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Model Build Indecision

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So I purchased the Sanguinary Guard and Command Squad kits last week. My original intention was to build up a unit of Honour Guard but, after seeing all the shiney new bits I am not so sure. I also have a bunch of DC bits including a few torso's, two sets of legs, and all five jump packs. And I have three Hvy bolters and Lascannon bits, a slough of assualt arms and Tac bits as well.


What to do? What to do?


I am currently leaning towards building up Sang guard as is and a Jump Priest, and a five man Dev squad. though I keep going back to an Honour Guard build every other hour or so.


Help me with a decision.


My current army style is Hybrid so any set up is a viable option. I prefer to build all-comer lists as I play Tourneys and walk in games mostly.

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You could make a decent HG as you have a couple of options for the bearer plus you can make the novitiate from the command squad apothecary bits.
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I am currently leaning towards building up Sang guard as is and a Jump Priest, and a five man Dev squad.

I'd say that's a good idea.


Although I know that many people use SG bits to make HG, I have certain issues with it. Fluff-wise, HG are seconded from regular marines or sometimes Vets (being a member of Honor Guard is to get 'pre-promotion' to the 1st Company), so their are not likely to wear artificer armor or some ornate stuff. So I'd say keep them simple. And a squad of Sang Guard is a nice addition to your army.

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Fluff-wise, HG are seconded from regular marines or sometimes Vets (being a member of Honor Guard is to get 'pre-promotion' to the 1st Company), so their are not likely to wear artificer armor or some ornate stuff.



That is what I started thinking after I opened the kit. Looking at all the blades, arms, and masks and realizing that there was gonna be so much from this kit that I would not be using, what a waste.

Never been that fond of the winged packs though.


Any other thoughts?


edit; So that leaves me with 8 sets of legs(counting 2 DC). A Sang Priest with jump pack is definately in order. Or perhaps I should build an Honour gaurd as well, or Vets? Devs? Combat squad? Aaaaaaaaaaaaagh!!!!


Back to my army book... plod---plod---plod

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A sang priest is always a great addition to any army. Especially if you can get the narthecium arm from the command squad. And if you plan on making it with a jump pack the wings look great in the SP colors.

That takes me back to square one then (or rather, back to post 1). If I build the Sang Gaurd there will be no wings for any one else and I do have the command squad sprues as well. Thanks

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Looks as though my lil dilemna has been resolved...


I got my hands on 4 Sang guard models yesterday with the wings and some arms missing for 5 dollars. Sweeeeeeeet!!!!


Now I've got the 4 Sang Guard models, unbuilt Sang Guard on sprues, and command squad sprues. I'll be able to put together a complete Sang Guard squad, an Honour squad using the left over bits w/ DC jumppacks, and a 5 man Dev Squad without regrets.


New problem now though...

The 4 sang guard models were painted shining gold, baal wash, then coated with shoe varnish for a glossy effect before they were dismembered. Should I just primer over them(as the detail is still very good)? Or is there a way of stripping the models without great effort?



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Looks as though my lil dilemna has been resolved...


I got my hands on 4 Sang guard models yesterday with the wings and some arms missing for 5 dollars. Sweeeeeeeet!!!!


Now I've got the 4 Sang Guard models, unbuilt Sang Guard on sprues, and command squad sprues. I'll be able to put together a complete Sang Guard squad, an Honour squad using the left over bits w/ DC jumppacks, and a 5 man Dev Squad without regrets.


New problem now though...

The 4 sang guard models were painted shining gold, baal wash, then coated with shoe varnish for a glossy effect before they were dismembered. Should I just primer over them(as the detail is still very good)? Or is there a way of stripping the models without great effort?





First off nice work on the purchase! What a steal. I would give them a long bath in some simple green. Be patient, I would for certain try and get as much off as possible before painting. Good luck!

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