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Librarians Vs Eldrad


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Hello. I am wondering what do ye do when he is in a game of yours and you have a librarian?

There is no gaming club near me so i mostly play against the same two people. One of whom uses Eldrad and because he does i have never used a Librarian because of the rule that makes you take a test on 3xd6 and if its 12 or over you take a perils.

I only find this annoying because everyone on the forums seem to use a librarian so im guessing hes very helpful and i would love to use one also but i find that if you cant use his powers im better off taking a Recluiarch.


Thank you.

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well usually i dont have to use my libarians powers till hes in cc. tht should give you time to get rid of him. str 6 up kills him, so if only we had access to some weapons with str 6 and had multiple shots due to those 4++ saves... though dont send dreads at him as witch blades = str 9 against veichles... even if they dont cut through other armours they hurt there. oh and a normal assault squad with a priest auta do quite well, str5 means wounding on 2s, 3 attacks each on the charge, and you still have power armour and fnp...even if they strike first and wound on 2s you auta win that. (im guessing hes with a bunch of warlocks?)
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Strength 6 wont kill him he is toughness 4 with a 3++ and yeah he is normaly with warlocks and he always keeps a wraithlord nearby so if i do assault him and get stuck in cc his wraithlord and wipe me out seen as normal marines cant hurt a wraith lord.
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he is... dammm, well same thing but with str 8.... hell still die. and you have an assault squad. just think of his 3++ as powerarmour to your guys without powerweapons. and anyway, put your power fist attacks on him incase you may get to insta kill him, but id direct the rest of your normal attacks aginst the rest of his squad who are only toughness 3 with a 4++. you kill enough and youll run em down... plus they are only init 4 so you can go first with furious charge, which is at the same time as eldrad. anddnt forget to use your libby to shut down his powers if your in range...


As for wraith lord, if you cant hurt it why are you in cc with it? i wouldnt through a squad at it unless it had 2 meltas and a fist. hopefully take a wound off with the melta and the rest with the fist and the regular attacks if they can even scratch it... furious charge auta help there...

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Hes also eternal warrior lol and he gives them some power that makes them i6 lol.

also im not getting in cc with the wraith lord im getting stuck in combat with his seer council and on his turn the wraith load comes in. I normaly just pump a good bit of fire into his squad then once he has lost a wound or two i move in for the kill im just wondering if anyone is used to fighting him and not been able to use powers because of him

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es not eternal warrior. only the phonix lords are. even the avatar of khane isnt...

oh and its not him who makes their init higher its one of the warlocks. and if he dies that goes... and as i said sure he blockes ur powers but rember to block his too. failing that all sternguard... etc. what else you have in your army?

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Assualt cannons just too force more saves than the re-roll can handle, combat squad dive out the razorback and rapid fire bolters. If you try and use high strength single shot weapons the re-roll will shrug them all off. Should free up the libby to batter the wraithlord with his forceweapon.
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The best thing you can do is to bring a Libby in a transport. block his powers(especially fortune, which he will attempt to cast again if you blocked it once) and if you succeeded in doing so...shoot the hell out of his boys. Assault Cannons, heavy bolters, bolters...all of it. mop the rest up with DC. Tear out the heart of his army...psychic powers and an almost incvincible seerscouncil. Then get on to the tanks.


Sounds simple in theory, I know. But a plan needs to be formed before it can be executed.^^




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Charge a deathcompany into them... just 5-6 lead by a chaplain... that will result in a crazy amount of wounds which even the seer council will have issues of standing up against... you could also use a cheap librarian for blocking stuff like fortune... a seer council that takes a deadcompany charge without fortune is a dead seer council.


Also don't all faarseers including eldrar have t3= (4 on bike)? in that case lemartes (with 1 wound left) would hurt alot with his 7 reroll to hit, wound initiative 7 strenght 6 attacks (basically he's gonna get atleast 6 wounds through that all instant kills... (4+ with reroll means that 1.5 wounds atleast will make it through)


also 6 deathcompany marines... that's 24 attacks and with rerolls + high str/ws you'll get like 20 wounds through. (4+ with reroll that means 5 warlocks will die... that's alot more than they'll do to you)

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Charge a deathcompany into them... just 5-6 lead by a chaplain... that will result in a crazy amount of wounds which even the seer council will have issues of standing up against... you could also use a cheap librarian for blocking stuff like fortune... a seer council that takes a deadcompany charge without fortune is a dead seer council.


Also don't all faarseers including eldrar have t3= (4 on bike)? in that case lemartes (with 1 wound left) would hurt alot with his 7 reroll to hit, wound initiative 7 strenght 6 attacks (basically he's gonna get atleast 6 wounds through that all instant kills... (4+ with reroll means that 1.5 wounds atleast will make it through)


also 6 deathcompany marines... that's 24 attacks and with rerolls + high str/ws you'll get like 20 wounds through. (4+ with reroll that means 5 warlocks will die... that's alot more than they'll do to you)


This is why I love DC, I don't care if my opponent can 'Benny hill' them all over the board, just don't let it happen (or atleast in theory I'll not let it happen)

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Yeah i was thinking 5 jump pack death company with lemartes in a storm raven.

My army



5 death company

10 scouts

30 assault marines with jump packs

15 assault marines without jump packs


2 baal predators

2 predators



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Yeah i was thinking 5 jump pack death company with lemartes in a storm raven.

My army



5 death company

10 scouts

30 assault marines with jump packs

15 assault marines without jump packs


2 baal predators

2 predators




If you're putting dc in a SR with lemartes I wouldn't bother with the jp's really as they are really expensive and you don't really need them IMO.

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The best thing you can do is to bring a Libby in a transport. block his powers(especially fortune, which he will attempt to cast again if you blocked it once) and if you succeeded in doing so...shoot the hell out of his boys. Assault Cannons, heavy bolters, bolters...all of it. mop the rest up with DC. Tear out the heart of his army...psychic powers and an almost incvincible seerscouncil. Then get on to the tanks.


Sounds simple in theory, I know. But a plan needs to be formed before it can be executed.^^





Snorri's got it right. In my opinion, finding a way to cram some kind of libby into most every list is key. Shutting down Eldrad (and all psykers really) is almost more important than getting offensive powers off. So as our esteemed brother says, volume of fire.


-As an aside, does Eldrad come standard with the 3 dice thing or is it a points upgrade like the other psykers?



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but i thought you cant put jump pack units in a group of non jump pack units? btw if ye havent all guessed i am a noob i only started playing before the BA codex came out and i have no gaming clubs near me so its just me and friends playing each other.
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Jump pack equipped models/characters can accompany non jump pack equiped squads they just move normally. So instead of moving 12" they move 6" instead. you can detach independant characters in the movement phase and regain their 12" movement something to consider.
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-As an aside, does Eldrad come standard with the 3 dice thing or is it a points upgrade like the other psykers?
It is standard gear for the old guy.


you can detach independant characters in the movement phase and regain their 12" movement something to consider.
Yup that's right, but Lemartes isn't an IC, just to clarify.
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