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An Astral Claw Log


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Cheers mate I was quite pleased with it. I wanted something that looked a little different from the usual heavy flamer conversions, perhaps its something Valthex created for the Astral Claws boarding parties. :D


Well I finished my Terminators finally, I'm pleased with them and their natty Shoulder Pads, also completed my Sternguard Sarge today as well so I'm pretty chuffed with my day now. Gonna build the last 2 Sternguard tonight and then hopefully have a cool 1000 points ready for the local GW tournie.





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Ta-da! Finished army now. Sure I've got stuff to add, but that there is a finished army fit for fighting. Hooray!









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  • 2 weeks later...

Got some more squad members done to make a ten man squad and take advantage of free stuff. Astral Claws love a bargain.


As usual it's a mish mash of whatever I could find, on account of doing this army on the cheap. So witness, an old Corvus Armour metal marine pushed into active service, as well as a berzerker made nice (well less chaosy) and also an old Veteran model that I can't seem to find on the GW website anymore. In fact he is on there but they gave him twin Lightning Claws, but when I bought him he came in a pack with the Vet with a mace and had a chainsword and a bolt pistol.





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I've watched this from start to [hopefully not] finish and what an incredible army you've ended up with. Every model looks unique, with the conversions and different armour marks, but you've managed to tie in different squads and the whole force to make it look like a proper army. Plus your painting is brilliant. Nice work man, now paint some more :P
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Haha cheers mate, I shall continue. I keep rooting through my bits box and finding old minis that look like they need some TLC and I think, hey, I can make an assault squad! So I shall continue to build and paint until I have no more.
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Thanks folks, I finished up the additional 5 squad members for one of my Tactical Squads so now we can launch missiles and toast gretchin at leisure. Had a game tonight, I lost but Captain Sumatris was a legend. His storm shield shrugged off two devastator squads worth of fire an entire tactical squad with a librarian and a priest, a flamestorm baal and a vindicator. I've never seen anything quite like it. Not only that he then walked up to the three infantry squads firing on him and smacked them all down. Great game.




Also, it's a rubbish pic, but I kitbashed a whirlwind turret for my razorback so I can swap it out. It's 2 cyclone missile launchers and a havoc launcher.



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Nice additions to your force Brother Duncs[/]!


Would you be willing to share how you do the black, weathered streaks on your armor? like your whirlwind/razorback. It looks like you take badab black wash and keep brushing it vertically when applying it. I'd really like to know as i would like to give it a shot. *my metallics look boring. Thanks!

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Cheers guys much appreciated. The streaks on the armour is pretty simple. I just use my tank brush (the large flat one) and the brush in one direction only. I started out with Boltgun Metal and then Chainail and finally Mithril for the highlights. I always make sure that the previous colour is still visible and then that produces the effect. Hope that helps. The only places I use Badab black is on parts with lots of details to get a bit more definition, but I avoid washes on large flat areas.





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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys,


I finished my version of Armmeneus Valthex tonight. Not my best I'll be the first to admit. Tiredness combined with a hatred of Finecast and the sculpt in general equals half heartedness. Still he's finished and table top ready at the very least. :lol: When the model of him comes out I will definitely be getting him proper.



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Cheers guys, I liked the idea of making the "Conversion Beamer" look quite brutal. And lets face it, when doesn't a power weapon mounted onto a Conversion Beamer attached to a back pack, not come in handy? haha.


I've got a squad to post up, who aren't Astral Claws. I'll try to explain there existence. A long time ago I fancied making an army of Imperial Fists that looked heavily beaten and were fighting on some horrible toxic world. I painted up a 10 man squad before realising that I should keep at my Blood Angels (4000 points and counting folks). So these Imperial Fists found themselves consigned to barracks for the forseeble future. However, I recently joined a campaign at the local GW, its an escalation campaign that started at 500 and will end in an Apocalypse battle. It's been great, but next week it escalates to 1500 points, I don't have that many Astral Claws. Between work and sleep I wont have time to paint up another 500 points of Astral Claws, so I found the old Fists and with a bit of work I've turned them into Lamenters.


I would have kept them as Fists but I hate not having armies that make fluff sense.


Sumatris doesn't value the Lamenters as much as his own marines, they are often sent into areas of high enemy activity with faulty intelligence that sees them take the brunt of an enemies attack whilst the Astral Claws wait before swooping in and catching the enemy off guard.



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