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Which side is up?


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I just thought up something that's pretty messed up. I can't find a rule that says I have to field vehicles with, what is intended to be their bottom, down. So instead I can for example I could take a landspeeder and place it upside down on its base and and just say that side it up. The same can be done with front and back though in some cases this will mean that you need to alter the model a bit (place hatches on right side and make sure weapons face the right way).


Now this idea seems completely insane (and at the same time hilarious) to me so I think there's a rule somewhere that says I can't but I just cant find it.


So does anyone know if the rules prohibit me from fielding a landspeeder squadron that flies upside down?

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Since theres no difference in AVs F/S/R if you do, theres not much point.


The problem youll run into is that if there is enough of a point to make it worth while- besides telion sending over the comms "Do a barrel roll!"- youll likely run afoul of the dread 'modeling for advantage'.

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Upside down or not, if your weapon mountings change then the model will behave differently. Thus, unless you have a conversion that must make use of a vehicle upside down, 'because the rules dont say it has to be up' is a terrible reason to have an upside down vehicle. Basicly, its modeling for advantage as stated, and while you should never do it in the first place you opponents have a right to call you on it.


That said, I can think of a couple cool 'dogfighting landspeeder' poses that involve the speeder being upside down; notably the one from the beginning of top gun when maverick flips upside down and gives the russian the finger. If you convert and paint that landspeeder, I can almost guarentee that no judge in a tourney will have a problem.

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I was always under the impression 40k was a permissive rule set.


You can only do what the rules say, anything else is disallowed.


If you can't find a rule that says you CAN field models with their bottom facing up then you can't do it.


Offhand I'm sure it says in the rules somewhere that vehicles are placed upside down to indicate they're dead

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I cannot think of a single reason why you'd want to do this. You actually cut the LOS of your non-nose-mount guns down to just about nothing, and the nose gun really doesn't gain anythign from the 1/2" or so of elevation, since the hull will still be visible in order to fire. You can't even pull off the "Durrrr, my Razorback's turret can shoot, but not be shot!" type of shenanigans with this scenario.
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I have the old LEAD MM/HF speeders - and the MM weapon is on a post over the heads of the chair-riders, and is modeled to shoot in all directions - Sometimes my opponents let me use it as modeled, rather than as a 180 to 45 degree front arc. Means even when grounded / immobile, it still has a modeled 360 degree threat circle. Originally the co-pilot could actually fire his bolter in addition to the other on-board weapons. IIRR in the wayyyy back, these guys actually had cc abilities like a attack bike currently does (2A). I love the old model and wish I had 2 more....
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