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moving vehicle through wreck


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Nope. Theres a chance youll immobilize, but thats it.

The probability of immobilization is directly proportional to the importance of the moving vehicle and/or the squad being transported within.

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Nope. Theres a chance youll immobilize, but thats it.

The probability of immobilization is directly proportional to the importance of the moving vehicle and/or the squad being transported within.

:D :D :) yes that's a key rule to remember.

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I've lot count of how many times I've said " 3+ to hit...1, oh, its twin-linked...1".


yeah my t-fire techmarine killed himself with his plasma once.. rolls 2, re-roll 1, saving throw 1.. dammit.

the roll of a one isnt bad odds 1/6 chance of immobilisation, its why i like the subterranean rounds on the t-fire.


as for moving vehciles over wrecks, id say only do it if theres no other choice, i know alot of guys who have lost games becuase thier land raider has stopped dead mid board

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It's quite fun when you make the 'Tower of Power'. One tank dies, the next climbs on. That one dies, the next one gets on. We end up grabbing some pieces of scenery to create a wall so they don't fall down. It's quite awesome looking, as well as effective, because you can see pretty much anything.
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back in 2nd ed I played a game where we ended up stackign 3 landraider on top of a terminator captain (cant remember the weapon - possibly a lifta-dropper of some kind). The captain didnt actually die till the 2nd one landed on him!
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It's quite fun when you make the 'Tower of Power'. One tank dies, the next climbs on. That one dies, the next one gets on. We end up grabbing some pieces of scenery to create a wall so they don't fall down. It's quite awesome looking, as well as effective, because you can see pretty much anything.


I thought that if you roll a 1 on a dangeroud terrain test you stop right at the edge of said dangerous terrain and you broke down trying to enter it. So wouldn't it just be one long snake of power?

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