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What would you use against the Eldar Avatar?


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The last few times I've faced an Avatar I unloaded Baals into him until he went away. My melta units took down the Wraithlord while the Baals shot down the Avatar.
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Personally I wouldn't sink all those points into to a squad just to take out a 155pt Avatar. Granted he is a combat monster but he's also a footslogger. Just use the BA's speed to keep him out of reach and pick him off from range. Assault cannons and Rifleman dreads are ideal, plasma guns are also handy.


As Artex pointed out he is immune to both melta and flamer weaponry.

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Hey guys im just wondering what ye would use against the avatar i was thinking a land raider with assault terminators? Or maybe a death company with a chappy?

Meh, how about just a couple rounds with an assault cannon or two?


Hes t6 with a 3+ armor save. Frankly you should be able to take him down with a couple decent rapid firing tactical squads. Dont waste big guns on him, just torrent him down quick.

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No worries- the avatar himself is a pushover for all that hes a greater demon. Hes not worth more than his 155pts by even an inch, wich is why you dont see him alot.


The main thing youll have to watch out for is his aura of fearlessness, wich he confers to nearby eldar units.

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Weight of fire. Melta aint bad... which is pretty common in BA lists.


The eldar player will belly laugh at you if you try a melta on it :tu:


Ha, ha, ha... Indeed!

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Weight of fire. Melta aint bad... which is pretty common in BA lists.


The eldar player will belly laugh at you if you try a melta on it :tu:


The same thing happened to me when I was about to totally annihilate Lady Malys and her squad with much psychy(?) goodness. He asked me if I was sure I wanted to do that, barely restraining his giggles of joy, and giving me a twisted smile of pure happiness, let me roll through the whole thing, roll well enough to kill everything, then tell me that it did exactly nothing. I did kill them in a rage with cyclone/storm bolter goodness, followed by a terminator charge.


On the Avatar, I would use either torrents of small arms, or, depending on your army composition, missile launchers or your Razorback turrets.

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unfortunately i dont have any razorbacks i have two predators two baal predator a storm raven 45 assault marines 5 sanguinary guard 10 scouts 5 death company some priests two chappy's and Dante i know what i have is all over the place but i was fairly new when i started collecting them my army before BA was two lots of the orks from AoBR and a few other bits


oh i also have 5 terminators 5 assault terminators and a dreadnought

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5 storm shield terminators can be good for catching nasty things.

Or 1-3 salvos from an all missille devestator squad. S8 Ap3 naturally.

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Scouts with sniper rifles? They automatically wound on a 4+ regardless of toughness and they're rending (does the avatar have a invulnerable save?)
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Yes, it was 4+ last time I checked.


I agree to what the others said. Load some bolter-, assault- and lasercannons on that dude and watch him fall down. Hammernators are good against almost everything, so that is rather obvious...but still effective.

In most cases, the eldar tanks are far more threatening, so your lascannons and meltaguns are better off aiming at them...bolters and assault cannons all the way. :cuss




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im more worried about his farseer and 9 man warlock squad on jet bikes he has a very aggressive list i do enjoying playing against him because he is very smart. His list is something like this


Farseer on jetbike with 9 warlocks on jetbikes

4x5 man squads of rangers

3 vipers

2 wraith lords

1 falcon

its something like this we like to make funny army list to try out against each other.

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I was playing in a 1000pt tourny that was all in a space hulk. Custom made boards and the like. Pretty awesome. but anyway, 1000pt game and I decided to be super cheesy and bring Mephy. I ended up playing against a guy that had and avatar and ran mephy straight at him. 3 turns of combat later and Mephy had kill the avatar, a unit of guardians, and was giving it to a unit of harlys when the game ended. Mephiston + Avatar was so sad it was almost funny.
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Mephiston vs harlequins = death lol that happened to me anyway he killed 2 (dam 5++ save) and when they attacked me i died in one round of combat from power weapons and rending
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im more worried about his farseer and 9 man warlock squad on jet bikes he has a very aggressive list i do enjoying playing against him because he is very smart. His list is something like this


Farseer on jetbike with 9 warlocks on jetbikes

4x5 man squads of rangers

3 vipers

2 wraith lords

1 falcon

its something like this we like to make funny army list to try out against each other.

All you've got to do is get a squad of normal assault marines into combat with them and that Farseer and friends will fall apart like a wet paper bag. Only one with a PW is the Farseer, and he's ony got 1 attack. In CC he loses most of the best points of that unit and you'll still be causeing more wounds and kills than he can afford. Then there's no retreat wounds if you catch him close to the Avatar.


That falcon is wasted, the wraithlords will fold to a decent-sized squad with a power fist, Rangers drop like flies to an assault marine with a flamer or a whirlwind, just bolter the avatar till he loses a wound or 2, then charge him with a combat squad with a PF (probably got a 50/50 chance to kill him before he wipes out the squad).

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You want a whirlwind. Take out those rangers before they have a chance to do much.


A thing of Missile Launcher Devastators or a couple Baals will take the vypers and the avatar, quickly.


The Avatar is dangerous, and gives another vote for the ML devies, though a couple MM attack bikes or some landspeeder typhoons would also work in both cases.


After that, just get into assault with the jetbikes, a full 10 man squad is all you need. While a seer council is very, very survivable they are not killy in the least.


A Librarian to shut down his psychic powers, or a libby dread.

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get a squad or 2 of sternguard, 1 round of shooting with the poison ammo will take out the avatar,the same goes for the wraith lord. there is the ammo that ignores cover saves for the jet bikers and rangers, as well.
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get a squad or 2 of sternguard, 1 round of shooting with the poison ammo will take out the avatar,the same goes for the wraith lord. there is the ammo that ignores cover saves for the jet bikers and rangers, as well.



Youll be suprised how much an Avatar can take when its fortuned.

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rapid firing 10x sternguard vets tends to kill most things. drop pod them in and rapid fire 20 poison rounds, even if half miss and fail to wound and the avatar makes half its armour saves, that is t still 5 wounds, i play alot against nids and this tactic works for me allot when it comes to killing monstrous creatures.
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