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The Punishers fluff

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Hey all,


I was just trying to find out information about the Punishers warband.

Lexicanum says next to nothing about this warband though i have found out that there are seven Chapters charged with destroying the Punishers!!! SEVEN whole Chapters!! This must mean that the Punishers are either a massive major warband and/or hold secrets/artifacts that the Imperium cannot allow??


Any and all fluff and info on this warband will be most appreciated, cheers.

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This is one of the we-will-leave-most-of-it-blank-so-that-players-can-make-up-their-own-fluff warbands who were introduced in Codex 4.5.

So go nuts and write up your own. ^_^

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they were in a short story in one of the Heroes of the space marines or Legends of the space marines books as antagonists against one of the chapters sent after them, think it was the night watch.


not much said about them in the novel, but the whole planet seemed pretty wasted after the fighting. other than that they seemed to be an average chaos warband.

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I personally doubt the entirety of seven chapters is actually trying to hunt them down. It's more likely there's a company or two from each chapter chasing after them while the rest of the chapter does other things. Whatever they did (if anything), we don't know about it, so it's probably not that important on the galactic scale.


Just my two cents.

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i have been playing punishers for almost a year now and to the best of my knoledge, im the first one to paint this warband.


I have always wondered about the fluff and truthfully the only thing that prominently stands out is that they were to be hunted down by seven different loyalist legions.


I have been thinking about getting some interested players together on this very forum and as a group create some fluff for this warband. I got an idea to create their fluff as though they were a chapter branching off from the Red corsairs who somehow obtained power, relics, or knoledge from the mechanicus/imperium of man which is currently being sought out by seven different legions whether it be the murder of a certain chaos lord/ captain/ average astartes to retain the information, or to obtain the relics/power. we can use pics from my gallery and anyone else who wants to create some painted punishers' gallery.


just throwing some ideas out there :D


anyone interested should send a message my way.

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they were in a short story in one of the Heroes of the space marines or Legends of the space marines books as antagonists against one of the chapters sent after them, think it was the night watch.

It was the Dark Hunters. Also it is the Dark Hunter's entry in Codex Space Marines that mentions the whole "They are one of seven Chapters charged with the elimination of the Chaos Renegades faction known as 'The Punishers'."


The fact that they are called a faction rather than a warband indicates to me that they are a pretty large organization, likely made up of many warbands.

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You could set them up as Chaos Inquisition... Which would explain why the Imperium set 7 chapters to hunt them down, but hasn't mentioned anything about how many are hunting down the Night Lords or Alpha Legion...
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Thanks for the replies guys, i wasnt definately going to start an army of The Punishers i was just info collecting on various warbands before i decide which one to start. the other warband i have in mind is the Company of The Shadow. Their small text segment in the Chaos Codex was brilliant, i love how mysterious they are.


Basically i like to be a bit different from the normal choices of collecting one of the 9 legions or even the more popular warbands such as the Purge etc.


@ lokkorex - i never knew they were in published literature. Any chance of pm me about any information or descriptions given about the Punishers in the book?

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