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DIY Chaplin

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Anyone know of a sprue or non-GW (shhhhhh) bit that could represent a Crozius? I'd like to create my own BA Chaplins as I don't particularly care for the ones GW currently makes.


For that matter it wouldn't be a bad idea to know where a Skull helmet could be found, but it's less of a requirement than the Crozius.


I have looked through the sprue threads but have not found anything yet.


Thanks in advance!


*I did find this but from 2007


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You can build a crozius with GW bits, too.


Just take a plastic Space Marine arm holding a club/axe/hammer or a banner pole. Cut down the top of the club/axe/hammer or the pole and attach the Imperial Eagle banner top from the Command squad on top of it.


You can find skull-like helmets among the heads for Chaos Space Marines and on the Command Sprue of Warhammer Fantasy Chaos Warriors.


Hope this helps.


EDIT: Saw your link. This guy: Click this is doing exactly what I mean ^^

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Might I suggest maxmini for the skul helmet - they do a compatable sprue which has the equivalent of a skull helm, skull shoulder pads and a skinny skull baton thing that I suppose is meant to be a crozius...


I must say, however, I only like the shoulder pads from that sprue. ;)

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Thanks peeps. I think I'll go with the command bits.


This is what Olisredan is talking about. Have to say I agree.



Not sure if any of these would work...



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Y'know, I don't think I've ever owned an actual Chaplain/Wolf Priest figure, I've always converted them lol.


But seriously, if you take the iron halo off a termie sarge & a power axe, lop off the axe head just above the bottom power cable point & attach the iron halo then stick a couple purity seals & other flashy bits on there it produces an excellent crozius.

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have u tryed using the power mace from the dark angles upgrade spur


Oooooh! I think i'll just attach the skull/wings to the top of the mace! and maybe try to remove the sword/wings from the wrist. Thanks for that tid bit! That would def make the Crozius appear that it actually is a power weapon, and can bash a helmet or two.


I'm trying to decide on a fluff based DC army. Depending on how many models I end up fielding I will paint them Encarmine (white). I'd appreciate any feedback on the two lists I'm considering. Thanks for all the help. This forum has been much more help than all the others!


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