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Assault Terminators

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Hi everyone,

After building and painting some DC, assault marines and some HQ i decided that the assault terminators were up next, here's the first one nearing completion.



So what i wanted to ask is what is considered a good load out for a squad of 5 in a Stormraven with a priest attached?

All options are open as I've only assembled this first one, which ofcourse can be torn apart again ;)

I hope you can help me :P

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I run five with LCs in a LRC with a Terminator Reclusiarch and a Terminator Priest and they've done well in the past.


However, I'm coming around to the idea of putting two TH/SS in the squad after seeing how difficult it was to get rid of such a squad on Saturday. The only trouble is you're wasting the initiative buff from the Priest for those models.


I have a SR, so I'll have to try my LC squad with the Priest and see how it works.

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When I field 5 man squads it's always 3 LC to deal most of the damage and 2 TH to deal with Dreads/MC or allow me to multi charge vehicles.


I did try just one TH for a while but after he got randomly picked out by failing his armour save after the squad took 5+ wounds a couple of times I added the second and they haven't let me down since.

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so 3 LC and 2 TH is the way to go then? should have known that, it's on the box as well :) I like the look of 5 TH squad as well...

Would getting a priest in TDA to accompany them be a good idea or would it be better to get a libby or chaplain/reclusiarch?


The Ironfoot

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3 TH/SS and 2 LC, I have no played with this set up yet but Black Orange told me it's the best set up and that dude knows his stuff!


I will be going with that set up or with 5 TH/SS when facing monstrous creature heavy nids or daemons... You could magnetise them and then you change them when needed.

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I ended up thinking that no matter what size the squad, 3 LCs are enough. Even less if you have around 200 points of ICs in it. If it's a huge unit. You kinda need 3 for managing wounds and multicharges.
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I'll be making mine with 2 LC and 3 TH/SS as I feel this is the best (I may magnetise yet though) I know you loose the initiative from priests but TH/SS can spoil anythings day pretty much, I'd rather have more of them than LC's I feel.
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I have 6 termies 3 LC/ 3 TH. When I run them I run them as a unit of 5 with a Libby. I find that 3TH and 2 LC is a great loadup...but against some lighter opponents or where I is going to be a big factor 3 LC can be a killer
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I'd go with 2 TH/SS and 3 Lightning Claws along with a Chaplain. You have 3 guys that now re roll to hit and to wound and have a 2+ Armor Save. That's pretty crazy in all regards and that's what I'm going to be packing in my SR once I complete it.
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I still don't know, I'm yet to build my cc terminators so why is 3 LC better than 3 TH/SS in a 5 man squad? I thought that 3 TH/SS was better but that's just because I was advised by a very prestigious BA tournament player!


And might I add I do have a mind of my own but I haven't played for years and have no experience with cc terminators so was seeking advice and most I asked said 3 TH/SS 2 LC was the way forward!

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If you really aren't sure then maybe play testing is the best way to go about it. Everyone has their own preference. Personally I'd magnetize those Assault Termies so that you can freely choose which arms you want on them and then it doesn't become such a big deal if you have 3 LC or 3 TH/SS. Magnetizing frees you up game wise while also saving you money.
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To a certain degree it depends what you expect to face.


I play against Orks a lot and the extra attack, plus going before the Orks gives the LC an edge over the TH. When you add in that there's generally one Power Klaw per unit (3a base) 2 Storm shields is enough.


Also I regularly play against Salamanders and BA TH doesn't compete with Vulkanhammers, but our furious charging LC are much better.


I don't play against Nids much, but if I did, I might roll in the third TH.

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Yeah my brother has a nid army and I think he will be of my main people I want to make my army capable of beating but at the same time I don't just want to focus my force on being able to squash his bugs! Haha.
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my unit consists of 3 hammers and 2 claws, but thats because i couldnt get my hands on another set of claws... but as said it depends on what your looking to through them against. for a start, we pay more for our hammers. which could deny something somewhere else in the list. but hammers do add a fair bit of difference to the unit. lightening claws are great for killing normal stuff. 3attacks(4 on the charge) that reroll to wound and ignor armour are great, but become even better for us when you factor in furious charge( str 5 rerolling to wound and likely striking before most....) rerolls to hit affects hammers too but with fewer attacks it probaly balances out one way or another. and amers being bosted to str 9 rarely makes a difference except against say wraithlors and the occasional dreadnaught...

actually its really the storm sheilds i want the hamminators for. if only we could exchange a lightening claw for a sheild...

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my unit consists of 3 hammers and 2 claws, but thats because i couldnt get my hands on another set of claws... but as said it depends on what your looking to through them against. for a start, we pay more for our hammers. which could deny something somewhere else in the list. but hammers do add a fair bit of difference to the unit. lightening claws are great for killing normal stuff. 3attacks(4 on the charge) that reroll to wound and ignor armour are great, but become even better for us when you factor in furious charge( str 5 rerolling to wound and likely striking before most....) rerolls to hit affects hammers too but with fewer attacks it probaly balances out one way or another. and amers being bosted to str 9 rarely makes a difference except against say wraithlors and the occasional dreadnaught...

actually its really the storm sheilds i want the hamminators for. if only we could exchange a lightening claw for a sheild...


That would be cool if we could get a shield in instead of a claw maybe although if we could have both claws and a shield somehow that would be amazing.

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Yeah that would be good, extra rear armour, most things could do with a bit of extra rear armour actually, ha, ha.
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I think the perfect mix is two pairs of lightning claws to three sets of thunderhammers and stormshields. It's worth in my opinion to attach a Chaplain and Corbulo if you want a really strong unit - they can shred just about everything.


G ;)

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I think the perfect mix is two pairs of lightning claws to three sets of thunderhammers and stormshields. It's worth in my opinion to attach a Chaplain and Corbulo if you want a really strong unit - they can shred just about everything.


G :)


Yeah it was you initially who advised me to use this set up although I'm thinking of using a TDA chaplain and a TDA priest rather than using corbulo, what more does corbulo bring?

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