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Pics: Guardian Angels in action!


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a buddy of mine at the shop has been taking game photos (thanks Ian!).

Here's a few of my army killing some Xenos









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Could you get a picture of the entire bard, it looks pretty good? Did your dreadnought win the combat against the big bugs?

All in all looks a good battle though.


Yeah, if that dreadnaught knacked both of this carnifex's it's one tough mother.

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if the furioso had bloodtalons i can totally see it killing them before they hit back :) WS6, S6 (and the nids are T6 if im not mistaken?) arent terrible odds to put some wounds on them. mind you if they get to hit back theres a good chance hes toast but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained right? :lol:
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if the furioso had bloodtalons i can totally see it killing them before they hit back :) WS6, S6 (and the nids are T6 if im not mistaken?) arent terrible odds to put some wounds on them. mind you if they get to hit back theres a good chance hes toast but hey, nothing ventured nothing gained right? :lol:


Yeah, I would like to think our venerable brother was triumphant and unscathed although if the carnifex's survived the blows it would not be pretty.. If it was a DC dread with talons it would have done even more damage!


Personally I like a DC dread with blood talons for squishies and a furioso with bloodfists for armour.

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thanks everyone :D

I don't have a photo of my entire army. These were photos taken by a friend of mine during a game, and my camera is old and can't get good pics.

I have about 4500pts of Blood Angels, all painted, and I figured it was time to show off :).


And that Dread killed one Carnifex, but not the other.

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That is one of my favorite Chaplin min's in the first picture (second only to the jump pack Chaplin), and the back banner on him is excellent! Is that free hand? If so I'm very impressed and slightly jealous of your abilities.
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