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Need Some Advice For A Friend's Chaos Army


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Just this past Friday was my friend's birthday, so my friend and I took the opportunity to get him some Chaos as he has been interested in 40k for a while (many years, actually) but never had the funds to kick-start his collection. He is completely new to wargaming and all his 40k knowledge has been derived from hearing me talk about it for years, watching some games at his local GW (he's from Perth) and, well, Dawn of War. Therefore he has some understanding of the background and rudimentary understanding of the game mechanics at best.


He loves Khorne like crazy, but isn't against mixing in the other options (hence why I posted here instead of the pure Khorne forum). A Khorne-heavy army is always a nice option, but I did some studying of the Chaos codex, and it seems like spamming Khorne-only units would make it a significant uphill battle for him, especially because his two closest 40k-playing friends (myself and another) play Blood Angels and Space Wolves respectively.


Therefore, I need some advice from you long-time Chaos players. I've done some reading, but alas I always believe that having a discussion is always better than just reading someone's article and taking it as the only truth.



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1,000 points, building up to 1,750 in 250 point increments would be great. Probably not his own fluff. We aren't very powergamer-ish in general so he doesn't necessarily need to build a dual-Lash Prince list (although, I did tell him about it), but at the same time I don't want him to spend money on too many poor choices.


Ah, also, he said that he actually likes the Black Legion. And Abaddon. Also, he doesn't seem to want a Defiler due to its size, so I'm not certain if he would be alright with a Land Raider.


I'll link this page to him tomorrow when he's online, hopefully he'll make an account and post for himself too :wallbash:

Thanks again.

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I have my defiler put together with magnets and it can fit easily into a small sandwich bag........


If he loves Khorne then my idear may work, I ran it before with some success.


If he's ganna go regular troops then Rhino Spam. Zerkers in units of 8 with rhinos.


Failbaddon is TOOOOO expensive for 1k points. Granted at that point range he will mess anything and everything up he touches, but it still doesn't help he's more than 1/4 of your army by himself.


NEVER TAKE TERMIES WITH YABADABADDON! They are NOT fearless, which means your 270p fearless leader just messed himself and ran for the hills.

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I have my defiler put together with magnets and it can fit easily into a small sandwich bag........

Hahaha I told him this exact same thing! I do that with my Dreadnoughts, despite the occassional issue of its facing with TLOS if it accidentally spins....


An idea I ran by him today is to buy a Battleforce to compliment the box of Berserkers and Termi Lord my friend and I bought for him, and an extra Rhino (or three!), then use two squads of Zerkers, with possibly a squad (or two) of Plague Marines (converted from the normal Chaos Marines, shouldn't be hard even for a novice with some GS, and maybe some Possessed bits), then get some Obliterators. Should give him some options for 750-1250 points.


I did tell him my thoughts about Obliterators, Lash Princes, Plague Marines etc, but I'm guessing that playing a spam army, even if its effective, is incredibly boring. It might be better for him to mix it up a little without gimping the effectiveness of his force as a whole, because from a hobby aspect, having different looking models, painting them, modeling them etc. is a more......wholesome experience. The Predator doesn't seem like a bad model in-game (Autocannon with Lascannon sponsons), and he has expressed interest in the Chaos Dreadnought, which I figured wasn't *too* awesome, but certainly not as bad as I recall it to be somehow.


But of course I'm far from an expert in Chaos and am just basing it from experience; what do you guys think?

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If you're running preds its either Dakka pred (TL autocannon sponson Hbolters) or anti tank (triple las)


Dreads are funny but to unpredictable. They're fun for casual gameplay but in a competitive sense they are garbage. Armor as thin as paper and too expensive/unreliable.


Defilers run in 2 CCW, the ORD battle cannon will prevent you from shooting anyways.


I run 7 man PM squads with 2 spec weapons. usual cost is from 240~260 points per unit and they last a long time (unless facing pwr weps)


zerkers I put in LR's and puke on people, when out in the open I find they get shot too much.


Lash princes are not as effective sense everyone is in a vehicle now a days.


Termy lord is ok but he might want a DP..they are fun to make and modify.

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An idea I ran by him today is to buy a Battleforce to compliment the box of Berserkers and Termi Lord my friend and I bought for him, and an extra Rhino (or three!), then use two squads of Zerkers, with possibly a squad (or two) of Plague Marines (converted from the normal Chaos Marines, shouldn't be hard even for a novice with some GS, and maybe some Possessed bits), then get some Obliterators. Should give him some options for 750-1250 points.

I'm not the best general, but I think that sounds like a plan. Just let him start, try things out, see what fits his personality and play style. I don't think any of those sounds like outright bad choices at least, so go for it!


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