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Dealing with Vulkan He'stan


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I recently played in a new area with considerably more competitive players, and some people like to use Vulkan in a drop-melta-flamer heavy list. I'm having a really tough time figuring out how to counter melta spam with chaos... perhaps going light on the tanks, but then my troops will suffer from the equally-spammed TL heavy flamers.

I'm getting massacred by MM/HF landspeeders and dreadnoughts, as well as combimelta toting sternguard coming out of drop pods.

Any ideas?

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If hes DPing on top of you, range isnt a problem- Id load up on plague marines. They wont care when their rhinos pop.... and theyll care almost as little about heavy flamers.


Back it up with a couple squads of terminators to come in and counter-melta his early arriving dreadnaughts if you can, and perhaps reserving a defiler aswell.

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Plague marines. They wont care when their rhinos pop.... and theyll care almost as little about heavy flamers.

This. Plague Marines laugh off Flamers with ease, and if they are in cover, your opponent's Meltas are as effective as a normal weapon.


Other thing you could consider is a unit of 1KSons. You can't get back into a Drop-Pod, and when he pops your Rhino the return fire of 9 Rapid firing AP3 Bolters is not to be dallied with. Plus, he can level all the Meltas he likes at them, cover or no, and they are still getting their 5+ Save.

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  • 2 weeks later...
Thanks for the advice guys, it sounds good. I run a Word Bearers host and generally avoid using cult troops, so the option rarely occurs to me. Looks like I'll have to make an exception for the hard core types though. :lol:


Do not stray from the true path!


Bear the word to the loyalist scum


- Sid

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I recently played in a new area with considerably more competitive players, and some people like to use Vulkan in a drop-melta-flamer heavy list. I'm having a really tough time figuring out how to counter melta spam with chaos... perhaps going light on the tanks, but then my troops will suffer from the equally-spammed TL heavy flamers.

I'm getting massacred by MM/HF landspeeders and dreadnoughts, as well as combimelta toting sternguard coming out of drop pods.

Any ideas?


The only things I can come up with are cover and assault. Cover will spare you from melta-death a bit, but it won't save you vs. flamers. I'd try to get into assault ASAP; meltas and flamers do squat in assault. Just stay away from thunderhammers and you should do well.

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