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Blood Fists vs. Blood Talons?

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You definitely can't just drive Vindicators forward and not expect them to get written off. But you wouldn't play Dreadnoughts like that either. And amusingly enough, my Fast Vindicators are vastly more survivable to assault because A: they will always be moving fast and need 6s to be hit by anything and B: they are only 'locked' in combat when immobilised.


But then I run Vindicators and a Furioso, so I am getting a bit of both.


It is all about target saturation. 2 Vindicators, a Furioso and Mephiston all necessitate attention from high St low AP weapons. And even if you kill those you have a Razorback with 5 DC in, 4 Multi Melta Attack Bikes and then 3 Razorbacks with Assault Marines in.


Thats a lot of nasty stuff to deal with, and I usually benefit from the fact that my Scoring troops usually fall last on the Target Priority list.


And whilst that has nothing to do with Furioso Dread load outs, let me round off by saying I just love how Blood Talons look and can't bring myself not to take huge lightning claws on my dreadnoughts!

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The vindis biggest problem is that it takes a single weapon destroyed, then it's out of the game.


You can still ram the :wub: out of something though, that works.


Ha,ha, you just hate vindis don't you!?


I don't hate them at all, I have three xD (the good old linebreaker box which was released with Apoc). The things that they do in theory are solid, but it just isn't working. The only success I've had us using all three at once, which gives me pretty much a single shot per turn. Furioso and Death Company dreads do what the vindi is supposed to do better, swat infantry like flies. I'm even willing to say the D.C dread is clearly better, in spite of having range and AV12. I would always run those, even for DoA, but they come with Death Company tax. Death Company tax isn't cool ><-



So would you say I should go with daka preds instead of vindis for heavy tanks maybe?


@Shatter.. Whirlwinds? I've never even thought about them, I haven't really seen them used in BA lists either, suppose that's why I haven't concidered them... Tell me about them and what they do for you please bro.

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In my opinion, the quality of Whirlwinds depends a lot on the terrain you play on. In 4th edition, where being behind area terrain made it so you couldn't be shot, I loved whirlwinds. But where I play now, my whirlwinds would never be able to hide entirely, and who survive only as long as I could roll cover saves.


So, I stopped using Whirlwinds. In a different area, where I could be more LOS blocking terrain I'd bring them back out.

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LOS=Line of Sight.


Lets pull this thread back on track, which is Talons versus Fists for Dreads. Discussing Whirlwinds, Vindicators and the rest can move to other threads.

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I think Talons vs Fists comes down to potential vs Jack-of-all-trades (couldn't think of the exact word I wanted so that phrase will have to do :D).

Talons gives the potential to do A LOT, A LOT of damage. Where as Fists give the certainty they can do something and can affect more than one type of unit-type in that certainty.



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LOS=Line of Sight.


Lets pull this thread back on track, which is Talons versus Fists for Dreads. Discussing Whirlwinds, Vindicators and the rest can move to other threads.




I just got my dreadnought yesterday. Oh, so awesome! I really love dreads... anyway...


I am making my own dread using the Ironclad chassis and legs to represent the increased armor. With such a bulky dread, I just felt that the Bloodfists looked "right". The fingers are pretty long, so I figure I can just run them counts-as talons whenever I want.


Conceptually and aesthetically, I think Bloodfists are cooler! But I think that for the same points, there is no denying that the Blood Talons are better.

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I think I'm gonna have to get another furioso kit next week as I've decided that dreads will be replacing vindicators most of the time in my lists for hurting hordes although this one is either gonna be a furioso fragnaught or a furioso with dual blood fists or even maybe a librarian.... What do you guys think out of those three? I really can't decide but I want all three eventually (I already have a DC with dual talons and although I want a second for my DC army it's gonna have to wait)
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