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Invulnerable saves query


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Note- the same thing goes for cover saves. If you have a 4+ cover save because of intervening models and a 3+ cover save because your in a fortified ruin, you only get the 3+ save.


There are a few rules that add to saves, and theyll say so specificly- stealth for cover saves as an example gives +1, making your 4+ a 3+ and so on. Nemesis Force Swords give you a +1 invulnerable save, so a terminator with a sword has a 4+ invulnerable. In these cases theyll specifically state the case.

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There are a few rules that add to saves, and theyll say so specificly- stealth for cover saves as an example gives +1, making your 4+ a 3+ and so on. Nemesis Force Swords give you a +1 invulnerable save, so a terminator with a sword has a 4+ invulnerable. In these cases theyll specifically state the case.

To be very clear (and a bit pendantic on my part) Force Swords give you a +1 to your Inv. save.

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There are a few rules that add to saves, and theyll say so specificly- stealth for cover saves as an example gives +1, making your 4+ a 3+ and so on. Nemesis Force Swords give you a +1 invulnerable save, so a terminator with a sword has a 4+ invulnerable. In these cases theyll specifically state the case.

To be very clear (and a bit pendantic on my part) Force Swords give you a +1 to your Inv. save.


And to be even clearer, this increase in invulnerable save can only be claimed in combat, against shooting attacks you use your normal save. Just thought I'd add that in there before some people think that Grand Masters are getting storm shields for free.

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You know, I had a thought. Doesn't that technically make your save worse? I know what they mean, and obviously I would never claim otherwise. But if you get really nit-picky, that turns your 5+ save into a 6+ save. Ouch.


Not really, you have a 5+ save. you get a plus 1 to your saving throws from the force sword.


Assume you roll a 4, you then add the 1. Now it's a 5 and you've passed.

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