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Crimson Knights

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This is what I was thinking:



(1) Dark Angels Successor with close ties, Hunts for the Fallen in the eastern fringe of the Imperium.


(2) Fleet based Chapter with mind set of overwhelming offence. Orbital Strikes followed by drop pods and thunderhawks


(3) Late founding or Cursed Founding


(4) Organization along the same line as the Dark Angels, with one notable exemption no Ravenwing Compnay.

Ooooo, an Unforgiven Legion Chapter, yay!!


I like the ideas so for, no, I really want to know: why no Biker Second Company?? Do you even have a standard second company?? or just 9 companies. If you have 9....that would be intrigueing.

  Brother-Sergeant Bohemond said:
Ooooo, an Unforgiven Legion Chapter, yay!!


I like the ideas so for, no, I really want to know: why no Biker Second Company?? Do you even have a standard second company?? or just 9 companies. If you have 9....that would be intrigueing.




I was thinking of spreading the Ravenwing among the battle companies rather than a single company of bikes/land speeders. Have sight larger Battle companies than norm. Battle Companies 2-5. reserve companies 6-8. scout company 9th. but not sure if i want to go this way or not. if you guys and gals have any ideas would good.

could work, the idea behind the Ravenwing though is a dedicated biker force to tracking down enemies/espionage etc: (by enemies, I mean Fallen) They rock up to the objective where its too tough for them to win, then use teleport homers to bring the Deatghwing in to slaughter whatevers around. Thats the main way to use 'em. You can still use Biekrs in other companies though, the Ravenwing ahve to learn somewhere though!


You can either split them up, or have a dedicated company (remember, detachments from said company can go adventuring with other companies) that can operate together or induvidually.


But anyway, how do they operate with the DA? Are they a direct sucessor, or, say, descended from a chapter like the Angels of Absolution? Do they adhere to Azrael's leadership of the Legion?


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