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Grey Knight Terminator - although not exactly "grey"...


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Hi folks!

What can I say about this fella?

This is my take on the GK - called them "Warp Knights" because I didn't want to have just another brotherhood with the same colour. Grey starts being boring. ^^


What else can I say? I painted this guy for a 1-on-1 with some other user in my "home" community. Hope you like 'em - C&C appreciated.




Btw, I'm kinda proud on the chapter badge on his right shoulder guard...

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the purple is great, and the badge is some seriously nice micro-painting, but the white on his helm really lacks definition.


If you were to do it again I'd suggest working up from something like astronomican grey or if you prefer a warmer white graveyard earth/bleached bone.

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@ Blackbabyjesus:


Thank you! You're absolutely right about the helmet. I'm not completely happy with it either - but I wanted it to contrast as much as possible from the rest of the model. Judging from the criticism I've received (from all over the world ^^) it seems I did succeed in that, although in a different way than I expected.

Better luck next time it seems :-(


@ Hubernator:


My opinion as well, but I asked my girlfriend. She wanted him to have golden shoulderpads...

It actually is highlighted the usual way (Dark Flesh -> Shining Gold -> Burnished Gold -> Leviathan Purple -> Mithril Silver/Burnished Gold), but seemingly the pictures aren't my best work after all..


@ Nirach:


Tha main reason for it is that I liked the look of the purificators from the very beginning and just had to give him a white helmet. As for the purple - I've always liked this colour, but in order to be as "manly" as possible, I've never been brave enough to actually try it out :-D

Jokes aside; I think purple really is a great colour, but rarely seen among most armies. I wanted something unique for my GK; something that really stands out from the rest of 'em.

That's why I chose purple.

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@ Nirach:


Tha main reason for it is that I liked the look of the purificators from the very beginning and just had to give him a white helmet. As for the purple - I've always liked this colour, but in order to be as "manly" as possible, I've never been brave enough to actually try it out :-D

Jokes aside; I think purple really is a great colour, but rarely seen among most armies. I wanted something unique for my GK; something that really stands out from the rest of 'em.

That's why I chose purple.


Ahh. Well, fair play! Looks damn nice, I take it there will be an accompanying squad? ;)

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@ Nirach:


Tha main reason for it is that I liked the look of the purificators from the very beginning and just had to give him a white helmet. As for the purple - I've always liked this colour, but in order to be as "manly" as possible, I've never been brave enough to actually try it out :-D

Jokes aside; I think purple really is a great colour, but rarely seen among most armies. I wanted something unique for my GK; something that really stands out from the rest of 'em.

That's why I chose purple.


Ahh. Well, fair play! Looks damn nice, I take it there will be an accompanying squad? ;)


Not sure yet :-(

I don't even own a GK codex, so I have no idea what his squad mates may take or not (equipment-wise, that is, and "Honi soit qui mal y pense"!). That's why I don't think there'll be a whole squad of those fellows so soon.

Maybe when my Ultramarines are done (for a while), but it'l take ages for me to paint a force of 1500 pts...

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@ Deus de Mortalis:


Thank you. ;-)

Now that's some fine sense of humour ^_^


@ Hotrod:


Thanks a lot. Took me long enough to finish it ^^


@ KfS:


They're oak leaves from Hasslefree. It's an awesome manufacture, so make sure you check their other stuff out, too.

And thanks a lot - I wanted to create some contrast. Hope I succeeded. ^^

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purple is a fun color for a grey knight. though don't all chapters in purple turn to chaos.


Hawk Lords are still goin' strong for the Imperium, unless I missed something.


Cool paintjob. I've got some half baked plans to do a very similar one using lots of GK bitz, but thankfully it's not too similar. :rolleyes: Like others have said, the only hitch is the depth of the white on his helm.

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@ Hubernator:


My opinion as well, but I asked my girlfriend. She wanted him to have golden shoulderpads...

It actually is highlighted the usual way (Dark Flesh -> Shining Gold -> Burnished Gold -> Leviathan Purple -> Mithril Silver/Burnished Gold), but seemingly the pictures aren't my best work after all..

Just because she's the love of your life does not mean she can dictate how the models should look :P Man up and get them shiny bitz silver, soldier! ;)

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