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Sanctemonia Cruori

9K Painting

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Been seeing the amazing model of Sanctemonia Cruor, and I decided... I NEED 1!!

But before I start ordering the conversion kit, I was curious of anyone has the rules for it?


Indeed there is....


I put together these homebrewed rules for it here:




I also made up this for the Imperial Fist Ironbreaker:




Along with these three "generic" types that allow you to field a variety of variants:


Fellblade Broadsword:



Fellblade Glaive:



and Fellblade Lancer:



If you have any questions let me know :P

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What is this? Someone show me, tell me etc please.


EDIT: ok the links are already here and by the way that is amazing, is it for Armageddon?

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Been seeing the amazing model of Sanctemonia Cruor, and I decided... I NEED 1!!

But before I start ordering the conversion kit, I was curious of anyone has the rules for it?


Indeed there is....


I put together these homebrewed rules for it here:




If you have any questions let me know ;)


Thanks a lot for these datasheets, and of course, kudos once again for the fantastic work you've put into these models sir.



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Ooooh, its the "king" of Fellblades himself posting in my thread ;)


Awesome, I am gonna order a few kits for the Blood Angels tank very soon, like tomorrow or the day after, so better start warming up those shipping fingers ;)

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I must say that is one of the best looking tanks I've ever seen if not the best.. I've checked out the kits on eBay and I'm gonna have to get one.. Are they limited numbers or are you gonna keep them coming?
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I must admit, I was going to buy one of those conversion packs, but then you started on the Plasma one and I want to see what you do with the turret before ordering...
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So do I just need a baneblade and one of these kits? What about the asscans and flamestorms etc, do I need to get those bits too?
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I must say that is one of the best looking tanks I've ever seen if not the best.. I've checked out the kits on eBay and I'm gonna have to get one.. Are they limited numbers or are you gonna keep them coming?


Thanks! Fear not, they'll be around for a while. Buy as many as you want! ;)



I must admit, I was going to buy one of those conversion packs, but then you started on the Plasma one and I want to see what you do with the turret before ordering...


The turret will stay the same but I am working on my version of a plasma cannon that will go with the Dark Angels Fellblade, which will be sold seperately. I also plan to add some laser cannons and flamethrower cannons to the mix as well. All hopefully in the next month.


So do I just need a baneblade and one of these kits? What about the asscans and flamestorms etc, do I need to get those bits too?


To build a Fellblade like the Sanctimonia Cruoris you will need a Baneblade kit (minus the main turret and treads) and my Tank Combo Pack. I also used the flamestorm cannons off of the Land Raider Redeemer, the twin linked assault cannons from the Baal Predator, and the vulcan mega-bolter from the Stormlord kit. You can also use the Avenger Gatling Cannons from my store: http://cgi.ebay.com/Avenger-Gatling-Cannon...=item3a65750eef


Hope that help, let me know if you have any questions!

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Just ordered the Tank Combo Pack and the Avenger Gatling Cannon, and have the rest at my studio..


I can't wait to have that badboy shredding up some enemies of the emperor!

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Just ordered the Tank Combo Pack and the Avenger Gatling Cannon, and have the rest at my studio..


I can't wait to have that badboy shredding up some enemies of the emperor!


Ahh awesome bro, it's amazing isn't it!? Where did you get the flamestorm and assault cannons from or did you already have them? I've got an assault cannon off a SR but I need to get a couple of flamestorm's from somewhere, I'm thinking maybe the LRR kit from GW!

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Ah yeah, sorry about that bro, I should have remembered that you're a full time painter so you will have loads of bits.


I think maybe if I can tear myself away from using the flamestorm on my first two baal's that will be the two of those sorted (does the sanctemonia have flamestorms or twin linked flamestorms? If it's the later I'll need them off the LRR so that plan will be nullified) but I really wanna make a pair of 'firestarter' Baal's more than pretty much anything at the moment, they just look so good!!

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I must admit, I was going to buy one of those conversion packs, but then you started on the Plasma one and I want to see what you do with the turret before ordering...


The turret will stay the same but I am working on my version of a plasma cannon that will go with the Dark Angels Fellblade, which will be sold seperately. I also plan to add some laser cannons and flamethrower cannons to the mix as well. All hopefully in the next month.


Yeah, it's a shame that postage to the UK is pricey, otherwise I'd have bought the combo pack already, but if I can wait and order it all at once then all the better (I'm thinking of turret options)

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