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IF Yellow Q

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Ok, I've been painting my IF foot soldiers quite well using a step process:


Primer - very thinned black so the models end up dark gray w/ black recesses


Base - 2 coats of slightly thinned white


1 coat thinned Elf Flesh


2 coats thinned yellow


1 coat yellow ink.


But this is a bit tedious for doing vehicles. So I bought some flat black & white spray paints & testor's yellow spray paint but I was hoping for someone w/ experience w/ yellow's help...


Should I prime w/ the black or the white? I've never done spray primer/basecoats before.

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If you primer black and intend to paint yellow you'll drive yourself crazy, lol. Primering by hand is a pain also-- do yourself a favor and use the spray. I prefer Duplicolor auto primer (found in auto parts stores). Your standard yellow paint/wash over white primer and sepia wash in the recesses should get you where you want to be. Just remember that two thin coats is better than one thick and you should do fine. The Duplicolor brand I mentioned seems more forgiving than most so you are safe to experiment.
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A lot of non model (spray) paints will fill in your details a tad. Careful you don't loose any of the crispness of said detail. Always test when using a new paint. Boltergeist says he uses Duplicolor so I am inclined to think they will be fine, but still worth testing to see if it works for yourself.


Also as Bannus pointed out. Any colour can be used as a base coat, not just white and black.

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When I was teaching myself to paint Yellow I worked on a few Imperial Fists.

Depending on how you want your yellow to look will greatly effect you choice of technique and colours.


Here's a DA link to my Fists.

I can go through my process if it's the look you want for your guys.


As a general suggestion, when it comes to vehicles I cannot recommend enough that you invest in a proper airbrush. With a compressor

A proper airbrush is most defiantly NOT the GW spray gun which is a great big lump of poos by comparison.

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