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Chaos Legion Champions

Shas'o R'Vre

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Hey Guys,


After several rants about a disappointing Chaos Codex and fluff, I've decided to stop trying to make my army seem more exciting on the tabletop and have returned to my custom fluff writing ways, in practice for a book I hope to write at somepoint <_<


Unfortunately, not three chapters in, I have hit a snag. I have my main character (Ferrous Ironclaw of the Iron Warriors Legion, a man you should know by now if you read my AoD battles and fluff) participating in a mission with several other high-ranking officials in the Chaos Legions (WE, DG, EC, TS, NL, AL, WB) at the behest of Abaddon, lead by one of his lietenants (It's

Eliphas the Inheritor

by the way, if you've

played Dawn of War II: Chaos Rising. The story takes place between Chaos Rising and Retribution.



My problem is, I have no names for these high ranking officials. I'd just make them up, but the Alpha Legion and Night Lord characters need to be important, preferrably characters that already exist and have several evil deeds to their name. The rest of the characters ideally should be important, but need to be disposable characters, ones that will be killed off during the course of the story.


My searches into the names of lesser legion officials has proven very difficult, and I'm beginning to think I may just have to create my own characters and explain their importance later in the story.


This is where the B+C comes in. If you know of any characters who would be fitting for these roles (i.e. Important enough to be trusted by the legion head to take part in an important Black Legion mission, but not so important that they would be a major legion asset, whilst expendable enough to be put into the story where they can be killed off, or at least, mortally wounded.), then please let me know. Failing that, would you like to volunteer a character of your own creation? No promises they'll get in, but if they do (or you contribute to the research) I'll give you a nod in the topic where I post the story (when it's done).


If you aren't quite sure what kind of "lesser official" I mean, Ferrous is a good example of what I mean. E.g;


Ferrous is Warsmith of the Iron Warriors Second Grand Company, an official trusted by Perturabo. However, his foolish, headstrong and self-empowering attempts to gain favor on Kollia Prime (and in doing so, orchestrating his own death) have cost Perturabo many warriors, and in the resurrection of Ferrous (I'm keeping that part of the story well and truly under my hat!) has lost even more. Therefore, Ferrous is punished by being sent out to "run an errand" for the Black Legion, rather than being reinstated into his Company-Commanding role, in order to humiliate him.


Any advice is much welcomed, thanks for reading this long topic!

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Personally, it's much better to simply create your own characters, rather than simply making your character look good by repeatedly name-dropping famous characters that he's beaten up/fought beside. You could have one or two be named characters, but certainly not all.


As for Night Lord names though, the only minor characters that come to mind are Acerbus and Pereclitor, two Night Lord daemon princes, although Acerbus might be a bit too important to be used.

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Personally, it's much better to simply create your own characters, rather than simply making your character look good by repeatedly name-dropping famous characters that he's beaten up/fought beside. You could have one or two be named characters, but certainly not all.

Ideally I don't want them to be awfully famous or well known (except maybe the Alpha Legion or Night Lord guy, It's kind of important that they are well known or famous). Point taken on the named characters thing, maybe I'll create some of my own characters and mix and match with the named ones.


As for the Night Lord heroes, they were two that came up in my search, unfortunately, being Daemon Princes kinda prevents me from using them, should have mentioned that in the OP, as it requires the nine of them and a Techpriest to Drop-Pod themselves into an Imperial complex.


[Edit] As for the "making him look good" thing, he's already got his background set as one of the Chosen of Perturabo, so is already in the league of Daedalus and Honsou, this is really a punishment mission for him, to knock him off his high horse :)

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a mission with several other high-ranking officials in the Chaos Legions (WE, DG, EC, TS, NL, AL, WB) at the behest of Abaddon, lead by one of his lietenants


Wait, what?


My problem is, I have no names for these high ranking officials


Um, another problem is the idea that surviving First Founding Legionnaires would revere Abaddon The Newbzor in any shape or form.


Alpha Legion and Night Lord characters need to be important, preferrably characters that already exist and have several evil deeds to their name


Oh, boy. A few pointers:


The Primarchs were forced to respect Horus as the Warmaster (a position he attained through the offices of Bob the Emperor).

So, if Horus had survived the Siege of Terra, even HE would have been out of favor with the rebel Primarchs.

So, how much LESS esteem does this upstart Abaddon have with the Demigod Club?


Abbie doesn't just snap his clone-dad's talons and have Ye Olde Legions line-up in parade order. And a LIEUTENANT? No.

Abaddon's got a REMNANT of the Luna Wolves, and they form a Crusade force by dragooning any loose warbands they can.

You *might* be able to work the "Chaos Ascendant" angle with detachmants of the four Cult Legions - but that's still a stretch.


AL, NL and WB all hew too closely to the Insular Secret Society paradigm to ever be considered "joiners".


disposable characters, ones that will be killed off during the course of the story


Ugh. And, finally, the classic BL author screw-up: "Let's mess with the "known" 1% of the IoM timeline!"

Ten thousand years of "history" to play with and the damn hacks always want to retconn the old stuff.

Please don't be a Black Library "That Guy" and hack some prior setting/ character/ story arc, etc.


I hope you can find some of these observations useful.

Good luck with that book. Make it a good one!




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Um, another problem is the idea that surviving First Founding Legionnaires would revere Abaddon The Newbzor in any shape or form.

Well, canonically they do, it's just that you subscribe to the Failbaddon version, apparently. The Black Legion is probably nearing the size of the old Legions, due to the number of Marines and renegades joining it.


The Primarchs were forced to respect Horus as the Warmaster (a position he attained through the offices of Bob the Emperor).

So, if Horus had survived the Siege of Terra, even HE would have been out of favor with the rebel Primarchs.

So, how much LESS esteem does this upstart Abaddon have with the Demigod Club?


Abbie doesn't just snap his clone-dad's talons and have Ye Olde Legions line-up in parade order. And a LIEUTENANT? No.

Abaddon's got a REMNANT of the Luna Wolves, and they form a Crusade force by dragooning any loose warbands they can.

You *might* be able to work the "Chaos Ascendant" angle with detachmants of the four Cult Legions - but that's still a stretch.


AL, NL and WB all hew too closely to the Insular Secret Society paradigm to ever be considered "joiners".


Once again, you're kinda wrong. Abaddon has enough charisma and force of will to bind the 9 Legions (and other renegades) into 13 Black Crusades so far. The Black Legion has officially had Marines move from the 4 Cult Legions (Codex), the Night Lords (Soul Hunter) and the Word Bearers (Dawn of War).


He may not "snap his fingers" and have them follow his every order, but he certainly has enough force and resources behind him to coerce, bribe, hire or intimidate the other Legions into following him.


As much as people may ignore it, Abaddon is a terrifyingly powerful and influential figure in 40k. He's the literal anti-Christ. He's managed to bind the 9 Legions to his control, even if his control isn't complete. All 4 Gods have chosen him as their Champion, so even the Primarchs show him some respect.

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Um, another problem is the idea that surviving First Founding Legionnaires would revere Abaddon The Newbzor in any shape or form.

Well, canonically they do, it's just that you subscribe to the Failbaddon version, apparently.

Abbie doesn't just snap his clone-dad's talons and have Ye Olde Legions line-up in parade order. And a LIEUTENANT? No.


Once again, you're kinda wrong. Abaddon has enough charisma and force of will to bind the 9 Legions (and other renegades) into 13 Black Crusades so far. The Black Legion has officially had Marines move from the 4 Cult Legions (Codex), the Night Lords (Soul Hunter) and the Word Bearers (Dawn of War).


He may not "snap his fingers" and have them follow his every order, but he certainly has enough force and resources behind him to coerce, bribe, hire or intimidate the other Legions into following him.


As much as people may ignore it, Abaddon is a terrifyingly powerful and influential figure in 40k. He's the literal anti-Christ. He's managed to bind the 9 Legions to his control, even if his control isn't complete. All 4 Gods have chosen him as their Champion, so even the Primarchs show him some respect.

Yeah, I'm agreeing with Caerolion on this one, from my story angle the Legions contributing heroes don't really want to help Abaddon with his little schemes, but they can't risk turning him down (for whatever reason), so they send a few lesser officials. I don't subscribe to the "Failbaddon" theory, IMHO he's as powerful as Horus once was, even if the Legions do have a distrust of him.


Ugh. And, finally, the classic BL author screw-up: "Let's mess with the "known" 1% of the IoM timeline!"

Ten thousand years of "history" to play with and the damn hacks always want to retconn the old stuff.

Please don't be a Black Library "That Guy" and hack some prior setting/ character/ story arc, etc.

This is exactly what I'm trying not to do, which is why I need some lesser characters, ones whose actions have little bearing on the fate of the universe, but important enough to have names.


I'm currently working on a little introductory paragraph, where Ferrous meets the characters for the first time, I'm gonna throw down some names there, see what you guys think.

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Here are all the names of all but the BL that I have found and are not reported dead 'yet'

I've also listed their former company if it is known, their squad, their wargear and there rank. Hope this helps



Ehren Gak- Power Armor - PF - Captain

Zhufor the Impaler- Of Skulltakers - Lord - former white scars

Kossolax - of the Foresworn - former 3rd Company



Holgoarg - Power Armor - Captain

Kullar-Hal - Power Armor - Captain

Ujioj - Power Armor

Ignatius Grulgor - former 2nd Company - Daemon Prince Nurgle



Adovocar - Power Armor - Captain

Eidolon - Lord Commander

Julius Kaesor - former First Company - Captain

Marius Vairosean - former Third Company - Noise marine - Captain





Phosis T'kar - Sorcerer - Power Armor

Hathaor Maat - Sorcerer - Power Armor

Ankhu Anan - Sorcerer - Power Armor

T'kar Calban - Sorcerer - Power Armor

Uthizarr - Sorcerer - Power Armor

Tolkhata - Power Armor - Lord

Madox - Sorcerer - Power Armor

Amon - former 9th Fellowship - Sorcerer - Power Armor

Karlsen - Sorcerer - Power Armor - Bolter fused to hand



Zso Sahaal - former First Company - Captain/Talonmaster

Krieg Acerbus - Daemon Prince/undivided - Captain/Axemaster

Talos - former 10th Company - First Claw - Powerarmor - Power Sword - Soul Hunter

Periclitor - Daemon Prince/undivided



Ingo Pech - former First company - Captain

Mathias Herzog - former Second company - Captain

Sheed Ranko - squad Lernaean - Terminator Squad - Captain



Argel Tal - squad Gal Varbak - Possessed Power Armor - Captain

Sor Talgron - Power armor - Lord commander

Erebus - Power armor - Accursed Crozius -Chief Dark Apostle

Kor Phaeron - Terminator -Lightning claws - Master of faith

Quor Gallek - Power armor - Accursed Crozius - Dark Apostle

Sor Bakpahl - Power armor - Accursed Crozius - Dark Apostle

Quor Vondar - Power armor - Accursed Crozius - Dark Apostle

Delvarus - Possessed Power Armor

Marduk - Power armor - Accursed Crozius - Dark Apostle

Kol Badar - squad Anointed - Terminator - Lightning claw + Combi Melta - Coryphaus

Kor Megron - Daemon Prince

M'kar - Daemon Prince

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Collected visions and Horus Heresy books. Made an excel file with all legions in there, names of champions, lords, vehicles, squads.

Also pack names of daemons, names of taitor guard squad, members. Names of traitor titans. Names that can't be used because they're dead, etc etc.

So all the names are confirmed by GW (collected visions) or/and Black Library (Horus Heresy and chaos space marine books)



So I don't know if you'll find a page on the internet where all are listed, it's a personal project I've worked on, and you just happen to need it :lol:

On the other side, I can't guarantee you that those same names I've listed won't be killed in future books. Like in the Horus Heresy books, there are still a few to come, and some may die. Collected visions shows pictures and names of Chaos Space Marines during the siege of Terra, but not after.


Hope it's still usefull to you. Enjoy

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So I don't know if you'll find a page on the internet where all are listed, it's a personal project I've worked on, and you just happen to need it :P

Wow, thanks even more for sharing your project :)


On the other side, I can't guarantee you that those same names I've listed won't be killed in future books. Like in the Horus Heresy books, there are still a few to come, and some may die. Collected visions shows pictures and names of Chaos Space Marines during the siege of Terra, but not after.

That's ok, my small story I'm doing won't be true Canon anyways :lol:


Hope it's still usefull to you. Enjoy

That it is

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