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Running with the Reclusiarch


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I love running the Reclusiarch and he usually ends up in all my lists.

I typically run him in a Land Raider with a Honor Guard with a chapter banner, blood champ and what ever upgrades I can fit. But I'm wondering if taking him with Death Company is a bigger bang for my buck. He had the extra synergy with DC and I can make the DC as big as I can afford.


Any thoughts or personal experience?

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For a Land Raider, it's DC or VV if you're keen on bloating it up.


VV? Sure, why not. Very customizable and can have SSs. Add a priest for hull bubble for other units on the way up and in CC for the reclusiarch & VV unit to match a DCs FnP. While it can be killed and they all lose it, the reclusiarch gets the FnP while it lives, which he wouldn't have with DC.

And... no rage.


If you want to use the DC to get DC dreads, then there's no question of DC being the cargo choice.

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You may not have noticed that the reclusiarch has a skull for a face.


Don't worry, its an easy mistake to make, now go back and take a look.




Why wouldn't you take a HQ choice with a skull for a face? You're right, there is no reasonable answer.

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I run my Reclusiarch with a Librarian/PW HG - Sgt. PF/Melta, Melta/PW, BP/PW, BP/PW, Novitiate I try to work so he is not in CC depending on

if I need to kill the unit or keep one alive.


This way the Reclusiarch gives me re-rolls to hit and fearless. Total 5+4+0+3+4+4= 20 PW attacks on the charge + 4 reg CC attacks with the Novitiate.

This unit all has Jump Packs

I love my Reclusiarch :HQ:

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Almost every list I write, I cut points from other stuff to have a reclusiarch in TDA and 10 DC with 2 PF. Put them in either my LRC or SR and unleash them. They are a great distraction for the rest of my army since the guys I have played against have seen what that one unit can do.
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