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Blood Angels Sergeant rules question


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i find it very hard to believe that people under any circumstance would have an argument over this. at a tourney or not....


You'll be surprised eventually, bud. For some there's too much at stake for them not to moan about anything and everything.

Not sure if you know this, but some people are into war-gaming because they're socially retarded and are incapable of such things as honour and self control.


That's messed up bro.

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tbh an iron halo is stock gear for a captain just as his grenades are. i find it hard to inmagine that people would want to see it on any actuall model (dante has an iron halo and its nowhere on his person as well....do people question that? :wallbash: )




Actually, Dante does have an iron halo. It's that piece that looks likes a setting sun behind his head.

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tbh an iron halo is stock gear for a captain just as his grenades are. i find it hard to inmagine that people would want to see it on any actuall model (dante has an iron halo and its nowhere on his person as well....do people question that? B) )




Actually, Dante does have an iron halo. It's that piece that looks likes a setting sun behind his head.


The Sang Guard have almost identical head-pieces for their death masks. I always assumed that was his irom halo, but judging by the guards, not so sure.

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tbh an iron halo is stock gear for a captain just as his grenades are. i find it hard to inmagine that people would want to see it on any actuall model (dante has an iron halo and its nowhere on his person as well....do people question that? ;) )




Actually, Dante does have an iron halo. It's that piece that looks likes a setting sun behind his head.


The old Dante model had an iron halo I'm pretty sure, back when he was just known as 'the blood angel Commander' or atleast that's all it said on the blister!


Sorry this isn't really relevant, I'm just being nostalgic.


EDIT: I'm referring to the one that was all one piece and had a bolter by his side (that was a long time ago)

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tbh an iron halo is stock gear for a captain just as his grenades are. i find it hard to inmagine that people would want to see it on any actuall model (dante has an iron halo and its nowhere on his person as well....do people question that? :woot: )




Actually, Dante does have an iron halo. It's that piece that looks likes a setting sun behind his head.


The old Dante model had an iron halo I'm pretty sure, back when he was just known as 'the blood angel Commander' or atleast that's all it said on the blister!


Sorry this isn't really relevant, I'm just being nostalgic.


EDIT: I'm referring to the one that was all one piece and had a bolter by his side (that was a long time ago)


Both the model in question (the first Blood Angels Commander) and Dante were created years before any piece of wargear named "Iron Halo" appeared. In those days we had Power Fields, Conversion Fields, Refractor Fields, and Rosarius. None of which were represented with any modeling features. The halo is merely decorative (still is), and is an artistic representation of the ray-of-light halo effect often seen in religious artwork.

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tbh an iron halo is stock gear for a captain just as his grenades are. i find it hard to inmagine that people would want to see it on any actuall model (dante has an iron halo and its nowhere on his person as well....do people question that? :woot: )




Actually, Dante does have an iron halo. It's that piece that looks likes a setting sun behind his head.


The old Dante model had an iron halo I'm pretty sure, back when he was just known as 'the blood angel Commander' or atleast that's all it said on the blister!


Sorry this isn't really relevant, I'm just being nostalgic.


EDIT: I'm referring to the one that was all one piece and had a bolter by his side (that was a long time ago)


Both the model in question (the first Blood Angels Commander) and Dante were created years before any piece of wargear named "Iron Halo" appeared. In those days we had Power Fields, Conversion Fields, Refractor Fields, and Rosarius. None of which were represented with any modeling features. The halo is merely decorative (still is), and is an artistic representation of the ray-of-light halo effect often seen in religious artwork.


So am I right in thinking that the blood angels commander was not yet known as Dante? I seam to remember some people referring to him as Dante but I may be wrong, I'm not sure either way, lol.

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tbh an iron halo is stock gear for a captain just as his grenades are. i find it hard to inmagine that people would want to see it on any actuall model (dante has an iron halo and its nowhere on his person as well....do people question that? :P )




Actually, Dante does have an iron halo. It's that piece that looks likes a setting sun behind his head.


The old Dante model had an iron halo I'm pretty sure, back when he was just known as 'the blood angel Commander' or atleast that's all it said on the blister!


Sorry this isn't really relevant, I'm just being nostalgic.


EDIT: I'm referring to the one that was all one piece and had a bolter by his side (that was a long time ago)


Both the model in question (the first Blood Angels Commander) and Dante were created years before any piece of wargear named "Iron Halo" appeared. In those days we had Power Fields, Conversion Fields, Refractor Fields, and Rosarius. None of which were represented with any modeling features. The halo is merely decorative (still is), and is an artistic representation of the ray-of-light halo effect often seen in religious artwork.


So am I right in thinking that the blood angels commander was not yet known as Dante? I seam to remember some people referring to him as Dante but I may be wrong, I'm not sure either way, lol.


In all truth, the model was used as "Captain Tycho" in the first battle report that White Dwarf did for 2nd Edition. It's the famous one where Tycho fell to an Ork Weirdboy. This batrep was then used as background for our beloved Tycho. You'll notice that the old Commander model and Tycho even have the same exact pose. Boltgun on right hip, left fist on the other. The bloodied wing heraldry on the left shoulder pad is also the same.

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To be honest, trying to get someone to not use Dante as a sarge because he looks to "blingy" is silly. Its like calling weapons master crafted because someone painted them really well!
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