skink Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 Well, I've finally scraped together the courage to post some of my painting on the interwebs... I admit that painting isn't my favorite part of the hobby, but my hope is that by publicising my results, I'll be pushed to do more. As such, comments, reccommendations and (gentle!) criticism is welcomed! My pre-emptive excuse: bear in mind that these represent more or less my entire painting history (in addition to 6 Empire militiamen, and a couple of Lizardmen!). So, without further ado, let's start with a couple of speeders that I did today while the whole country ground to a halt; I haven't done the crew as I'm a bit scared of them! A pair of Typhoons, which have multimeltas The one on the left... The one on the right... Urgh, all the mistakes leap out on screen eh?! I know that the highlights are a bit clunky, but I hope these will become more defined as time goes on! They also look ok at arm's length, so should be alright for gaming standard; all I am aiming for. Some Deathwing to come shortly... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanhausen Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 Terrible, throw them into universal solvent and burn the rest of your models. Now seroiusly, they look fine to me :mellow: As you say, the highlights are a bit thick, but all you need to do is cover the excess with black paint and you are good to go. Keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
VAGABOND Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 Is that Astronomical Grey you've used for the highlights? They look pretty good man, maybe a wash oto maybe dull them down abit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
puck Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 I've found that all the fancy techniques in the world look terrible if you can't paint cleanly. your models especially your metals are very clean and well defined. That alone IMO does more for the overall quality of a model than any of the more "advanced" techniques you hear about. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted April 29, 2011 Author Share Posted April 29, 2011 Wow, quick responses guys, and thanks for kind words! Tanhausen: I had them really thin to start with, especially on the sharper edges (I would lightly coat the brush in paint, then hold it at right angles to the edge I was highlighting and run it along), but as soon as you were more than 30 cm away you couldn't see them. When I tried to make them more obvious, the thick splodging started... But practice (hopefully) makes perfect... VAGABOND: Codex Grey my friend, simply straight over the Black Spray undercoat. As I said, painting isn't really my thing, so I tried to keep it quick and simple! A wash is a good idea; I might experiement with some Badab... puck: Thanks for that, a real confidence boost! Okay, DW time... Again, not finished (haven't highlighted one squad, I pretty sure that none of the arms are done, and I'm wary about doing bare heads) but they are well on their way. All arms are magnetised; I really enjoyed modelling these guys. Maybe a bit dark for traditional DW, but it's so easy and I've started to like the dirty look... Command squad... Standard and Sarg... Apothecary and Cyclone Other squad... The random bone/white based claws guy was a colour experiment that I hated, and will ultimately strip. Some of the chaps... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted April 29, 2011 Author Share Posted April 29, 2011 Few more bits to add... These are some DW that I bought as a kid, and never got painted!! As they are small and intricate, I want to make sure I've got the neccessary techniques nailed before I tackle them. Hope you enjoy the nostalgia trip! Squad 1 Squad 2 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EPK Posted April 29, 2011 Share Posted April 29, 2011 Everything is coming along nicely skink. I especially like your take on the 2 shot CML. Yours makes perfect sense. The doubled headed mace that is now a staff is cool too. Some fun kitbashes you got going on there. Thought it was worth mentioning that you can mount those old metal terminators, base and all, right onto a second 40 mm base if you care to. It lifts them up in height to match the newer models. With the right basing elements you can't even tell there are two bases - here is one of my models when it was still a WIP for reference. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted April 29, 2011 Author Share Posted April 29, 2011 Thanks for your words of encouragement! I really enjoy smashing together kits, I'm all about simple but effective conversions; my favorites are when you look at a model and can't tell if it's been modified or not! EPK said: Thought it was worth mentioning that you can mount those old metal terminators, base and all, right onto a second 40 mm base if you care to. It lifts them up in height to match the newer models. With the right basing elements you can't even tell there are two bases - here is one of my models when it was still a WIP for reference. Ask, and ye shall receive!! Belial with claws... I know his blade is on a wonk, but it's snapped off too many times now, and I magneted it a bit skew wiff... If I was doing it again, I'd include some putty to make it less of a step, and may do so for the rest. Nice reference model btw, you've got a nice light colour. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EPK Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 Perfecto! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Baphomet Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 You know, they look pretty good to me, almost something like I'd paint as I don't get time to blend colours and stuff either :P As long as you're happy with them and they look decent on the table top, then that's fine - keep it up! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted April 30, 2011 Share Posted April 30, 2011 The models look great :tu:. The DW are nicely but not overly kitbashed. I love your take on cyclones – very creative. The sgts power maul is an idea well worth nicking :whistling:. But you don't need our encouragement to keep you going – you're doing fine on your own <_< . Cheers I Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted May 4, 2011 Author Share Posted May 4, 2011 Thanks for the continued encouragement guys! The cyclone conversion was a matter of finances: I wanted them on every squad, but post-FAQ the Cyclone bit (plastic and metal alike) were as rare as hen's teeth and expensive to boot. These are HK missiles on their side and glued together; cheap and simple! The maul is two DA maces glued to a stormbolter arm; I needed another hammer! Work means I'll spend the next couple of months abroad, so I won't be updating anytime soon, but I did take all the guys featured so far and a RW meltagang against Slannesh Marines and nearly tabled them (fluffed a 4 in 6 chance of blowing up the final tank, having only lost 7 Terminators, 4 bikes and a speeder); a combination of freshly painted models and him using my dice caused Lady Luck to smile on me! Lash against footslogging Terminators is lethal btw, routinely undoing multiple turns of positioning. Any sneaky ideas to combat this, or do we just kill the Sorcerer ASAP?! Something that did come was the manager of the store wanting me to base the metal Terminators on 40 mm bases. Part of me would rather they stayed on 25 mm and I figure this is legal as GW still supply them on the smaller bases, but I don't really care and local tournament rules (which I would like to start attending once the painting is done) dictate that all Terminators must be fielded on 40 mm bases. Should I stick to my guns and keep them on the smaller bases (for no real reason in particular!!) or should I just pop them on the bigger ones? Will there be an in game difference? Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Tanhausen Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 The only advantage IMO for smaller bases is that templates touch let models. Bigger bases give you the advantage of having a broader front, which means more models in CC and you can reach more when stretching the unit (for example, to capture 2 objectives). For simplicty's sake, I'd base them in 40mm. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Isiah Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 I agree with Tanhausen. Plus, they look better on 40mm IMHO :) Cheers I Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EPK Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 AND, they will not fall down as easily on uneven terrain. Those heavy metal terminators on little bases always seem to just fall over. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted May 4, 2011 Author Share Posted May 4, 2011 Tactical, practical and attractical... ;) 40 mm it is then... I certainly agree with the aesthetic comment, they seem very wee compared to the newer plastics. EPK, as an aside, your Consecrators are banging. Really impressed with them. Are there going to be more?! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
EPK Posted May 4, 2011 Share Posted May 4, 2011 skink said: EPK, as an aside, your Consecrators are banging. Really impressed with them. Are there going to be more?! Why thank you! I have four left to paint, 3 marines and a sarge from that tactical squad. I don't have solid plans for more, but I'm contemplating maybe another combat squad to (more so for additional weapon options) along with maybe a tech marine and perhaps a rhino. I'm very tempted to spring for the FW Mk6 armored models. But before any of that, I will be going back to complete my DW command squad and Belial. I have a habit of jumping around, but I need to force myself to do one at time. hehe. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted August 7, 2011 Author Share Posted August 7, 2011 Massive lack of updates for ages, I'm just lazy. A wet summer's day and a lack of surf prompted me to get the paints out today though, and I've cranked out a 3rd Typhoon (a la the previous two, so no need for pics) and a Dreadnought... I know there are a few iffy bits, but I'm quite pleased considering an hour and a half previously it was grey plastic. In the last couple of months I've also more or less finished a Ravenwing melta squad, which means that the majority of my main two list variants at 1500 pts are now of a table top quality, which I find very satisfying. Hope you like what you see, and are there any ideas for a name for the scroll-work on the Dread? I won't be painting it on but I do have a 0.1mm pen which should do the trick!! Cheers... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Kovash Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 As a fellow Unforgiven who hates painting, I know what you're going through. That being said, your models look awesome! Very cleanly done, and some very nice additions made as well. I like the fact that nothing you added on was over the top. Don't be afraid of painting bare heads. I've gone the lazy route of using tallarn flesh with an ogryn flesh wash to do mine, I'll add up some pictures later. Adding the Ravenwing feather banners to a dreadnought? Consider that idea stolen! Sorry Brother skink. :P Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bryan Blaire Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 Skink, I think that your stuff looks very good and is coming along nicely. The Dreadnought looks very cool, interesting scheme for it. I also like the old Ravenwing bike banners, and after seeing that idea, I'm disappointed that I can't find my old ones now. Don't know if you noticed or if it was intentional, but on the first pic, it looks like there is a seam that runs from the top of the arm down to the center where the plasma cannon is, and it looks like marble with what I'm assuming was a wash pooling on one side of it. Actually makes it look pretty neat, but you may want to trim it down around whatever that little targeter thing on the arm is. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Captain Semper Posted August 8, 2011 Share Posted August 8, 2011 This is a very bada$$ Cyclone you got there!!! I really like what you've done with "exotic" conversions for the c/c weapons for your Termies! Keep it up (I know it takes discipline - especially in the summer :rolleyes:). Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted August 8, 2011 Author Share Posted August 8, 2011 Thanks for the comments guys, glad that people are liking them. I'm afraid that I can't take credit for using the old RW banners, I was inspired by someone (I thought they were on the Fortress of the Unforgiven, but I can't find it now) using an old Kislev (sp?) horse banner as a standard for their DW captain. The RW feathers were but a short step from this. Bryan: I got the banners off eBay for not very much at all if you get desperate. The pooling is not intentional, I was simply rushing, so I'm grateful that you've pointed it out. The standard chime of "it's not that visible in real life" applies here, so as it is less noticeable on the table top I think I'll crack on with getting the rest of it past the primer stage before I come back to it. Kovash: What would Devlan wash over Tallarn look like? I don't have any Ogryn, and am loathe to buy a new paint for two faces. Semper: Thanks, I get lots of comments on the Cyclones! I think I prefer the standard pattern, but these were cheap as chips to make and, for a Heavy 2 missile launcher, are clearly WYSIWYG! My two squads of old DW and Belial are currently letting the side down, but I'll get there. Cheers for the encouragement! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Brother Kovash Posted August 9, 2011 Share Posted August 9, 2011 If I had some Devlan Mud left I would test it out for you, but I let my friend borrow it and he proceeded to use it all. So until he orders more, I can't test it out for you. Here's a picture of one of my sergeants with the Tallarn Flesh/Ogryn Flesh combo: Did the best I could with my iPhone, I can't find the charger for my camera so no high quality pics. It looks fine to me, I'm curious as to what a Devlan Mud wash would look like. Edit: fixed image Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Evil eyeball Posted August 10, 2011 Share Posted August 10, 2011 If you do not mind I would love to snag your idea for the Cyclone made from HK's I was gonna use a havoc launcher, but it looked huge and I like the look of yours very much. I'll post some pics once i buy some terminators and do it. Awesome models. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
skink Posted August 10, 2011 Author Share Posted August 10, 2011 Kovash: Thanks for the pic, the face looks really crisp. I'll have a crack soon and report back... Ee: Please do, I hope they reap as much destruction as mine have! It should be very obvious how to fashion them, but if you have any queries/find a better way of doing it/discover any neat tricks then do let me know! Glad you're liking the army so far, thank you. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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