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Blood Angels Succssessor chapter

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i am makin a succssessor chapter to the amazing Blood Angels: the Blood Guard. i have decided to put them Attilla and so far in the process of making there background story and heres is what i have so far for Names for them and there compaines and sarges:


Blood Guard Character List





Chapter Master Demonus Valar, Leader of the Blood Guard


Chief Chaplain Marcus Viperous, Chaplain to 2nd Company


Chief Librarian Bre’Kalin, Librarian of 5th Company


Apothecary Coltarius Shakius


Sergeant Raster Mitsu, Sergeant of Sternguard Squad Mitsu from First Company, Honor Guard to Demonus Valar


Company Master Shadow, Master of the Watch, Commander of the 10th Company: Veteran Company


Sergeant Decarius Maxamilius, Honor Guard to Demonus Valar, Sergeant from Squad Maxamilius of 10th Company


Major Brekan Shikanus, Honor Guard to Demonus Valar, Sergeant from Squad Shikanus from 3rd Company


Corporal Shilan Brokan, Honor Guard to Demonus Valar, Origin: Unknown, Squad: Unknown, Company: Unknown



Troops (by Companies, Company Leaders, Chaplains, Librarians, Sergeants etc.):


1st Company:


Company Commander Davin Slade, Master of the Fleet


Librarian Angus Breka


Chaplain Braxus Ankius


Apothecary Vershan Torge


Sergeant Praxas Cratorius, Sergeant of Sternguard Squad Cratorius


Sergeant Drasin Majakin, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Drasin


Sergeant Zekarius Domingaz, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Domingaz


Sergeant Delrone Zefearius, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Zefarius


Sergeant Brakius Gaius, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Gaius


Sergeant Xafherial Primus, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Primus


Sergeant Draconius Xachorius, Sergeant of Assault Squad Xachorius


Sergeant Vantarius Deltus, Sergeant of Assault Squad Deltus


Sergeant Blatoraz Zakorius, Sergeant of Assault Squad Zakorius


Sergeant Auriga Aquila, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Aquila


Sergeant Brakorius Helios, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Helios


Sergeant Leous Brecarious, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Brecarious


Sergeant Hector Dijon, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Dijon


Sergeant Dextrin Cithin, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Cithin


Sergeant Mikhail Thule, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Thule


Sergeant Shajan Maxamus, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Maxamus


Sergeant Xanthan Progra, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Progra



2nd Company: (who have some of the most bravest and deadliest Sergeants)


Company Commander Cronus Aurillius, Master of the Recruits


Librarian Vacarius Bractoris


Chaplain Marcus Viperous


Apothecary Brokatis Shiramato


Sergeant Soltarius, Sergeant of Sternguard Soltarius


Sergeant Togra Zoltarus, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Zoltarus


Sergeant Xaphlein Craltoraz, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Craltoraz


Sergeant Zakarius Xafheil, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Xafheil


Sergeant Yurikinus Baltarius, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Baltarius


Sergeant Bajin Braltaraz, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Braltaraz


Sergeant Jacoltar Krakarius, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Krakarius


Sergeant Manaus Pantarus, Sergeant of Assault Squad Pantarus


Sergeant Nikolus Brongmiq, Sergeant of Assault Squad Brongmiq


Sergeant Sephiraf Broqua, Sergeant of Assault Squad Broqua


Sergeant Kreigis Delaronus, Sergeant of Assault Squad Delaronus


Sergeant Brekonus Jajinus, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Jajinus


Sergeant Rajin Granjaris, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Granjaris


Sergeant Hondoris Prongornus, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Prongornus


Sergeant Grimlord Blood, Sergeant of Terminator Squad Grimus (the reason why this squad is different than the others is because Squad Grimus is one of the very few squads that has the deadly Blood Rage, which they can go in and out of there own free will, and they excel at close combat and they drink there defeated foes blood)


Sergeant Ecagrius “Tiger Claw” Bronkus, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Bronkus


Sergeant Bloodlord “Bolter Hand” Boltarus, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Boltarus (reason behind this squads sergeant is that, Boltarus and his five man Devastator Squad held off a whole Company of heavily armed Chaos Marines from the Word Bearers Legion on the frozen world of Fenris, which the Space Wolves were fighting off a invasion force from the Word Bearers Legion which consisted of twenty Companies who the Blood Guard came to the aid of the Space Wolves to repel the invasion, sending the 2nd Company to help there fellow brother in arms out. Boltarus had picked up to bolters and had sheathed his power sword and had fired consistently into the heretics lines until he ran out of ammo, then he picked up a heavy bolter and a bolt pistol and he resumed firing. His squad held off for two long days until the Space Wolves sent a force to relieve the Blood Guard. But as they arrived, the heretic Company had all but been wiped out just by a five-man Devastator squad. Then Boltarus earned the title “Bloodlord “Bolter Hand” Boltarus. But on the planet Coelia fighting the Dark Eldar, Boltarus lost his bolter hand by a Archon’s blade and it was later replace by his bolter.)



Sergeant IronClaw (title like Bloodlord and Grimlord) Creigas “Pyro” Drejanus, Sergeant of Devastator Squad Drejanus (The way Creigas earned the nickname “Pyro” is that on the planet Armageddon, he had taken up a flamer and had turned about sixty Ork Nobz into ashes before he turned his flamer at a gas tank which incinerated the rest of the attacking Nobz, thus earning him Pyro. Also, his right hand is a iron claw due to a Ork Warboss that took his hand off and he turned around and killed the Warboss and took his iron power claw and replaced his right hand with it.)


Sergeant Spearhand Grejanoris “The Impaler” Shiranus, Sergeant of Devastator Shiranus (The reason why Grejanoris has the title Spearhand and the nickname “The Impaler” is because while he was on the desert world Tallarn with the rest of 2nd Company, fighting off the Tau whose leader is still unknown to this day, and his squad and two Terminator squads were stationed at one of the many outposts located in the Tallarnian desert, they were attacked by a heavily equipped strike force from the main defending body and they were pinned down in the heavily defended, well walled outpost for sixteen days, with Grejanoris’s squad giving covering fire while the Terminators in Squad Grimus tried to attack with there assault cannons and the other was guarding all possible break points within the building. Eventually, as the report went, that Grejanoris jumped from atop the wall, picked up a spear and charged the Tau lines and killed about six of them before Squad Grimus could get there and when they arrived, the rest of the force was slaughtered in a few short minutes. During the righting, Grejanoris lost his left hand and he replaced it with the spear he picked up and thus earned both his nicknames in one go.)



3rd “Death Personal Killers” Company:


Company Commander Quantoris “Grim Reaper” Deathacus (The reasoning behind this Commanders grimacing name is that while he was on Attila, he was walking along through the Garden of Death, which is his personal garden, and he saw a group of Night Lords, just a small five man marine scout squad, and when he charged them, he noticed they were scouting for potential break points, which never reached the others which made there invasion a defeat, and when he fought them, it was like he wasn’t there at all, just a force that killed with blinding precision and when he was done and it was reported, the men in 3rd Company started to call him the “Grim Reaper” for his ability to turn invisible and for his wicked looking scythe which he called “Life’s End”. His last name, Deathacus, comes from his long family history who have all earned nicknames like the one he has earned and they all have wielded Life’s End and so there last name became Deathacus instead of the original one, which has been deleted from the Chapters records.)


Librarian Leon “Deaths Messenger” Lekoris (The reason behind this Librarians evil name is because he has delivered the message of who will die before the act has happened and he has also delivered the message himself by bringing the foes death by his hand, thus earning the nickname “Deaths Messenger”. Another reason behind this nickname is that while he was in his personal chamber, he was attacked by Death itself, so he says, and defeated him single handedly.)


Chaplain Draco “Deaths Chaplain” Crantoraz (the explanation behind this chaplains secondary title, it is said that Death has given Draco the ability to speak death upon his foes and that he even attends to Deaths religious needs, even though he says that they are deathly religious needs.)


Apothecary Elrogon “Death Remover” Leograndus (secondary title self explanatory)


Sergeant Ragnus “Death’s Grip” Tularosa, Sergeant of Sternguard Tularosa (the reason why this secondary title sounds sound so horrifying is because its said that if you get in arm range of Ragnus’s arm, then you will feel as if Death itself is gripping you.)


Sergeant Death “Death’s Champion”, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Death (Sergeant Death has only been known by one name, which is simply Death. No one knows his true name and it is said that Death made the Sergeant from his own body and claimed him as his champion but got away, tired of killing on order for no reason and was founded by the Blood Guard on Attila in a deserted village. After he was recruited into the Blood Guard, every time Sergeant Death stepped onto the battlefield, the enemy would either drop dead at his touch or when he dealt a fatal blow, they turned to dust.)


Sergeant Gaius “Death’s Assassin” Pontan, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Pontanlarius or Pontan (nickname should be easy to understand, but I shall explain it anyways. The reason why Gaius has this secondary title is because he was seen talking to a black robed figure and then was followed and was seen killing a enemy officer, then paid for it by the robed figure. Some say the robed is the Grim Reaper, which is another name for Death, wanting the Chapters enemies dead so he can torture them for eternity for what they have done to the Chapter.)


Sergeant Highlord Ventrus “Death’s Archangel” Logra, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Logra (The reason behind this Sergeants secondary title is because, when he takes to the field, he spreads his midnight black wings, which is said he got either from Death or from our Primarch Sanguinius. We all said he got the wings from Sanguinius and he got the color from Death and he used to be in Death’s service as commander in chief over his army before he left, which is as he says and we have not been able to confirm his story yet, and found Chapter Master Demonus Valar and asked to be a Sergeant in 3rd Company, which he heard was “Death’s Personal Killers.” Also, as he steps on the field of battle, after he spread his wings, he would draw a black bladed sword that crackled with black energy and when he would swing it, the air would then turn black as it went through the air and when the enemy would be hit, the enemy would burst into black fire and then he would take there souls and put them in his sword.)


Sergeant Deathlord Azrale “Death’s Blademaster” Bladeacus, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Bladeacus (The reasoning behind this Sergeants heroic sounding name is because he is the only Marine in the Chapter, besides Demonus, to wield dual swords. His swordsmanship is as equal to as the Chapter Master and it is said he learned under Leman Russ himself before he left the Space Wolves to wander the galaxy, till he came to us and wanted to join. His last name, Bladeacus, is said to be a royal name from a long forgotten age. It is also said that Azrale was once Death’s personal Blade master and would teach Death’s soldiers how to fight. His squad all have swords but only Azrale has two and the others have a sword and a bolter. They use their bolters the most, using their swords only in close combat.)


Sergeant Helgrim “Death’s Apprentice” Wallace, Sergeant of Tactical Squad Wallace (the explanation behind this Sergeant’s name in general is that he is named after a famous Chaplain that is in the Black Templars Chapter and that Death wants him to be his successor and was training him to become Death when one day Helgrim escaped, hoping not to be tracked, but Death had already weaved his web of doom that whoever kills Death that Helgrim will then take over. But he says that if that happens, he will remain in the Chapter and use his powers to bring back the Chapters fallen on the field of battle.)







any comments or suggestions will be nice. i also have a Frusiso(idk if i spelled that right cant spell good :) ) that needs a name.

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