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Blood Angels and Necrons

Sun Reaver

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I don't know if anyone has ever seen this before, but I found this hilarious! I don't hate Ward's fluff, but this was the only picture I could find that I could link safely. Kudos to the original artist.





Sun Reaver

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Wow, Matt Ward bashing know no bounds does it.


Like I said above, I do not hate Matt Ward nor do I have any problems with his fluff. I just found the picture online and thought it was funny.


Sun Reaver

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I don't understand this picture. Nothing like this has ever happened. Ever. Nor did they Grey Knights mind wipe us.


Some things are just to silly to ever include in a codex. I feel better living in my own little world. In that world Draigo don't exist and Dante kills ALL xenos!

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ive heard some rumors about the new coming necron dex that would make the piece of fluff less unlikely....


it was about necron lords and how they basicly arent unliving machines and can think (and feel to a certain degree) adnd would thus be able to see reasoning


*shrugs* or something like that...


tbh they should have left the last line out of the BA dex. Dante feeling it distastefull to backstab xenos is so horribly out of character....if they said he would have rather PRESERVED his own forces after fighting so much allready. i could have somehow seen that...

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I saw that pic before. Its rather hilarious in my opinion and I don't have a problem with Matt Ward's fluff either. I've heard rumors that the Necrons are getting a visual update and a fluff update in the codex. I don't think they are going to be life less machines for much longer in 40k fluff.
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Hah, I love this picture. Seen it a thousand times before on 4chan, and I get to finally see it on the B&C.


And look people, as much as we don't believe this fluff happened or not, it did. Obviously not in this wa, but it's officially canon that they allied. I may not like it, you may not like it, etc. But the fact remains that it's a game of toy soldiers. You can deal with background. Otherwise, grow up and don't be so "HURR DURR".

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Hah, I love this picture. Seen it a thousand times before on 4chan, and I get to finally see it on the B&C.


And look people, as much as we don't believe this fluff happened or not, it did. Obviously not in this wa, but it's officially canon that they allied. I may not like it, you may not like it, etc. But the fact remains that it's a game of toy soldiers. You can deal with background. Otherwise, grow up and don't be so "HURR DURR".

Hey, it's a game of toy soldiers. How the :geek: am I supposed to grow up and still play?

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If there there is gonna be a huge fluff change in their new dex and they are no longer 'lifeless machines' then I guess it's mote bearable but if the Necron's nature has been completely changed what's next, Xenos throwing a BBQ, all imperium invited!? Lol.
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And look people, as much as we don't believe this fluff happened or not, it did. Obviously not in this wa, but it's officially canon that they allied. I may not like it, you may not like it, etc. But the fact remains that it's a game of toy soldiers. You can deal with background. Otherwise, grow up and don't be so "HURR DURR".



A hack-job that's been printed is still an hack-job. Accepting something simply because 'it is' doesn't exactly sound like a game-plan I am all for. To each his own though.


I really like Mat Ward, no, truly. I think he has a lot of energy and joy he wants to put into the WH40K universe. I think he really tries to make each codex feel different than what's came before and interject new models and rules so that it feels like it's own army instead of say, Red or Green marines. I think as far as Codex rules and overall army cohesion and representation, he's one of the best they have working on the books right now.


I also think his writing is incredibly sub-par and is nothing better than fan-fiction gone wrong. Every Codex I've read by him has had at least one 'This had to be stolen from a twelve-year-old on the Internet,' moment.

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Every Codex I've read by him has had at least one 'This had to be stolen from a twelve-year-old on the Internet,' moment.


Ha,ha,ha that's awesome, I know exactly what you mean!

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If there there is gonna be a huge fluff change in their new dex and they are no longer 'lifeless machines' then I guess it's mote bearable but if the Necron's nature has been completely changed what's next, Xenos throwing a BBQ, all imperium invited!? Lol.
Maybe he is trying to to do something similar to what White Wolf did with oWoD. Actually advancing the timeline and bringing it to the prophesized final confrontation. Allying with the more sensible xenos may be the key to defeat Chaos, but very unlikely given the indoctrination of the powerful forces within the Imperium
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I also think GW's writing is incredibly sub-par and is nothing better than fan-fiction gone wrong. Every Codex I've read by GW has had at least one 'This had to be stolen from a twelve-year-old on the Internet,' moment.


Fixed that for you. ;)


The 40k back story is largely poorly written crap. The best bits were swiped from other sources and repackaged in chains and skulls. If Mat Ward was a more gifted writer, then maybe he could have smoothed over the rough parts giving people splinters.

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I also think Mat Ward's writing is incredibly sub-par and is nothing better than fan-fiction gone wrong. Every Codex I've read by Ward has had at least one 'This had to be stolen from a twelve-year-old on the Internet,' moment.


The 40k back story is largely poorly written crap. The best bits were swiped from other sources and repackaged in chains and skulls. If Mat Ward was a more gifted writer, then maybe he could have smoothed over the rough parts giving people splinters.


No need, I had it right the first time. ;)


Rogue Trader may have been highly derivative but the IP has come a long way. The Black Library guys have had a huge bit to do with it over the past 5ish years in my opinion.

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I also think GW's writing is incredibly sub-par and is nothing better than fan-fiction gone wrong. Every Codex I've read by GW has had at least one 'This had to be stolen from a twelve-year-old on the Internet,' moment.


Fixed that for you. :D


The 40k back story is largely poorly written crap. The best bits were swiped from other sources and repackaged in chains and skulls. If Mat Ward was a more gifted writer, then maybe he could have smoothed over the rough parts giving people splinters.


Kinda like Star Wars

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I too think 40k fiction is greater than the sum of it's parts. I've watched it grow from Nemesis the Warlock & Judge Dredd to what it is today. What Ward wrote fits into it's evolution fine... yet it's details we're not entirely privy to.





Shakespeare didn't think he'd created anything new.

I don't mind that 40k ripped off Dune as the whole prescient messiah (& God Emperor) thing is a pretty rich concept... I care that Lucas stole from it though. Bastard hack. Spice miners & water farms indeed. Arrogant jerk and his petty thievery.

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They use each other to repel a tyranid invasion then go their separate ways. It's implied it's an honourable decision on Dante's part... which reeks of xenophilia, so folks are peeved at Ward's blatant HERESY!


I think, like some others here, that it's a 5th ed thing and will make some conceivable sense once C:N is produced.

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