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Modeling a psychic hood


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I forgot to ask, howcome he's half black... He a Sanguine Librarian?


Yeah he is a Librarian of the Angels Sanguine persuation. I like the blue color scheme for BA librarians, but I'm a little conerned about him not having enough red on him. I need to add something to the blue shoulder pad the black side shoulder pad isn't on yet because I'm waiting on some decal's with the Angels Sanguine heraldry on it but I'm thinking maybe just a nice red blood drop on the blue pad. Have any other ideas for the blue shoulder?


You could have used one of the GK ones with the book on and had a blue shoulderpad with a red book then put a black blood drop on the book.

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I'd considered the book shoulder pads (even tried to make a greenstuff mold of just the book) but in the end I just didn't like the way it looked. I think I'll probably stick with a simple blood drop or maybe try and free hand a book or something.
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I think if you could freehand a book it would look cool... I have the DA vets box and there is a book in there I'm using for my librarian, if you had that you could have stuck it to a shoulder pad! I'm putting it just behind the head, I dunno what you call the decoration that goes there on the armour.
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And as for a Termie Hood If anyone is interested I did a quick conversion on my entry to the arena




All using stuff from a Termie box to top part is one of the Groin Plates I cant get anymore photos of this one however due to after his defeat in the arena he was crushed by the Spacehulk "Philips 36" twas a sad day and his wargear was shattered beond recovery.... So a new Cheif Libby must be chosen for the Proud Tearers of Flesh :lol:

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