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Chaplain Armour

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well if your happier of painting it in your own colours than who stopping you ?

But normally they only paint their right should in the original colour and the rest black if I'm not mistaken.

and chaplain's got skull helmets so I don't think they'll be mistaken for something else any time soon if their not painted black.

Like i said, this is probably a really nooby question but, does a chaplain's armour HAVE to be black? Or would they re paint their armour to match their chapter's?


Thanks in advance :(

Yes, by BG stuff the Chaplains' armours have to be black, to render and show the mouring of Emperor's suffering, as the skull-mask does. In order not to offend the armour spirit, they leave their right should of the Chapter's colours.

The short answer is: "they're your models paint them how ever you darn well feel". If you don't feel your chaplain will stand out enough you can sculpt a robe or cape on him and paint it black. I'm doing this with a terminator librarian model and am planning to do this with a chaplain as well.
As long as there's something visibly black on his armor, I don't see the big fuss. Remember though, nothing says, "I mourn for the Emperor," like Warlock Purple and Dwarf Flesh pink under a globby white undercoat.


I believe I may have missed that particular painting tutorial... :)

Brother .. paint it how you want. As long as the appropriate wargear is represented and your opponent can clearly identify the model as a Chaplain then you're in the green.


My Chaplain is camo green to match my army. He does have black borders on the shoulder pads though.


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