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Blood Angels and Necrons

Sun Reaver

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They use each other to repel a tyranid invasion then go their separate ways. It's implied it's an honourable decision on Dante's part... which reeks of xenophilia, so folks are peeved at Ward's blatant HERESY!


I think, like some others here, that it's a 5th ed thing and will make some conceivable sense once C:N is produced.


Ugh... as someone who has been enjoying 40k fluff for over 20 years, I can say that this... this just doesn't fly. I guess this is what we have to look forward to now that all of the founding members of GW are gone. ;)

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^^ wise.


Who knows why he really did what he did... maybe his minor powers of prophesy foretold that if he didn't a world would be lost later because he no longer had the forces to save it. So, the wind-ups go back to sleep... he knows they aint goin' anywhere.


Sometimes a general has o make distasteful decisions.




I'm glad he has the fortitude to do so, even though I'm sure it turned his gut.

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