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Building a Chaos army

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I like Khorne and how the berzerkers work in game. I was wondering if fluff wise, the khorne berzerkers could also be.. wel not berzerkers. So you use the rules, but they are not that mad blood loving maniac like stereotype (in your fluff) or does this break with the chaos fluff?


Second i was wondering about this combination fluff wise. There is an Undivided Daemon Prince, who has a small warband at his disposal. Some CSM, a couple of defilers and maybe a dread or 2. He then gets joined by a Tzeentch lord with his terminator bodyguard (1 or 2 squads army list wise) and advices the DP (ofc, in Tzeentch useful way). They make quite a succes and a Khorne Lord wants to tag a long for a bit, with his Berzerker (well not berzerker just Khorne loving killers) retinue.


I'm not a fluff writer or anything, but i do care that my lists reflect a fluff correct situation. I also don't want to say, hey i want everything and just call it Undivided. So help and tips are very much appreciated, since the codex aint much of a help atm :)

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do you mean world eaters? berzerkers have had there brains tweaked to make them super agressive and worship khorne, world eaters are a legion that worship khorne and may or may not all be bezerkers depending on what fluff you read.Its a contentious as theres lots of conflicting fluff.
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I like Khorne and how the berzerkers work in game. I was wondering if fluff wise, the khorne berzerkers could also be.. wel not berzerkers. So you use the rules, but they are not that mad blood loving maniac like stereotype (in your fluff) or does this break with the chaos fluff?


There are some who have made Emperor's Children "Berzerkers". They aren't the lobotomized "KILL! MAIM! BURN!" freaks of the World Eaters, they are just addicted to furious close combat and have taken a combat drug or 20, and Slaanesh is the god of excess in all its forms.


That's just one approach.

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I didn't mean the World Eaters. I was hoping for the possibility to make something not World Eaters, by making the Khorne Berzerkers, Khornate Warriors. Kristoff said that there is idd the possibility to do that, just by thinking a nice story around it (combat drugs).


My other question was about the warband with Undivided, Khorne and Tzeentch elements in it (DP, Lord, and sorcy), with a small retinue each. Fluff wise, it's a bit bigger, and Undivided will form the main force. But i was just wondering if it's Fluff Correct, when Khorne and Tzeentch work together to archieve a common goal (in this case, united under an Undivided DP).



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If you want to use the counts-as then yeah that'd be fine fluffwise but otherwise it wouldn't be very fluffy. Khorne hates Tzeentch almost as much as Slaanesh so unless there was some serious plotting involved, it's doubtful that a Khorny guy would even be able to stay in the same room as a Tzeentchian without charging over and trying to take his skull.
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Tnx i will go for a full Khorne army then, and post my next question in the appropiate forum :). I had the feeling this was going to happen, and i will just resolve in making an allied force of traitor guard with tzeentch marine, to get those, purely for friendly battles.


Tnx a lot again :)

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From a fluff/theme stand-point, you might think about using Khornate Chaos Marines (Chaos Marines with the Icon of Khorne.) They are fill the middle ground between Berzerkers and CSM in that they are blood-thirst devotees of Khorne, but don't have the madness and wanton aggression of Berzerkers. Kind of like a Marine on the path to becoming a berzerker, but not quite there yet.
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I have read different topics on differente forums. If i understand it correctly there is established that not every Berzerker is a World Eater. Does this also mean that not every Khorne Berzerker is a real berzerker? but can apply tactics and stuff.


Antoher question, Khornate CSM (thus ith MOK) how are they to play with? I know way less in cc due to lack of Furious charge, but what else? Or is it then best to go for counts as (normal csm marines, but khorne berzerker rules)? Any other ideas?

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Antoher question, Khornate CSM (thus ith MOK) how are they to play with? I know way less in cc due to lack of Furious charge, but what else? Or is it then best to go for counts as (normal csm marines, but khorne berzerker rules)? Any other ideas?

World Eaters is a Legion. Khorne Berzerkers are a unit type. Not every Berzerker wears the badge of the World Eaters, but every Berzerker is a Khorne Berzerker, and (according to the newest rendition of the fluff) every World Eater is a Berzerker.


Berzerkers are better, of that there can be no doubt, but I think Khornate CSMs are a fun way to find the middle ground between ordinary CSMs and Berzerkers. Tactically, Khornate Marines enjoy the benefits of bolters, special weapons, and retaining the same number of attacks as a Berzerker (which is really good when compared to most other MEQ light-assault units.) They lose out on the killing power and fearlessness, but otherwise bring more tactical flexibility since they can be a gunline unit when necessary.

If you are looking for a Khornate element in your army that has not fully gone over to being Berzerkers, then these are the guys who can properly represent that without needing to 'count as'.

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My other question was about the warband with Undivided, Khorne and Tzeentch elements in it (DP, Lord, and sorcy), with a small retinue each. Fluff wise, it's a bit bigger, and Undivided will form the main force. But i was just wondering if it's Fluff Correct, when Khorne and Tzeentch work together to archieve a common goal (in this case, united under an Undivided DP).


Aaron Dembski-Bowden is doing similar thing so I guess it's fine. ;)


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Talking of the "correctness" of fluff isnt meaningless as such but it can help to make you forget the one true thing when it comes to fluff which is this the YOU are the master when it comes to fluff. Almost anything can be made to work with a bit of "want to" and creativity. Dont chain yourself needlessly :-).


What you write works for me. Just because Khorne doesnt like the old magicko-magacko doesnt mean sorcerors have to get chopped up at every turn and to think so is to have a very narrow viewpoint.

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