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How many different Codexes (Codicies?) do you own


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Hi guys,


It has occurred to me that I don't know a lot about the armies I tend to fight against (although I'm slowly learning).


Is it commonplace for one to purchase the Codex for the armies you fight against? Or do you borrow your opponents to look things up? Or do you ask your opponent to explain what he has? Or finally, do you rely on your experience gained after meeting these armies for the first time?




I'll give you an example of why this has come up... I played against a Grey Knights army the other day and he fielded a squad of 5 walking power armoured guys (they might have been called Purifiers? don't quote me on that though) but when I assaulted them it turned out they were all armed with power weapons and various other bits and bobs that gave them 5 attacks per man all ignoring armour saves. Needless to say my squad got massacred. My opponents response was "I thought that was a strange idea of yours".


I don't have a problem with how it turned out, it was clearly my fault for not knowing what I was doing. But how do I get around this failure in the future? And I would be interested to know how you guys got around the problem when you were new too ;)

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I have only been playing warhammer for around a year at most and i only play my friends yet i still have 5. I get them because i love the read and i find it a good way to learn things about the other army you might not have known.
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Well, buying all available dexes is pretty expensive, but knowing your opponent is indeed an advantage. Just borrow your friends' dexes and study them a bit. Otherwise you can frankly ask the questions on respective forums, i.e. GK section here.


I own dexes: Vanilla marines (3rd, 4th and 5th ed), BA (3rd, 4th [pdf], 5th), orks 4th ed, tau 4th ed, Imperial guard 5th ed. I planned n collecting tau or IG and thus buoght their dexes, I bought orks from my mate, who gave up greenskins, and vanilla, well, I have ultras ;)

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I own every codex from 3rd edition on, and a fair few of the 2nd edition codices (those I didn't sell off). Part of my reason for this is "knowing the enemy", but I'll admit that every army has its interesting points. If I were to have enough time and money, I would want at least one army from each codex. So having each codex allows me to better understand an army both as an opponent and when deciding if it's one of the armies that I want to invest money in to have an army. Plus, I like campaigns and it's difficult to feature an army in a campaign if I don't have their rules and background. :lol:
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I own only the two Chaos codexes in addition to the BA codex. I'd love to buy others, but its too expensive and I can just look at them at the LGS.
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I own the chaos one from before they were split into two codices (chaos marines and chaos daemons) the current BA and tyranid (got it for my brother but also for me to know my enemy) ones.

I would like to own alot of them though as they are good to read and it's always good to know your enemy.

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Yeah, I thought I was being a bit obsessive wanting to know my enemies inside out but it appears we are all on the same page here, ha, ha.


I think the meta of my area is EVERYTHING literally, I see alot of power armour but also alot of everything else! But as I'm not planning on gaming seriously till next year (I need to finish my army and learn the game pretty much from scratch from having so much time out) I think I should be able to study the meta and gain the upperhand!! I may be rusty but I am oldschool, I'm from the 1st edition so I have 40k in my blood, I'm born to conquer.

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ok, that's great input, thanks guys.


I would love to gear myself up for some proper tourney action some day. I've been improving every game but I still let myself down by not knowing what I'm up against.


Looks like it's time to start saving money!

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I don't own all the newest versions. If I need to look at my opponents I can so haven't got around to getting them all. I like to keep the older ones and to fill in the gaps in the collection I scrounge around the boot and garage sales for old ones as you can pick up some bargains. 2nd Edition Angels of Death for £1 was my happiest find.
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I own all the Warhammer Armies books and a fair few codexes from 3rd ed backwards. I've only just come back to the game but I'm gradually aquiring the current ones, starting with armies I've owned in the past - all the marine variants, Eldar, Tau, Chaos, Daemons, GK, Guard and Necrons.


I would definitely recommend at least reading the codexes of your opponents. Your local GW should have a store copy of each dex. Ask them if you can take a look through a few of them. If your local blueshirts aren't particularly accomodating, just tell them you're thinking of starting a new army and want to get a feel for the different races' rules.

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I read all the codexes when the come out, but I don't buy them all. I own all the rulebooks, and codexes for the armies I play (going back to Rouge Trader), but not for other armies.


Getting intel on the other armies is pretty easy, between your LGS, army builder, and a browse of friend's copies of codexes, you are pretty well covered. Other people like to collect them all, that's good too, albeit a bit expensive.

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What I am doing currently, in regards to codexes, is getting them on ebay. It's pretty much got to a point where I need to consult my bookcase just to check if I have any particular one missing.


It certainly helps no end when you have a codex of the army you fight against and it's even better when you suddenly find a 'special rule' whipped out by your opponent in dire times seems suspicious. Also, as a fluff-nut, other codicies are invaluable for slightly more obscure information.

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My name is Sasha and I am a codex addict.


All of them.


On a side note, to the OP: if you aren't familiar with an opponents codex, don't be shy about asking them to run through their list explaining what each unit is like.

Threat assessment is one of the keys to strategy, you can't hope to win without it.

Example 1

You: I don't know GK, what does that squad do?

GK: They're pretty tasty in combat: marine stats, but +2 initiative 'cos of their swords, and if I take a psychic test, +1 strength too. Only 3+ armour though.

You: Ouch! Won't sent my scouts at them then!

GK: Yeah....

Play this guy


Example 2

You: I don't know GK, what does that squad do?

GK: That's your problem mate, you should buy all the codices

You: Oh, I'm sorry, my girlfriend's waiting, I don't have time for a game after all. Byee!


And until you can afford them, ask for advice on the B&C ;-)

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If you're at all unsure of an army's rules, ask for a quick run-down from your opponent beofre a game. They have no reason not to tell you. You want weapons, attacks, special rules as a minimum (saves are ususally fairly easy to figure out) and again, before you charge a unit, its perfectly alright to double check if you've lost track of which units which.
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Know the Alien, To Kill the Alien. Know the Xenos, To Kill the Xenos. Know the Heretic, To Kill the Heretic. If You Know Your Enemy, You have already Won. Such is the Way to Victory, For Ignorance leads to Defeat.


Know Your Enemy, And Victory Will Belong to You. Be Ignorant and You Will Never see Victory. --- A Lesson Taught to Initaites Upon completion of the Trials of the Lightning Warriors

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