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My thoughts on recent games..


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So I played 3 games today, against orcs, GK and DE. I have to say that I had my doubts about the Storm Raven. Actually, had a lot of doubts. However I am very pleased with it's performance in all the games I played. ^_________^


Use to be one of the nay sayers that said "that's a lot of points to waste on something that's only AV12." I was partially wrong. It IS a lot of points but it is NOT a waste.


After actually playing a single SR + Furioso in it let me start by saying the main reason that I believe I was wrong. Deployment. Not just any kind of deploying...but smart deploying! One of the things I didn't take into account when I saw the SR as only an AV12 shell that will die on turn 1 was deployment. If you deploy properly you can effectively negate half or more of your opponents shooting. So not only does this make your Storm Raven live for a longer time but it also lets you unload all your firepower or cargo just like you want to ;)


Out of all the games I have played with the Stormraven the worse case scenario was against the DE where I knew the weight of fire would have killed it quickly so I reserved it. Every single game the Stormraven survived and the worst thing that happened was it getting immobilized. I still fired everything out of it when it was immobilized and killed and IC for another KP in the annihilation game. The game against the DE gave my Furioso a field day. The Raven flew in and deployed the Furioso that annihilated 2x big squads of stuff by itself in 2 turns. Against the GK it went up against halbred terminators that couldn't hurt it and wiped their 2 wound shenanigan squad in 1 turn of assault.


Also the single Vindicator is wonderful! It either will draw attention from your opponent or make them not want to shoot it because it is just a single, but we all know what happens when you let a single Vindicator live. 5 dead Orc Nobs that's what. ;) Now if they shoot at it all you have to do is make sure you strategically place it around for cover saves or have a Librarian next to it. My Vindicator lived every single game as well.


So in short, single storm ravens + Furiosos are awesome if you deploy smart and reserve if needed. Single Vindicator squads do work and take pressure off your Heavy Predators, Storm Raven or Baals.


If you have any questions on what I did in the games or on how I did certain things with these models in the games feel free to ask or comment. Just wanted to share my thoughts on how I think those models I have been scared of using because of my theory vacuum crafted are actually really good if used smartly. (Not to mention the Furioso is my favorite model in all our book so I'm glad to have some use for it!) Yay! ^__^

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Did you fly a single stormraven and a single vindicator and what else did you have in HS?


The stormraven is excellent against DE, the lances bring it down to AV12...oh no! But wait! Ok, no problem :lol:


What cargo did you have inside the stormraven?


I haven't got a raven yet, but it's getting boring to proxy it. Maybe it's time to get one. Fits in perfect in my Dread army. Only downside is that it takes up a dread slot in HS. But the chaos and carnage it brings probably makes up for it.


Those Furiosos never lets me down. Have you tried a Furioso Librarian? They have performed well in every game I've used them in.

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Nice one, glad to hear the SR did well. What furioso did you use and what was it equipped with? I have a a DC one with blood talons but I want to build all 3 but build my regular furioso with blood fists for popping transports and such!
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I usually field a Stormraven with a:

10-man Assault Squad, Reclusiarch & Sang Priest

Furioso Librarian Dreadnought with Shield of Sanguinius & Might of Heroes.


Yeah! Smart deployment always increases your chances of surviving the SR.

Knowing what your opponent's plan and units, can help a lot.

Most of the time, I find myself using the SR with a refused flank deployment.

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Did you fly a single stormraven and a single vindicator and what else did you have in HS?


The stormraven is excellent against DE, the lances bring it down to AV12...oh no! But wait! Ok, no problem :D


What cargo did you have inside the stormraven?


I haven't got a raven yet, but it's getting boring to proxy it. Maybe it's time to get one. Fits in perfect in my Dread army. Only downside is that it takes up a dread slot in HS. But the chaos and carnage it brings probably makes up for it.


Those Furiosos never lets me down. Have you tried a Furioso Librarian? They have performed well in every game I've used them in.


Hiya! Yes it's funny vs DE. Also going all out on 1 vehicle and POTMS the TL Las Cannon to another vehicle = 2 dead vehicles most of the time :D The list I used so you can see the rest of what I had in my other slots is down below. ^__^


I ran the Stormraven with 1x Furioso Dreadnought. Also I have not tried a Furioso yet as the way my list is it doesn't allow for the points. +The furioso was way killy and without it's Blood Talons I wouldn't have caused all the carnage I did. It's all about positioning the SR in the right place, and still giving it a good enough position to drop off the Furioso next turn on something it can wipe out and tilt the game in your favor.



Nice one, glad to hear the SR did well. What furioso did you use and what was it equipped with? I have a a DC one with blood talons but I want to build all 3 but build my regular furioso with blood fists for popping transports and such!


I used a Furioso with the standard weapons except mine had Blood Talons. I prefer the Furioso over the DC Dread because of the 1 more AV. In 2 of the 3 games if I had AV12 instead of AV13 they would have had a chance of hurting me in CC. Also makes it much harder for them to hurt me from their ranged weapons. Like all those ridiculous str8 Grey Knight dreadnought autocannons...Now they need a 5 just to glance my Dread.



Yeah! Smart deployment always increases your chances of surviving the SR.

Knowing what your opponent's plan and units, can help a lot.

Most of the time, I find myself using the SR with a refused flank deployment.


Agreed! Whenever there was stormraven "chat" about how to play it or why it was good most people were just saying "No it doesnt die, it almost always survives" or "It's awesome you should always take one." That doesn't help newer players like me who have never used it. All I saw was an AV12 400+ point huge box that will die to ML's. So after all the nudging I decided to just go for it and figured out deployment is key! Refused flank is win! :)


Oh, for those who asked here is what was in the rest of my list ^_^ I know it's kind of weird because it only has 1 of Vindicator 1 of Heavy Pred 1 of Stormraven. But it works out quite nicely :)


Librarian 1


Furioso 1

Blood Talons 1

Heavy Flamer 1


Assault Squad 5

Meltagun 1

Transport: Razorback 1

TL Assault Cannons 1


Assault Squad 5

Meltagun 1

Transport: Razorback 1

TL Assault Cannons 1


Assault Squad 5

Meltagun 1

Transport: Razorback 1

TL Assault Cannons 1


Assault Squad 5

Meltagun 1

Transport: Razorback 1

TL Lascannon 1

Hunter Killer Missile 1


Baal Predator 1

Heavy Bolter Sponsons 1


Baal Predator 1

Heavy Bolter Sponsons 1


Baal Predator 1

Heavy Bolter Sponsons 1


Predator 1

Las Sponsons 1

Hunter Killer Missile 1


Vindicator 1


Stormraven Gunship 1

Extra Armor 1

TL Multi-Melta 1

TL Lascannon 1

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So I see you went with the regular Baal loadout.. I really wanna go with the more adventurous option of the flamestorm and heavy flamers aka 'the firestarter' (as I've named it!!) I think two of these will lay down all kids of hurt plus setting stuff on fire rules!!! I think magnetising it would be the smartest idea but I'm not too hot on magnetising so I think I may just have to buy four and build two of each loadout... What do you think?
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maybe you could get the turrets and sponsons from a bits site or ebay? Presumably you don't glue your turrets on in case of weapon destroyed results so you could just swap them over?


This is what I have done on my Land Raider - all the turret and sponson options are interchangeable on the single chassis



EDIT: In fact, a quick ebay search for "Baal predator turret" returned several sellers of the main turret part. I just bought 2 for myself!

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So I see you went with the regular Baal loadout.. I really wanna go with the more adventurous option of the flamestorm and heavy flamers aka 'the firestarter' (as I've named it!!) I think two of these will lay down all kids of hurt plus setting stuff on fire rules!!! I think magnetising it would be the smartest idea but I'm not too hot on magnetising so I think I may just have to buy four and build two of each loadout... What do you think?



If you do that from when I tried it out make sure you don't take the heavy flamers. After they scout, next turn your probably going to move 12" to get the best amount of burny ness with your Flamestorm cannon..then you can't even fire the S5 heavy flamers anymore. Wish they were regular flamers >:[

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Glad to hear that you are doing well in your games. I believe I told you that I ran a single SR in most of my lists and have been pretty pleased with how it performs as either a lone gunship/scoring gunship/or honor guard FNP bubble.


The list looks like it is coming along, too bad you didn't get Mephiston in there. My fun list fields Mephiston, and multiple Flying Librarian Furiosos with Might and Wings. It is hilarious to see the look on your opponents face when there are that many flying S10 librarians coming at them.

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Nice job Teemoki! Glad to see someone else field a Vindicator and a Stormraven togther. I have yet to lose my SR, but my poor Vindi always gets pounded.


Good Luck!

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I'm all for the vindi, SR, one, two also! Such a good tactic!!


Also teemoki, it's a shame about the heavy flamers, they look so good from a modellers perspective :tu: I might just add them and then not actually use them although that would probably annoy some opponents.

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@everyone: Ya its so awesome! My favorite model is actually usable. I don't care if spamming stuff is the way to make a more competitive list. I'm a happy egg since my Furioso can wreck havoc :wub:


@1Drop: Ya it's sad. I really like the Baal for Flamestorm stuff but I think it's more for lists that are more assaulty. I like Assault Cannons because I stay back and shoot with most everything. If I had a more upfront get in your face list probably with a Land Raider and Terminators or something I would def consider a Flamestorm Baal more :pirate:


Hope to get more games in this week with the SR + Furioso. Will probably be testing dual Vindicators to see how that goes. However I think I need 1 Heavy Pred for the ranged Las/AC anti medium AV fire power...better chance at taking out med AV with a Pred than a Vindi...now if the Demolisher Cannon was Twin-linked >__>

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I'm all for the vindi, SR, one, two also! Such a good tactic!!


Also teemoki, it's a shame about the heavy flamers, they look so good from a modellers perspective :pirate: I might just add them and then not actually use them although that would probably annoy some opponents.


I put magnets on my Baal's heavy flamer sponsons and magnets on the regular doors. This way I can switch between having them and not having them as I please.


I didn't magnetise the Flamestorm cannon though. My Baal Flamestorm is called "The Fire Scorpion" because they are native to Baal Secondus

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