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Captain & Sang Priest

I am Legion

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So i FINALLY learned how to add magnets properly!!!! The sang priest is the only one with them so far, but from now on the rest of my units will have magnetize backpacks and special weapons/sergeant weapons and so on with vehicles as well. Anyway here's a small edition to the army, I hope you like it!


Blood Angels Foreva!!!!

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Really nice, lots of depth in your reds. I priest is one of the best I've seen, you have used alot of the parts I want to use for mine too.
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Red Fury- Thanks, but now I have a better Idea at highlighting and the next set will be even better.


Cpt. Blood Donator- I am brutal at not drilling out the barrels, I'll learn someday.


Olisredan - Yeah I didnt highlight them, that's a good point, I will do that as soon as I get the chance. Thanks for pointing it out actually ( I could have sworn I've done that...)


Thanks alot for the great comments. Nothing like a community to make you want to paint more. It truly is a thrill to hear that some people like my work (I know how it sounds but I just got home from work (11:24pm)and i'm holding a bottle of vodka as I type with one hand :D ) I'm really loving these new marines, and doing as best as I can I guess with the time I have, unfortunetly I take long to paint and become impatient to finish models.....

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