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Jump Pack Captain using only spares?


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I need a cheap HQ choice for 1000pt games to give some extra punch to my JP Assault Squad and I've got enough bits to make a JP Captain.


The question is, without buying anything, how would you arm him?


The options I have in my bits box are:


Bolt Pistol



Plasma Pistol


(I'm not sure you can collect any Space Marine Chapter and not have dozens of these spare!)


Lighting Claw

Power Fist

Thunder Hammer

Storm Shield

Infernus Pistol

Hand Flamer



Melta Bombs


I might use him in larger points games with an Honour Guard, in which case it'll be made up of the following spare Jump Pack guys:


Marine with Banner & Plasma Pistol

Marine with Power Fist & Storm Shield

Marine with Power Weapon & Bolt Pistol x 2

Sanguinary Novitiate (or "Sanguinary Priest who doesn't have a Power Weapon")


I also have a JP Marine with a Plasma Gun but I can't think of any sensible use for him, as if he fires (and doesn't kill himself) I can't assault anyway.


Anyway, thanks for any opinions!



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Why bother...A Jump Pack Captain (with a power weapon) costs just 15 points less than a Reclusiarch with a JP. The Reclusiearch brings more to the table. The next cheap option would be a LIbby with a Jump Pack. Not a CC machine but can bring more to the squad and is cheaper. Virtually everyone else will tell you the same. Forget the captain...he does not even deserve a capital letter.
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I assume that by "cheap" you mean without spending more money as opposed to few points? Otherwise I would choose a librarian for your HQ.


Anyways, I would go with a power weapon or lightning claw, and since the lightning claw is better (at least in my opinion) that's the one I would take. It also means that you can take what ever you want for the second hand without worrying about loosing CC attacks. A storm bolter or combi-something (preferably melta) would be nice. If you can build a magnetized combi wepon you can switch between all variants.


TL;DR Lightning claw and stormbolter or Combi-melta.

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I assume that by "cheap" you mean without spending more money as opposed to few points? Otherwise I would choose a librarian for your HQ.


Anyways, I would go with a power weapon or lightning claw, and since the lightning claw is better (at least in my opinion) that's the one I would take. It also means that you can take what ever you want for the second hand without worrying about loosing CC attacks. A storm bolter or combi-something (preferably melta) would be nice. If you can build a magnetized combi wepon you can switch between all variants.


TL;DR Lightning claw and stormbolter or Combi-melta.


Or you can go all out and L.C, J.P and S.S. Just 150 points xD you know you almost want to.

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Cheap in both points and in cash, I'm trying to make a HQ choice without spending any of the latter! I really shouldn't spend anything at all this month, but I have a feeling that an AC/LC Pred or a TLLC/ML Dread is on the cards as I'm a bit short on long-range anti-tank.


Agreed that the Captain isn't the best choice, but I don't have a Jump Pack Librarian - if I had a spare Power Weapon I could paint a model largely blue and make it look like he had a Force Weapon (not sure what I'd do about the Hood, but that's another issue).


The sensible option probably is to use my Lemartes as a "counts as" JP Reclusiarch, or pull the backpack off my extremely old and extremely ugly metal Chaplain figure and stick my spare Jump Pack on him.


Anyway, the reason I'm looking for a cheap HQ is that a friend of mine's young son has just started playing Tau and has a small army, so while we're teaching him the game I'm not THAT concerned with the Captain being the best thing since sliced bread - and the only other Jump Pack HQ I actually own is Dante, who's a bit pricey in terms of points.


When I thought about this before, I'd considered making a "mini-Dante" with Power Weapon and Infernus Pistol, but as I don't have the Power Weapon... I could always go LC & IP, but the IP seems a bit of a waste without the extra attack. The Combi-Melta is cheaper, but how often am I going to want to fire the Bolter? And at 1000, I might need to fire the melta more than once. A Storm Bolter would be nice, but I used the one from my Commander sprue on a Sergeant with a Power Fist already.

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When I thought about this before, I'd considered making a "mini-Dante" with Power Weapon and Infernus Pistol, but as I don't have the Power Weapon... I could always go LC & IP, but the IP seems a bit of a waste without the extra attack. The Combi-Melta is cheaper, but how often am I going to want to fire the Bolter? And at 1000, I might need to fire the melta more than once. A Storm Bolter would be nice, but I used the one from my Commander sprue on a Sergeant with a Power Fist already.


The LC is statistically better against T3 and above versus a pw with one more attack. I'd go with the Ipistol over the combi too, just because you get to shoot s8 more than once, and it looks cool.


What about a power axe? You must have one of those lying around somewhere! Then your captain can be a pretty convincing "counts as" Dante when you want.

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Glaive Encarmine (you might have a spare from the Sanguinary Guard box if you bought some?) and Infernus Pistol is a nice combination.


And you can always use him as a fancy Sergeant when you upgrade your list to include a Reclusiarch or a Librarian later on.


Personally I'd always go for a Librarian or a Reclusiarch.


You can usually build one of those out of spares too.

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Glaive Encarmine (you might have a spare from the Sanguinary Guard box if you bought some?) and Infernus Pistol is a nice combination.


As long as you're counting it as a Power weapon, since there is no option for Glaive Encarmine.



For me, I can't imagine a better Captain then one with dual Lightning Claws. We all know that the captain isn't a very good HQ on his own, but if you can pair him up with a chaplain or a librarian, get the rerolls to hit, he can be a CC beast.


I suppose another option would be Thunder Hammer/Storm Shield. Yes, you lose the extra attack and waste his initiative, but I could maybe see it working out. Maybe.

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I like having a captain, just to have one, and I like an occasional chance to fight small scale and fast with the minimum of funny rules like psychic powers and litanies of blood. If you have all these bits from the DC and Commander pack then why not. You have used up your two power weapons on the those marines. You could file down the chainsword to power weapon shape. Otherwise the Lightning Claw is a good substitute (though correct me on this it only gets one power hit, doesn't it). And we are the only chapter with the Infernus pistol, aren't we, so why not use that for flavour.


My normal captain has a wrist -mounted plasma pistol and the DC power sword for no other reason than that I liked the BA-look of them.


If you follow the nay-sayers, though, the new Lemartes as a Jump-packed Reclusiarch is a very cool-looking HQ model.


And, in general, there aren't enough power weapons. Now there are lots of units you can make out of the DC set, like Vanguard and DC themselves, which could all have them, getting the bits is going to be quite hard. Might be time to buy the new Grey Knights who have about 15 on their sprue, excluding the halberds!

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As most brothers said, captain is rather useless. Although having one is nice if you're building a certain company, however I prefer count as Tycho. If you want a regular jumpy captain, equip him with either dual LCs or LC and SS, and when you don't need him take him as Vanguard Veteran.
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I'm building a counts as Tyco and a regular captin and I'm building the reg cap for the same reasons as above, just because I want to have one for my army!
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