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Campaign: Liber Astartes


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That's two for one leader with subordinates, then.


We only have two Segmentums, Tempestus and Ultima, with 26th, and a third with a 25th, so that gives us some freedom in date choice, especially in the size of that campaign. Also, Ultima will hopefully be split into a connecting campaign, meaning much of it can be set earlier.

I would vote for Ferrata to handle overall leadership, and have him coordinate with the sub-leaders that could be in charge of each Segmentum. If Ferrata drafts the overarching theme, be it major Chaos incursion, Waaagh of epic size, coordinated assault by a Xenos race, or a reclamation; each of the Segmentum leaders can then work out how their Segmentum fits both the theme and the time period. The selected Segmentum leaders could then coordinate with the Chapters of their Segmentum to work out how each will be involved; size of deployment, time of deployment, place of deployment, repercussions of deployment, etc, etc. That way one person doesn't bear ALL the responsibility, but the project doesn't get bogged down with a 30 people all shouting each other down and breaking one other's points.


Just my 2 cents, :pinch:

  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
Here you go. And now onto organizing it and extracting data. If you have a question mark, tell me what goes there.



Dire Wolves-Pacificus-25-Banelord

Angels of Shadow-Ultima-11-11th Company Dark Master

Sons of Pyron-Ultima-17-Ecritter

ET)Marines Immaculatus-Ultima-22-Felweather

Hounds of the Hunt-Tempestus-21-Madwolf Shadowmane

Adamantium Dragons-?-?-Omega Striker

Sons of Lightning-Tempestus-22-Shinzaren

Legio Solemnitus-Ultima-12-Brother Captain Alecto

Knights of Paladrea-Ultima-?-Brother Sergeant Bohamond

Marines Invictus-Fleet-?-Crusader of Dorn

Red Lords-Obscurus-10-Ace Debonair

Doom Guard-Fleet-22-The Normish

Knights Griffon-Tempestus-14-Firenze

Lions of Dawn-Pacificus-?-Elohimalpha

Dragon Claws-Ultima-?-Master Exorcist

Sanguinary Crusaders-Obscurus-?-Telanicus

Sanguinary Phalanx-Ultima-?-Exetus

Lions of Radiance-Tempestus-26-Captain Forcystus

Ghost Dragons-Ultima-26-Reyner

Children of Eternity-Ultima-4-XKhalilX

Knights Valiant-Ultima-?-Porridge Meister

Gryphon Guard-?-?-Sigismund Himself

Angels of Vengeance-Ultima-26-Predator Joe

Knights of the Phoenix-Ultima-?-Strongbow

Night Scorpions-?-?-Gil Galad


Scions of Vengeance-Ultima-?-Calgar101

Knights Venator-Obscurus-11-?

Guardian Eagles-?-?-SpecialIssueAmmo



Founding for mine is the 12th.



Forgive the (possibly) stupid question, but I haven't had much time to read all of this. If I've read this correctly, the intention of this is to write a campaign(s) with which the outcomes are already decided? And, if I've understood correctly this will take the form of a "book(s)" that will flesh out the events that transpire? If I am correct, then it would be a "collective history" of all participating Chapters?


I apologise for this, as I have tried to read and re-read all of the posts but after the day I've had I'm having difficulty understanding anything at the moment and I do want to be in this if possible.


If I do contribute I'd be putting forward the Bahltimyr Reavers (possibly as their former Bahltimyr Rayvens Thirteenth Founding [it's not in the IT, but I find 13 ironic :( ], Segmentum Pacificus, if Chaos Warbands aren't required), rather than the Steel Wings as, if I've read correctly, there aren't many (if any) Renegades and it will make me get off my arse and get something written about them....


The intent is to create a 'book' similar to that of the Imperial Armor ones, detailing a single campaign, the forces involved, and the background for it, along with some rules for various new units, pictures, and scenarios that can be used to recreate the campaign in its entirety. It is not meant to be a campaign that is decided by real-world gameplay, nor is it meant to be a collection of IA's(Index Astartes, not Imperial Armor ;) ).


Oh, and Brother-Sergeant Bohemonds chapter should be 9th Founding, if I remember correctly.

  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:

The intent is to create a 'book' similar to that of the Imperial Armor ones, detailing a single campaign, the forces involved, and the background for it, along with some rules for various new units, pictures, and scenarios that can be used to recreate the campaign in its entirety. It is not meant to be a campaign that is decided by real-world gameplay, nor is it meant to be a collection of IA's(Index Astartes, not Imperial Armor ;) ).


Oh, and Brother-Sergeant Bohemonds chapter should be 9th Founding, if I remember correctly.


Thanks for the clarification ;)


I haven't seen any Imperial Armour books, but as I said earlier I'd love to contribute what I can ^_^


Unless there is a veto against it, I formally submit the Bahltimyr Reavers (Traitor, 13th Founding when Loyalist, Segmentum Pacificus) ^_^

So, when is our cutoff date so we can start the next stage??

I think by the time I come on the board tomorrow afternoon/evening after work sounds like a decent time. Everyone, both the weekend boarders and the work boarders will have had a chance to look at the thread. After that point we will only accept newcomers if they bring in some muscle, and by muscle I mean take part in the community effort bar saying "Use my chapter!" ;)

Good good. I actually now know my founding number. Excellent.


Ill volunteer to be a Backup leader for Tempestus. I cant be the lead as I have alot of college work to blast through.


Ive also been wondering where these will be written, as if left in the Liber halls, they could be rather lost in the other threads. Maybe a seperate section?

  Chapter Master Ignis Domus said:
That's two for one leader with subordinates, then.


That idea gets my vote, too. ^_^


Seems like a sensible way of working things out.


I'm looking forward to working with the Iron Flames, Sanguinary Crusaders and Knights Venator*.


*They're by Nemesor, in case you're looking to fill the '?' gap in the table.


I'd put my name forward as a second-in-command for Obscurus, only I don't know exactly what I'd be getting into. ;)

So... I'll volunteer if nobody else in Obscurus wants to do it. ^_^

  Brother-Sergeant Bohemond said:
  Crusader of Dorn said:
what about fleet based chapters? Are we to be allocated a warzone?


I would think that this would have to be decided on a case by case basis for each campaign


I think that it might be best to establish the "starting" and "ending points of each one in advance.


Eg - Chapter X starts at point Y in Segmentum Z. Each "conflict point" [i.e. where the Chapter encounters enemies] is then added, until it reaches it's "final" destination point.


This way, a Chapter could be mobile and be run by more than one team, but only when the Chapter in question falls within their "boundaries".

I've updated the list (See here)


I've got two non-placed chapters. Sigismund Himself's Gryphon Guard who are located in the galatic south-east, which is the border of Ultima and Temptestus, and SpecialIssueAmmo's Guardian Eagles, who I cannot place. Apparently, birds that guard stuff do not like to have an address :confused:


I'd say that's the idea. You'd probably given to the areas with least people/most need, or wherever you fit in best based on your chapter.

I would concur with this - usually a chapter may be more in one segmentum than another. But if you have no cares where your chapter fits in, it might be best to place them were they are most needed for the story.


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