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Modeling a psychic hood


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I am still to model a librarian for my army and at first I was gonna buy a GK box to make one but I've pretty much decided that I don't wanna do this as it's just too grey knights (obviously, lol) I could buy the box and a DC box and kitbash but I wouldn't be using the GK bodies or legs so it's a waste in my opinion so I think just buying a DC box and building one from there will be the best option but I still need to model a psychic hood.. Any ideas on making one? I think I heard you can make them from shoulder pads, is that possible? Personally I'm swaying towards just moulding one out of green stuff (how hard can it be?) and also if anyone has any ideas on building a librarian (what kit to use etc) that would be great as I'm just gonna buy a box of DC as it's full of BA iconography for future projects and pimping etc (it'll be my third box of DC, I love the kit) so please, any help regarding librarian building (especially modleing a hood) would be greatly appreciated as I still don't have one! :wallbash:
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If you take a typical, blank marine shoulder pad and divide it top-down into thirds the middle section will fit perfectly has a psychic hood.

This is a poor example but the only one I have off-hand:



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Thanks OMG and Epic, 2 great ideas there. So do you think using the bits from a DC box for the body and legs would be my best bet or maybe SG? I was thinking more DC as the SG armour is artificer but I'm open to suggestion.
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I know you said you don't want the PA GK kit but I went that route and am very happy I did. Besides the Psychic hood back pieces (I used DC front chest front pieces) there are some great force weapon options in the box and some nice looking hands that go well with the sanguinary guard arms (the ones with the angelus bolter attached, where you add the hand in), in particular I like the pointing hand a lot. My first JP priest is nearly done with a force halberd, pointing hand, and hood from the GK sprue and loads of BA flair from the DC/SG boxes. I just need a decent set of legs (means I need another box of SG sometime soon) and he's done.
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Yeah I know the GK box is full of goodies and I want one so probably will end up just getting a box of GK and another box of DC for making librarians and priests. Rybnick, do you think the legs and the torso fronts could be used for anything or would they just look too GK? That was the only thing putting me off, I would really wanna use the legs and torso's too if possible!
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I think they could be usable with minimal effort. The chest/shoulder pieces even have some nice book iconography for librarians. The only parts that really bothered me on the legs/chests were the indented areas that say words in them (things like fortitude, titan, etc) but those could be covered up with green stuff fairly easily. Other then that the weapons have =I= iconography that shouldn't be too hard to cover up. Come to think of it I think I'll use some of the GK legs for my stationary JP librarian with the halberd and pointing hand. Doing that I should be able to have a WiP pretty soon, I'll post it once I have it started.
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Yeah I think I'm gonna pick up a box of SG to for the wrist mounted weapons and glaives and stuff. As far as the =I= symbols on the weapons I'll probably just carefully carve them off if possible and green stuff in any of the writing on the legs and torsos. Do you think getting a box of GK and a box of DC will be enough for doi g librarians and priests or do you think getting some SG will help me get more out of the GK box being able to use the wrist mounted angelus boltguns with the hands out of the GK kit? I'm wondering what else I could do with the SG kit too, I could make a banner HG and use the glaive encarmine for choppy HG also I suppose... What are your thoughts?
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The GK bits should mix fine with either the DC or SG box really. Personally I like the SG for Honor Guard but some people don't like the Arty armor on their HG. My personal favorite part of the SG box are the angelus boltgun arms, I've got one on each of my assault srgt's and my librarians/priests.
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Yeah I wanna use an angelus boltgun arm with the hand holding the daemonete head in the GK box, not sure if it'll suite a Librarian though having a severed head in his hand.
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Well I want to make two librarians from the kits and two or three sang priests also so I think one libby will have the severed head and the other will have the huge sword with the plague bearer on the end :woot: wish I had a few apothacary arms to use as narcethium's though, are they easy to find on bits websites? I guess a couple of the apothecary backpacks would be good too.
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I'm personally making 4 librarians out of the GK box, 2 w/ jump packs and 2 on foot. Not sure what I'll do with the last hood torso maybe just put together a PA GK for fun.


From most of the bit sites I've looked at it seems like the apothecary bit's are usually sold packaged together (narthecium, backpack, shoulderpad, torso and helmet) and are usually either sold out or fairly expensive ($16 + shipping from what I've seen). I haven't scoured eBay looking for them but I'd imagine a good deal could be found if your patient. Honestly I think I'll just buy an honor guard box rather than order just the bits I want from a bits site. It will only really end up being a bit more expensive and I'll get a box full of other stuff I can use eventually.


Alternatively you could always use a grail in a hand in place of the narthecium or just use grail iconography on armor and your paint job to designate your priests. I've seen pictures of peoples priests where they cut the grail from the top of the DC backpack and placed it in an open hand and it looked pretty good.

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Well for my first priest I was going to use the Grail armour and other Grail bits from the DC box but I really want the apothacary arm, helmet etc so I might just get the command squad box as that has all the bits and like you said I will be able to use all of the bits eventually.
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well as youll see in my pic i have 2 wip libbys. on eis an old metal one that only has a simple cable plugged into his head.and a few other random cables around him. but no hood. so you can do it other ways too. also i did the simple shoulder pad thing on my plastic dude too and it came out rather well too so meh, do as you want. if i had a grey knight box id deffinately go that route...


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Yeah I think the GK boxes both pa and termi are too good to pass up, some beautiful force weapons for me to use and when kit bashed with the DC and SG boxes I'll be able to make some pretty good looking librarians.
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Yeah I wanna use an angelus boltgun arm with the hand holding the daemonete head in the GK box, not sure if it'll suite a Librarian though having a severed head in his hand.


I did that already.

GK torso and legs, I used the legs with the loin cloth.

I used one halberd that is being held with one hand and the other is holding the xeno head with an Angelus boltgun on his wrist.

And I used the head with 2 service studs and then gave him a nice claw scar down the left side of his face.

One shoulder pad with a book icon for the Librarian look and the other is distinctively BA with the winged blood drop.


Yes, he looked GK before he was painted but now he is mostly blue he looks like a librarian. Once his shoulder pads are on he will look like a Blood Angel Librarian.


I think he looks awesome. I wish my camera would work so I could show a WiP pic. :D

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Yeah I wanna use an angelus boltgun arm with the hand holding the daemonete head in the GK box, not sure if it'll suite a Librarian though having a severed head in his hand.


I did that already.

GK torso and legs, I used the legs with the loin cloth.

I used one halberd that is being held with one hand and the other is holding the xeno head with an Angelus boltgun on his wrist.

And I used the head with 2 service studs and then gave him a nice claw scar down the left side of his face.

One shoulder pad with a book icon for the Librarian look and the other is distinctively BA with the winged blood drop.


Yes, he looked GK before he was painted but now he is mostly blue he looks like a librarian. Once his shoulder pads are on he will look like a Blood Angel Librarian.


I think he looks awesome. I wish my camera would work so I could show a WiP pic. :D


Cool, I'm planning on something similar but using less of the GK bits! And I will probably use either the same Halberd as you or the staff for that behind the back 'shaolin' pose.

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Here are a couple WiP photo's of my 1st Librarian kitbash from the new GK plasti kits. the hood is somewhat hard to see thanks to the jump pack but I'm fairly happy with how he turned out. He's about 85% done now, just need to do a wash and some touch up. The only part I'm not really happy with is the Force Weapon but power/force weapon painting is a real weakness of mine. At any rate let me know what yout think of him!



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Yeah that's really good... Is the BA detail on the force weapon the little half a wing bit that you get in the DC box or did you remove it from a chainsword or something? I love it.
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I forgot to ask, howcome he's half black... He a Sanguine Librarian?


Yeah he is a Librarian of the Angels Sanguine persuation. I like the blue color scheme for BA librarians, but I'm a little conerned about him not having enough red on him. I need to add something to the blue shoulder pad the black side shoulder pad isn't on yet because I'm waiting on some decal's with the Angels Sanguine heraldry on it but I'm thinking maybe just a nice red blood drop on the blue pad. Have any other ideas for the blue shoulder?

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