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Battle Report Vs. Grey Knights


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We were not playing a Planetstrike, but since their have not been any offical rules covering the movement of the Valkyrie or Stormraven (because they came out long after the current rulebook did), we decided that the rules I quoted heavily implied that they have certain special characteristics. Due to their unique tall bases, transport capacity, and physical landing gear, they are allowed to land so that units can legally embark/disembark. Otherwise, how could units get in or out?



That's incorrect. There is a rule explicitly stating you cannot land a skimmer unless immobilized or wrecked. There is no explicitly stated SR rule that says this is not the case. There is no landing gear rule, and there is nothing that would implicate this is the case other than logic, which isn't always enforced by GW rules due to stream-lining attempts.


While I'm pretty lenient on making a judgment call if the rules don't say one way or the other, the rules specifically tell you what is and is not legal with a skimmer. It doesn't matter than the SR is bigger than the average skimmer or a transport, so are eldar skimmers and they don't set down either. Sorry.

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WD plays things wrong frequently, and the way the battle reports are written are usually very misleading in certain regards to either enhance their battle from a story perspective, or they rig it up to make a unit seem more productive than it is and thus hopefully increase sales.


The bastards, leeches, that is not right at all. Lying about units to make them sound better to increase sales like they don't already make enough. :D

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Its marketing. It's an intelligent business move, I don't have a problem with it. The only thing I wish they'd add is maybe some interviews and such from the competitive 40k/F communities, that would make an article worth reading. I don't care if they fluff the armies or not in the fights.


Also a big factor in those fights is what models they have in the studio at the time. They don't have every unit/multiples of every unit painted. Sometimes they take a model that don't necessarily want just because they have to.

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Yeah I understand that it's a clever marketing strategy but I just keep thinking of matt ward and that it's all his fault and it gets to me! Lol, plus I'm hungry and need my girlfriend to come back cos I'm locked in her house and I wanna go and order some Chinese food from down the street, arrrrghhh.
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The stand's base footprint determines egress ranges. Also there's, I think, no true access points with regard to embarking and debarking.

I'm fairly confident that's the way it's played on 'neutral ground'... although if anyone chimes up otherwise, I'd like to be corrected.


Correct. Here in Ireland we use the vendetta FAQ for the raven as well as they function the exact same. When measuring for movement you measure from hull the same as shooting to and from the raven. When disembarking, contesting and assaulting you measure to and from the base.

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Okay, I'm confused. On the same page, p 71 of the BRB its states under Moving Skimmers- "Skimmers can move over friendly and enemy models, but they cannot end their move on top of either. Note that a skimmer must be set down on the table and left in place ate the end of its move-it cannot be left hovering in mid-air!" I have always assumed this meant you couldn't hold it up and say it's flying this high above the battle field, but now it's seems to contradict the rule at the bottom of the page. Maybe I am making something out of nothing, and seeing as I don't land skimmers anyway... :P
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Okay, I'm confused. On the same page, p 71 of the BRB its states under Moving Skimmers- "Skimmers can move over friendly and enemy models, but they cannot end their move on top of either. Note that a skimmer must be set down on the table and left in place ate the end of its move-it cannot be left hovering in mid-air!" I have always assumed this meant you couldn't hold it up and say it's flying this high above the battle field, but now it's seems to contradict the rule at the bottom of the page. Maybe I am making something out of nothing, and seeing as I don't land skimmers anyway... :P


'BRB' I take it this doesn't mean 'be right back'!? Lol.

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