the one they show in the book.
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Cheers man them's the breaks, it was a long shot that a servitor would win it, they're not exactly the most exciting minis GW put out. Haha. I was gonna enter the techmarine but I had so little time to paint him I just threw in the servitor instead.
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Heh, to me he looks like he's checking something out, in a "Hey guys, what the hell was that?" style. :P

Noooooooooooo, it's more:

'Hey, guys! Guys! Lookit what I just killed! Damnit, I'm good!'


:P :D


I do love the corpse taker apoth, think that's the pose for my Flesh Tearer's one nailed right there.

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Cheers guys, much appreciated. I finished the Flamer wielding Marine tonight so I thought I'd post him up. " more marines and the Assault Squad is done. Got my Terminators from Wayland today so I'm just waiting for the forge world goodies to make some bad ass 1st Company hard men.







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Cheers guys, It's mainly kit bashes at the moment and recycling the old metals which has given each model a slightly more individual look to eachother. tominator you got it bang on the money mate. I wanted to make the Flamer nozzle a bit longer but trying to file it down kept making it shorter haha so almost no point to doing it at all.
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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks been a while since an update, but my Forge World goodies arrived so I could begin my Terminators. The new pads are great, and I had to do very little besides peel some of the flash off. Also bought some mkIII aromour for my Sternguard squad and a pack of the Power Armour pads. Again perfect casts (you hear that GW!). Anyway, on to the pics.


Here's the Sarge all painted up.





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Cheers guys, I think the Astral Claws adhere to the Mr T Codex in that the cooler you look the better, hahaha. I do like the FW kit though, it's very nice. I got an army pic of all the units built so far. Got three more Terminators to do and finish up the bases on them and then I'll look at a Rhino and my Sternguard Squad.




Cheers again,



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Thanks mate, I'm hoping I'll get it done to a reasonable level by the end of the month, I'll be adding stuff all the time but I'm mainly trying to get finished the list I posted up earlier in the thread. Just got to stop being distracted by shiny things. :D
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Cheers Arne, I worked on a third Terminator tonight. The only thing left is to drill the barrels on these guys and complete the bases. I've given each terminator a different bare head in an attempt to give each some personality. I know that from a tactical and indeed, a health and safety point of view it's ridiculous, but I like the heroic (insane) look of bare headed marines. 2 more to go.









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Finally got another Termi done. One more to go and I'm back on track.










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2 Sternguard completed. Heavy flamer is a kitbash of a Grey knight thingy, the cables from a sniper rifle and the front of a Dreadnought Heavy Flamer.



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