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Do opponents get a cover save against a Blood Lance?


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Fear can make enemy units leave the table. You shoot them, killing 25%, hit with fear. They fail the fear check, then when its time to take the morale check for 25% casualties, they auto fail. Two run aways in one phase.


that is one sneaky little trick!! I like it! :P

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Fear can make enemy units leave the table. You shoot them, killing 25%, hit with fear. They fail the fear check, then when its time to take the morale check for 25% casualties, they auto fail. Two run aways in one phase.


that is one sneaky little trick!! I like it! :P

I didn't even realize it would work like that until I did it to someone at Adepticon!

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Like this:


Shooting phase starts:

Shoot at unit A causing 25% casualties

Cast Fear of Darkness on unit A causing them to fall back

just before phase ends unit A takes morale check for -25% automatically fails as already falling back therefore immediately fall back again.




Personally while I think FotD is good I don't like it as much because if the libby is casting then hes not getting into CC and is probably being shot at next turn.

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Not sure if I'm alone here but I've always found Shield to be the most universally useful power in most lists... a 5+ cover save for all units within 6" (including vehicles) is very nice to have, especially early in the game. Obviously this would less be the case for a furioso libby.


The Lance is more reliable than people are making it out to be... It has only a 0.077% chance of being only 4" range. 98.8% of the time it will shoot further than 6" and 76.1% of the time it will fire at least 12". This makes a lance libby a good addition to a squad with meltaguns since it is almost certain to hit inside the meltaguns half range, and more likely to hit (and purely better since it has the lance USR) than a meltagun outside of half range. Of course this is assuming it encounters no antipsyker interference which can be significant. But on a biker or jumper libby it is definitely a power to consider.


I haven't used the FotD but given that interaction it would be an excellent ability if you often run tac squads (which I don't...).

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Who says they get a cover save???????? It does not say they get a cover save in the codex. I say no cover.!. Thats my opinion, so are we going to weaken our own codex, or fight to keep it strong? I for one shall fight. At least until GW says otherwise. ^_^ FOR SANGUINIUS
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Who says they get a cover save???????? It does not say they get a cover save in the codex. I say no cover.!. Thats my opinion, so are we going to weaken our own codex, or fight to keep it strong? I for one shall fight. At least until GW says otherwise. :pirate: FOR SANGUINIUS



That's not an opinion, that's missinterpeting the rules.

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I'm a bit slow (especially after a bottle of Jack Daniels), please explain how that auto-failing morale check works.


lol me too. When I first looked at it, I was like, 'you can't do that!!', but a quick read of the rulez and yep, perfectly legit and very cool.

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Sad but true. It decreases Lance's effectiveness. In my favourite example with Leman Russ behind a crowd of guardsmen, killing both in one turn may not be so easy. Shoot at guardsmen, pen the tank, charge at guardsmen. But the tank survived! Oh, well, life was never so easy.


But surely the tank still needs to be more than 50% obscured by the guardsmen to have a cover save? In which case as long as you approach it from the right angle, you should have no problems hitting a squad (thus allowing you to go hide in combat) and then still hitting the first tank with no cover save.

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Sad but true. It decreases Lance's effectiveness. In my favourite example with Leman Russ behind a crowd of guardsmen, killing both in one turn may not be so easy. Shoot at guardsmen, pen the tank, charge at guardsmen. But the tank survived! Oh, well, life was never so easy.


But surely the tank still needs to be more than 50% obscured by the guardsmen to have a cover save? In which case as long as you approach it from the right angle, you should have no problems hitting a squad (thus allowing you to go hide in combat) and then still hitting the first tank with no cover save.


Indeed. As you can choose which angle the lance hits at, you can fiddle around with that a bit too.

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The only time I've used Lance was with a Libby in drop pod with Sternguard (he had Lance and Shield), I can't say I was impressed, although partly due to bad scatter meaning he had to go through Orks to hit the Battlewagon.


Against Marines (if I knew my opponent) I don't think I'd ever take Lance as I've found Smite quite useful (running with a 4 plasmagun honour guard) and against IG I find Fear (to cast v heavy weapons squads) invaluable.

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Indeed. As you can choose which angle the lance hits at, you can fiddle around with that a bit too.



Redundant. The intervening models rule applies cover to your models in this situation (aka the tank shooting past your squad into the librarian squad), not his. The vehicle cover rules apply in this situation because you're shooting a vehicle/mc that will almost never get cover from any angle from tiny, wimpy guardsmen. You'd have to be about an inch away from them and they'd have to be in a big clump and then I'd still be iffy about letting them have the cover save. Unlikely situation.

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Thanks guys for your opinions.

Although there's still no clear answer if cover save or not.


I like using Blood Lance. I was able to blow up a Razorback and a Dreadnought in one game.


I just want to clarfiy if "suffers a STR 8 AP1 Lance Type" means auto hit.

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Although there's still no clear answer if cover save or not.
It is no different than shooting a gun. If the 1st target is in cover (or 50% obscured for vehicles) then it gets a cover save. If the next target is obscured by intervening models, such as the previous target, (or 50% obscured for vehicles) then the target gets a cover save. It is a psychic shooting attack that follows the rules for shooting and, unfortunately, this attack does not negate cover saves.


cover saves - p21

vehicles and cover - p62


I just want to clarfiy if "suffers a STR 8 AP1 Lance Type" means auto hit.

Yes, "Any enemy unit in the lances path suffers a single S8 ap1 hit" it is hit, no need to roll. :D

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