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"New" Old army

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Old Rhino for my DIY chapter redone for my IF army. Freshly done. Go second Company.

I am not going to let real life get in the way of repainting my old models into a new army anymore.

I WILL have enough models to actually play a small game with in a months time, I swear.

The old guys (having sat in a box for 10 years) deserve some love and to see table top war once more.

Table top quality only.

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I've always, always hated the old Rhino chassis, even when it was the contemporary Rhino. But, you've made it look good. :P


Always glad to see another herald of Dorn, especially one brave enough to tackle the original Legion's paint scheme.

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I mainly play black templars.

I wanted something different to paint than black.


Yellow is about as far different as you can get other than white.


Being sons of Dorn is also a plus.


These models Im doing for my Imperial Fists are the first ones I ever owned. I had them painted as a black DIY chapter that after a few years I didnt like, plus my paint job on them reflected my poor skills.


Im doing the whole army over again, stripping them down and repainting them. I so far have two tactical squads done and a librarian, working on a dread and old las/plas razorback. I plan on using as many old style models as possible.


My only real goal is to paint up a usable army as fast as my work/wife/kids will allow. I want to do just a good enough job so they look good on the table for a fast paint job. Hence no battle damage, excessive markings, ect. Get em out and play.

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I've always, always hated the old Rhino chassis, even when it was the contemporary Rhino. But, you've made it look good. :)


Always glad to see another herald of Dorn, especially one brave enough to tackle the original Legion's paint scheme.



Exactly my thoughts.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Old attack bike. Probably driven by Dorn when he was a child. The old girl is now ready for table top war again after about 15 years of gathering dust.


Attack Bike and my first dreadnought. Repainted as a second company Imperial Fist

Sorry about the picture quality. Phone camera and late at night.

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ahh yes, the good old days. Loved those bikes, never seemed to have been designed to fit together!


Really nice to see these old guns brought back onto the tabletop looking so fine!


Any other Gems collecting dust that we can look forward too?



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The old mk1 razorback is being clean up now (las/plasma gun one). And I have a mk 2 landspeeder waiting around to be fixed up. Also a predator (one before current model) is next up to be painted.


Other than that just a bunch of old marines in line to see new life again.


And yes you are right. The old attack bike and riders do not fit together well. It is actually harder to paint the older models than the current ones. The old ones had so many flaws. The new ones have nice sharp lines, making painting easier.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Introducing my Mk II predator. (I think this is a Mk II).


Here is a Mk I predator my brother painted for my Black templar army when it was just getting off the ground. Had to use the Mk II sponsons as the old Mk I sponsons were very brittle and broke


Next up is an old Mk I razorback. The one with the lascannon/twin linked plasma guns. Im glad they added that back in the codex.

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This is not intended to be a battle report.

Just showing off my guys in their first battle in about 15 years.

Pulled off a narrow win against my brother's death guard. Lucky the game ended when it did.


The army arrayed for battle


Filthy Death Guard (Chaos marines painted in pre heresy colors, slowly changing into the Death Guard we love today) taking aim at the Loyalists.


Desparate hand to hand fighting at the end of the battle to secure the objective (This one was contested, Death Guard slowly wearing down First Squad, lucky the battle ended before they were wiped out).


Predator and Brother Balen helping secure an objective.


Other half of First Squad holding an objective.


Ancient Attack Bike lining up for its first kill in 15 or so years. Had to blow a lot of dust out of the barrels.


Desperate battle between 2nd squads combat squad and summoned demons.


Band of Diseased Death Guard in various stages of corruption.


2nd squad's combat squad. Moved up to claim objective at end of game with two marines left.

Fun game. We played at 990 points. That is all I have painted up as of yet. Playing a small game is good inspiration to keep painting em up.

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A couple of additional photos from the battle. A few more showing my Brother's death Guard.

He started out painting the normal "Brownish" Death Guard. Now he paints them up in a pre-Heresy scheme. He uses his normal Death Guard as the actual Death Guard choices. The Pre-Heresy Death Guard he uses as normal Chaos marines bearing a mark of Nurgle. These guys represent Death Guard who (due to the time distortions in the Warp) are not fully transformed into the death guard we know today and are only just starting to be corrupted.


A squad of pre-heresy Death Guard


Death Guard Rhino


Imperial Fists and Death Guard moving to clash in the center of the ice fields


Summoned Demons advancing on 2nd Squad


2nd Squad exiting the Rhino. Melta Gun armed marine destroys Death Guard Predator.


Death Guard advancing on to the field

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Just finished. My Captain for the Second Company.

He was a Black Templar Marshal but I have lots of those guys so he rejoined the 7th legion.

I am on the fence if I like the 2nd company symbol on his left knee pad. The model looked good with a plain knee pad since the rest of the model has a lot of bling on it already. The second company symbol (black area with yellow vertical stripe) is on his left shoulder pad but is partially obscured by the IF symbol. I thought the knee pad would be a good place to put the 2nd company symbol as well.




On to the Mk1 razorback and filling out the rest of 3rd squad.

Plus I found a very old terminator captain (The one with the aux. grenade launcher on the power fist for those ancient players like me who may remember the model) that I am putting on the newer bigger bases and see how he paints up.

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Here is my Mk 1 Razorback. Las/plas type. Glad they brought it back in the latest codex. Usable again.


This was the first 40k vehicle I purchased, some 18 years or so ago. Freshly repainted in IF colors.

I kind of rushed the paint job but, Meh, only going for table top quality anyway. Good enought to get back on the board and fight.

I plan to use this one as my transport for my command squad when I get that up and running.

Next up will be finishing out 3rd squad and starting on my old Mk 2 landspeeder.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I always love it when I see those old models painted up and brought back to the battlefield to prove their mettle among all these new shiny things.


I've been able to get my hand on a few of the old models myself, most notably an old Rhino and a Predator plus a old 2nd gen squad Grey Hunters. They perform well in every battle they've been fielded in thus far. I guess it is all that old school white metal that makes the magic.. :P


Good work on your IF mate! And cool battle pictures as well. And your brother have som nice looking Death Guard!

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Thats some awesome restoration your doing on those models brother. Damn shame your US based as i had a load of old mk1 rhinos that i ended up trading for mk2 stuff. Saying that i think i still have an old RT dread kicking about some where that i might give a repaint and a new lease on life
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Thats some awesome restoration your doing on those models brother. Damn shame your US based as i had a load of old mk1 rhinos that i ended up trading for mk2 stuff. Saying that i think i still have an old RT dread kicking about some where that i might give a repaint and a new lease on life


Ha, do it. It's always nice when you can put out a model on the table that could be older than someone you are playing against.


The old faithful models deserve some love and to see table top war again. Whiles love and use the new models its a great conversation piece when you have a really old model mixed in with your army. I like sneaking in an old plastic marine or two in a squad of newer marines.

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  • 1 year later...

Anyone remember this old model?

He is going to be my second company captain when he decides to wear terminator armor.




I love getting use out of my old models

Of course he is barely bigger than my captain in power armor but oh well. Still cool to rock the old metals.

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  • 2 weeks later...


The flash made this look a little brighter yellow and washed out the grey trim on the shoulder pads a bit.

This poor thing has been sitting on my desk for far too long.

While my Imperial Fists are 2nd company my brother came up with a good idea.

My plan is to use up all my old models then add new until I have a complete 2nd company.

It would look odd to have two complete assault squads on the table and have assault vehicle manned by the same squads.

So following my brother's example I am going to have all bikes, speeders ect... come from a reserve company. I chose the 8th. The grey on the shoulder pads looks pretty good but the photo makes it look white.

Oh well, at least another old model recovered, re-purposed and ready for table top war.

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