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Why aren't we using more plasma?

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The mixed narrative and tense made for a confusing description, sorry about that.


To sum it up you could say that because my assault squad had an advantge in both CC and shooting, there was no good exit strategy for his tacticals (ML, MG).

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3x6 Plasma Cannon in HS, 6x3 max in in Troops... you have 10+ Plasma weapons in your EL, FA and HQ? I guess that's possible, but geez that is a lot of points. How the heck would you even kill a Chimera or Wave Serpent?



Lasplas, my man. 12 Lasplas Razors.


Not even a Triwave Storm Raven army stands a chance.

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Lasplas, my man. 12 Lasplas Razors.


Not even a Triwave Storm Raven army stands a chance.


Huh, okay. Guess that's pretty much a win against TEQ armies, but higher AVs must give you fits.


*does some mental math*


Wait, what? I don't think it's possible to afford that even at 2000pts. the LasPlas alone cost you 900. So that's 24 Plasma (assuming you count as two per), plus six from troops and nine from Elites, but I don't think you have enough points to put Plasma on your Long Fangs at that point. Or, uh, buy an HQ.


Erm, this has gotten a little off-topic.




See, the problem I have with the story is that is that you should've been just moving in to assault him in the first place. You're better than he is in assault and you stand a pretty fair chance of just cutting him down before the end of the game- certainly if you had enough time to kill him with Plasma you could kill him in CC faster than that. I suppose there will be some weird circumstances where it will matter, but it's better to focus on your strengths (short-range combat) than to shore up the things you're bad at (long-range combat.) Plasma has its place, but not on ASM as far as I'm concerned- occasionally Tacticals (depending on what the rest of your army does), more often on Honor Guard (if you are really worried about MCs and TEQs.)


Now, it's another thing entirely to say you like Plasma. It's pretty central to my army's fluff, so I try to work some into my lists whenever I can and when it doesn't kill the efficiency ('cause Plasma is kinda expensive), but I'm doing so under the realization that it's a suboptimal choice.

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Huh, okay. Guess that's pretty much a win against TEQ armies, but higher AVs must give you fits.


*does some mental math*


Wait, what? I don't think it's possible to afford that even at 2000pts. the LasPlas alone cost you 900. So that's 24 Plasma (assuming you count as two per), plus six from troops and nine from Elites, but I don't think you have enough points to put Plasma on your Long Fangs at that point. Or, uh, buy an HQ.


We normally play 2500-3500 point games round here, mate. Smaller games are for those too afraid to cut their teeth! ;P


You're right, however. Very off topic.

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