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Maybe we should thank M.W after all?

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I hate how everyone is more worried about how balanced or competitive an army book is. When I started playing, it was for fun. I have had a lot less fun as of late playing against people who dont seen to realize that a pick up game isnt just another chane to horribly crush another player.


Exactly!! With all the talk of "competitive-ness" on the internet these days, it's sometimes easy to lose sight of the joy and fun that I had when I first started playing this game and "how competitive" a unit was didn't matter at all. All I cared about was how awesome the unit was and really didn't even care if I lost.


I think this new dex is awesome. I am not a competitive player, but I started playing a new Flesh Tearer army just because I liked how much "COOL" this new dex contained. At the same time, however, I recognize that it has a lot of options for great competitive builds for players who like that sort of thing.


All in all, this dex is full of win. Not sure how you could ask for much more.

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just a quick question, about the rules that he does write. Van Guard are elite assault marines right, so why do you have to pay for the jump packs? shouldnt thay come with them? you pay something like 150 points to be able to use there unit rule why? ok in the BA codex you can give them a land raider but still shouldnt assault troops are are elite versions of the line company units not come with jump packs?



Surely the point cost of VV with jump packs is in the ball park of their true value.


That their core cost doesn't include the jump packs merely allows the player more options. Yes, they could have eliminated the option to run VV without jump packs, but why eliminate options?

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That being said, there are some major issues:

-DC can't be controlled. While I think that their non-JP cost is fine, Rage make them too much of a liability for me to take them. Same for DC dreads.

-Assault squads as troops just breaks the fluff too much. If MW at least followed the SM bike captain route, I guess I would have been fine with it, but not as it is now.

-Speaking of captains (and this applies to all SM captains, really), how is it that some of the finesse leaders and tacticians in the galaxy have no rules to represent their acumen. They are just completely useless combat monsters. Let's not even talk about the fact that a chapter reknowned for loving finally crafted gear doesn't have acess to arty armour.

-I don't get how sang priests give FnP to everyone within 6 inches. Is he just that much more competent than other chapter's apothecaries? Blood Chalice should have given Fearless and FC to within 6", and the priest given FnP to the squad he's with. Would have made more sense to me.

-Red Thirst just sucks. Maybe all BA should have FC, but as malus, they have to take a Ld test NOT to assault if there are any enemies within 6".

-Sang guard, the "super elite"... are just normal elite guys with nipple armour. Yay.

-Sanguinor. Not needed, not good. Just a worthless entry.

-Mephiston. No, just no.

-Normal dreads are heavy support... why?

-The raven is HS too... why? At least GK got this right as a FA.

-No raiders in HS... again, why? If the BA have so many that they can use them as dedicated transports, why can't they still fill their normal HS roles too. Also, lolDSing Raiders. Not only a stupid idea fluff-wise, but completely useless game-wise.


First, I'd say that every complaint you have is justified with regards to the fluff. However I'd also say that any of the changes you suggest would destroy the unique play style they have created for the BA. I'm 100% ok with sacrificing some of the fluff to make BA a unique codex with a truly unique play style.

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The Matt Ward book is the worst BA codex i have ever played with ( i do not count the pdf as a codex), the fluff was horrible and the rules brought nothing new to the game or the overall feel of the chapter.


Single worse example from the book is the fact that death company tycho cannot infact join the death company :wink: ....really Ward? really?


You know now that I think about it the seven other codices were definitely much better.




Anyways the Sanguinor is my favorite new character and I really like the new mini for Lemartes. Ward has taken Marines in general to a new level overall. I'm hoping he writes the next vanilla codex just to see what he does.


G :HQ:

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So, I year on, and a range of opinions from 'worst dex ever' to 'best dex ever'. I say we move to a vote!


Having read through the other posts, I think what would have improved the codex would have been a shopping list of war-gear and special rules to add to the standard HQs. This would have allowed tycho-like characters with jump packs, Lemartes type characters on bikes, Librarians in articer armour. As it is, it is impossible to construct chapter masters and characters for the successors or DIY chapters and you have to make do with counts as the named BAs.

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So, I year on, and a range of opinions from 'worst dex ever' to 'best dex ever'. I say we move to a vote!


Having read through the other posts, I think what would have improved the codex would have been a shopping list of war-gear and special rules to add to the standard HQs. This would have allowed tycho-like characters with jump packs, Lemartes type characters on bikes, Librarians in articer armour. As it is, it is impossible to construct chapter masters and characters for the successors or DIY chapters and you have to make do with counts as the named BAs.


GW has moved away from that style armylist. MAybe we as players would prefer it overall, but its not coming back.

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I agree James - for many armies, especially SM, it's all about the special characters. It used to be they weren't that good most of the time and were often overcosted points wise but now they tend to unlock certain builds - such as Dante (SGwing) and Astorath (DC).


G ;)

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So, I year on, and a range of opinions from 'worst dex ever' to 'best dex ever'. I say we move to a vote!


Having read through the other posts, I think what would have improved the codex would have been a shopping list of war-gear and special rules to add to the standard HQs. This would have allowed tycho-like characters with jump packs, Lemartes type characters on bikes, Librarians in articer armour. As it is, it is impossible to construct chapter masters and characters for the successors or DIY chapters and you have to make do with counts as the named BAs.


GW has moved away from that style armylist. MAybe we as players would prefer it overall, but its not coming back.


I for one am ratherg happy about that. For example, I never understood how good a Sarge upgrade was in 3rd. Once it was forced on me in 4th I started kitting them out, to great effect. Sure, it's no longer the smörgåsbord of upgrades it once was, but buying artificer armour and all that wasn't exactly "flexiblity" either. It just led to 200 point models with 5 power weapon attacks as I recall it.

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