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Tactical Squads in Rhinos


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This maybe a stupid question, but bear with me.


What are people doing with Tact in a Rhino? Yes, the protection of the Rhino is great, but at the cost of limited shooting. Wouldn't it be better to find a nice spot of cover and fire away (or a matter of taste)?

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Tacs in a rhino can:

score up to 21+" in a turn

be safer

move fast

+get out and rapid fire

+flee most units

shoot if it moves or not

shoot heavy if it doesn't move


Tacs without a rhino can't

contest outside of 12"

stay safe

move fast

+flee most units

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What shatter said.


Added to that, you can rhino bunker them on an objective, meaning your opponent has to do a hell of a lot more to claim that objective.

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being able to move 12", hop out of the Rhino and fire away does sound reasonable.


I've been running Assault Squads w/o JPs in a Razorback so often that I forgot the basics.


Thanks for the help

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