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What kits have Storm Shields for power armor?

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So I'm looking to sprinkle some Storm Shields in my army, but what kits have them for power armor?

I know the Space Wolves kit and the Dark Angels upgrade sprue has some, but I'm looking for more generic loyalist design (I play BA, so I'd have to take a hobby knife to all those swords and wolf heads).


Any help?


Have you tried ebay or bitz sites?


Not yet. I was hoping to just buy a kit because I needs a few parts in general (including the elusive Space Marine legs :tu: )


Fair enough, although I would suggest taking a gander, just in case. You never know, there could be a bit there you've wanted for ages... :)

I found these shields on ebay and ordered up a set. They are pretty good, the molds needed a little cleaning and repair (typical resin cast stuff) but there is not a hand or handle or anything else on the back. I think I'm going to use a pistol arm and maybe greenstuff a handle going to the pistol grip (pistol will be cut off of course). I haven't done it yet, but it should be pretty simple I think. Even if it doesn't come out totally perfect, the shields are worth it. They are just a tad on the large side for PA, I am debating on using them for my termies instead.




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