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Dedicated transport question


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I have a question about dedicated transport.


Let's say I have a squad of Devastator that took a drop pod as their dedicated transport. I know I'm not forced to deploy them in the transport but would it be legal to deploy the Devatastors on the table during my deployment and keep the drop pod in reserve (which mean another drop pod can do the Drop Pod assault).



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Yes, that would definitely be legal, as Grey Mage has said. Remember of course that as it is a dedicated transport you won't be able to deploy anything else inside the Drop Pod, and so if you deploy the Devastators on table it has to drop empty.
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Yep- and since it comes up frequently, you cannot combat squad them and have half on the table and half in the pod. They only combat squad upon deployment- either before the game, or from reserves.
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In the same line.


In the CSM codex, if I buy a LR transport for my terminator, can I deploy an empty Land raider and deep strike my terminator?

And if the answer is yes, do I have to keep the Land raider in reserve or I can deploy it at the start of the game?



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